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Upcoming Dates!

Date Time Place Other Info
TBA     We've been speaking to several sources about playing more shows very soon!

11/10/00: Dekel on a Bungee Cord, My Generation fill*, For You, Stereophonic**, Rena's Song***, Ohio%

Note: Sensum's first show!
*- Technical difficulties, so Dekel, Shain and Adam filled in with a Who cover.
**- Long December tease
***- Pink Floyd teases: Money, Dogs, Another Brick in the Wall pt. 2
%- CSNY cover

12/8/00: Explosion Jam>Stereophonic*, Explaining Jesus**, Character Zero***, Bungee Cord+>drum solo, For You, Walkaways%, All Along The Watchtower@

Note- Explosion Jam, Character Zero, Bungee Cord, and Watchtower
all featured Casey Cloth on harmonica
*- Long December, In My Life, and Old Man teases
**- Gospel intro, had to be seen to be believed.
***- Phish Cover, plus My Name Is (yes, Eminem) tease
+- Heavy Things tease
%- Counting Crows cover, played by Adam alone
@- Bob Dylan cover, featuring James North-Lewis on drums and Ben Spivak on keys
and back vocal

2/4/01: Character Zero, Mouthful of Cavities fill*, Stereophonic**, Rena's Song%, Bungee Cord, Keep On Rockin' In the Free World$

Note- All songs featured ex-bassist Dan Weisenbluth on bass
Note- Shain played with a cracked rib, and Adam played with the flu
*- Joe broke a string during Character Zero, so Adam filled with a quick Blind Melon cover
**- Waste, Starseed teases
%- Money, Have a Cigar, and Another Brick teases
$- Neil Young cover

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