Krissy - Rob - Mandy

I was at my place of employment on Thursday nite October 13th when I received a call from my friend Krissy. She asked me if I could be down at her house in Maryland on Sunday (I live in Pennsylvania). Why?! I asked, What's wrong?! Are U sitting down she says. No, why? Sit down! she yells, so I sit and she proceeds to say... "MY MOM WON TICKETS TO A ROB THOMAS CONCERT AND MEET AND GREET ON SUNDAY!" What? I say, she repeats, What?!, I say again. Completely dumbfounded, I say... well doesn't your mom want to go? Krissy tells me that her mom would go, but she wants me to go becuz she knows how big of a fan I am. So I scream, I cry, and I try to get thru the rest of the night at work. So Friday, after switching with someone for Sunday at my 2nd job, taking a vacation day for Monday at my 1st job and rescheduling my doctor's appointment, I'm officially going to a Rob Thomas meet and greet. I left for Krissy's house on saturday, a ball of nervous excitement. Thank goodness I only had to wait 1 more day, becuz my nerves had me shaking and feeling sick to my stomach. Sunday we got on the Metro and headed to washington D.C. to the DAR constitution hall. We had to be there at 4:15. There were 3 radio stations there with winners. We all grouped together and Jason (rob's bodyguard) told us that as a special thing, we were gonna get to go into the soundcheck. So we all go in, there was about 25 of us. We all filed into the auditorium and sat in a straight row. Rob greeted us and turned to the band and said "let's do borderline" then he says to us, I don't feel confident enough to do this in front of a full house, but we're all friends here, so they did Madonna's Borderline, it was great, and then they did If You're Gone and Something to Be. After the sound check, Rob says to Jason, I'll be right back, I have to use the restroom and he turns to us and says, Don't worry, I'll wash my hands! LOL, So he comes out, and starts making his way down the line, I'm standing directly in the middle, hanging somewhere between panic, excitement and nausea. So Rob get's to me and he shakes my hand and I tell him my name. I hand him my picture of him that the production lady gave us, and he asks me how to spell my name. He signs my picture "OH Mandy!" (like the barry manilow song, lol) "Much Love, Rob Thomas." So as he was signing my picture I say to him. "I just wanted to say that I have been a fan of yours for 8 years, and your music has inspired me so much, and has helped me through so many things in my life and I just want to thank you for that. And he reaches out, and he hugs me and I'm like thank You so much! and I start to cry a little and he hugs me tighter, it was amazing, he is so kind and generous. So then he starts talking to Krissy and he signs her picture, and we pose for our picture with him and then he turns back to me and hugs me again!! It was incredible. So as he moves on down the line, I sit down next to Krissy and I turn to her and say, I need to leave, I need to cry. I was holding it in so much. So after everyone was done, we all filed back outside and as soon as I hit the outside door, I burst into sobs. Another lady that was inside with us, says, It's ok! I'm a mom, I come prepared. And she hands me a tissue. lol. At this point, most of you are either saying, Wow, what a moron. or wow, that's how I would be. Rob means more to me than I could ever express and if you think that's moronic, that's you deal, but for those of you that get it, It was the best day of my life!