4/30/05 - 9:30 Club - Washington D.C.

Saturday April 30th was the last show on Rob's Solo Tour. The show was in Washington D.C. at the 9:30 club. Myself and my 2 friends, Krissy and Matt left her house in Maryland and drove to the Metro Station nearby. We hopped on the Metro and arrived at the club around 12 - 12:30. We found out that we had just missed Rob, who had been outside. ::frowns::. The day was rainy and gloomy. We passed the time by talking to various members of Rob's band who were walking around outside since their bus was parked right in front of where we were standing in line. Frank, who is the guitarist, was really sweet and I told him that I had seen him in Philly and he asked if I was from Philly and I told him I lived near there. We chatted for about 10 - 15 minutes and I got a picture with him cuz he was so cute. I also got a picture with Abe, the drummer, cuz he was sooo sweet and fun to talk to. Sometime that afternoon, we noticed Rob's bus was backed into an alley near where we were standing. I saw that Jason, rob's bodyguard, was standing there, so I went up to him and asked him to do me a favor and he started acting like I was going to attack him and was hiding behind this girl that was standing there. lol. I asked him to give a letter to Rob from my friend Kristina who lives in Florida and had mailed me the letter to try to give to Rob. Jason said he could do that, but he would have to read it first, he opens the letter and starts pretend reading. "Dear Rob, I want to suck on your toes and I want you to eat my belly button lint, ewwwwwwww" LOL. Of course that's not what the letter said, but Jason's crazy. lol. He said he would give it to Rob and I thanked him. Later that afternoon, we saw a crowd gathering at the alleyway. Matt and I walked over and there was Rob. There was a small barrier set up and a large crowd, so I didn't get to get my picture with Rob (someday!!!!!!!) but matt pushed his way thru the crowd and he managed to get my cd liner signed for me and 2 really great close up pics of Rob. Right before they were about to let us in, they seperated us into 2 lines. Those with Fanclub Tickets and those without. Unfortunately, I didn't have fanclub tickets for this show either. These girls who had arrived after us that day were trying to stand in front of us in line, so I had to get a bit nasty and tell them to stand behind us becuz we were there first. It was kind of petty, but at the time, I was tired and cranky and I just wanted to go in, plus it was the principle of the matter. Just becuz you think you are Rob's number 1 fan and you've been to 6 shows on the tour, does NOT give you the right to butt infront of people in line. Plus they were bragging and flaunting all day, and I was just irritated by them. So anyways.. we got inside and we managed to get pretty close to the stage on the left side, even tho the travel package and fanclub people were already inside ahead of us. We were about 3/4 rows back, standing room. Matt was complaining becuz he had 3 tall people in front of him and didn't have a clear view of the stage, but other than that, everything was going well. Beth Hart took the stage around 8:00. I liked her a lot better the 2nd time. Before she started one of her songs, she welcomed out Frank the guitarist and another member of Rob's band to help her on the song. As the song started, a black backdrop that had been covering Rob's bands keyboard, and drumset was suddenly whisked away to reveal the rest of Rob's band surprising not only the crowd but Beth Hart as well! Around 9 - 9:15, it was Rob's turn to take the stage. He opened with Something to Be. He sang everything that he sang in Philly plus more. During one of the last songs, he made the guy in the back of the club selling merchandise take down the display poster of himself becuz he said it was weird having himself watch himself sing and the Rob in the poster looked like he was not enjoying the show and then he said something like "You don't f***ing impress me Thomas!" It was hilarious. During "I am an Illusion" Rob ran and jumped onto the realllllllly tall speaker that was in front of us on the stage and climbed to the top of it so that he was almost parallel with the balcony and he sang the rest of the song on top of the speaker. It was awesome! He jumped down and the band had a champagne toast since it was the last show on the tour. After the band left the stage, Rob came back for the Encore. It was just him and his guitar. He said..."I was never going to sing this song again, but I love the way the 9:30 club sounds!" He started playing the guitar and I almost had a heart attack. He was playing Time after Time. I got tears in my eyes during this song becuz the words of that song just have so much meaning to the way I feel about Rob. "If your lost, you can look and you will find me, Time after Time... If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting, Time after Time.." Even tho Rob directly hasn't been there, his music is always there and his words and passion have helped me thru so much. He is my light at the end of a dark tunnel. so I got all choked up during that, and then right after that, he went into Push with just himself and the guitar and I started reallly crying then. I was just extrememly emotional seeing him standing there singing the song that first made me fall in love with him and his music. After those 2 songs, the band re-joined him on the stage and they did Smooth. 2 of rob's crew/roadies came out on the stage dressed in grass skirts and coconut shells and were singing in the back with one of the background singers, During the chorus, they kept singing "Rob your sooo smoooooth" It was so funny! They ended with "This is How a Heartbreaks" and after the song was over, Rob was trying to say goodbye to the crowd but the 2 background singer girls kept singing the "O O O OOoo OOOOO's" so the entire crowd joined in and rob laughed and we began a sing along with the left side of the club singing the O's and the right side going "this is how a heartbreaks!!!" it was so cool. After the show, we decided we were gonna stay and try to meet rob if he came out. We waited for almost 2 hours, but rob came out and got right on the bus which was disappointing, but there's always next time. The show was incredible and Jason told me that he will probably be doing another tour in August, September or October!!

Here are some concert pics of Rob from the 2 shows I went to!