4/26/05 - Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA

Tuesday started out like any other Tuesday for me. I went to work at 7:30 am and did the cash office and took the deposit to the bank. At 9:30 am, I was finished so I told them I was leaving. I picked up Lauren and headed back to my apartment to get Matt. We headed down to Philly and got to the club around 12:00. We were 2nd in line to get in and had a long 8 hours ahead of us til the show started. I was a ball of nerves. I felt like I was going 10,000 directions at once. Rob Thomas is the one celebrity that I just can't keep myself together when I know I am going to be seeing him in a few hours becuz he means so much to me. I had butterflies and felt half sick all day long. As the day progressed we made numerous trips to the bathroom in a diner that was about a 6 block walk in Philly, we played card games and listened to Rob's cd and Matchbox cd's on my portable cd player which was lovingly named the PRD (portable Rob device). We found out that the people who had fan club tickets were going to get to go in before the rest of the crowd. This was very dissapointing to my friends and I since we had been there all day and were 2nd in line, and especially becuz I was a dumb head who let her fan club membership run out and didn't get fan club tickets. My friends Deb and Beth told me that they had an extra wrist band that I could have that would allow me to have fan club entrance with them. I was so excited!!!!!! I felt bad becuz I would be leaving 2 of my best friends outside, but they knew how important Rob is to me and what an awesome opportunity this was for me. We found out that they were taping a promo video that day for ESPN for the NBA finals and the fanclub members who got to go in early were going to be a part of it and would probably be on TV! At about 6:45, they let us all in and a production manager man told us that we had to act like it was a real concert and we were energetic and having a good time, yeah like we had to act! They played "this is how a heart breaks" with just the band and not rob. It was funny to dance around and scream to just a band and back up singers but it was fun. Then Rob came out and said hello to all of us and he sang the same song another 2 times. When he first appeared on the stage, I just lost it and started crying, but I had to make myself stop, cuz i was like, you can't cry, your gonna be on tv!! There were 2 camera men on stage filming the band and Rob and us in the crowd! Rob left the stage to go to his meet and greet and then the band played the song another time and we were finished. After it was over, I called Matt and told him where I was standing and to try and find me as soon as he got in. Lauren and him were the first through the door of the non- fan club ticket holders. They found me right away and made there way through 2 rows of people to where I was standing. At 8'oclock, Beth Hart took the stage. She was pretty good, but not really my type of music. I was so ready to see Rob perform that I couldn't really listen to her anyway. Rob took the stage at 9:00. He opened with "Something to Be" Then he sang "fallin to pieces" which is my least favorite song, but it was ok live. He sat down at the keyboard and sang 3am and Ever the same. Also from the album he sang Lonely no more, I am an illusion, when the heartache ends, Problem girl and streetcorner symphony. Before he started When the heartache ends, he was like ok. This song starts in G minor which means it's a very serious song, and he kinda hit some keys on the keyboard and was like, see how serious that sounds! lol it was so cute. He did 2 new songs that aren't on the album. Not just a women and you know me. He also sang Dear Joan from the Tabitha's Secret days and he even Did Smooth, which is the song he did with Carlos Santana. The concert was AMAZING. I took lots of great pictures. Rob was wearing this button down black shirt and he had the bottom button unbuttoned and every once in awhile the ceiling fans would blow open his shirt at the bottom. lol. I was like AHHH rob skin. I made friends with the girls standing around me. 4 of them knew me from other matchbox shows I had been to. It was cool. After the concert, we went out back to try and meet him, but the security said he left, and I believed them becuz rob was kinda sick during the show and he had to keep drinking water and spraying his throat with de-FROGger. lol. We went back in and went to the merchandise stand. I got a hotty poster, a keychain and a t-shirt. It was one of the best concerts ever and I love him so much. After all these years, he is still so down to Earth and appreciative of his fans and I love him for that.