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Weird Patch of the Month (October 1997)

4. Slew Madness (For Big SERGE system)

The following  weird patch shows the outstanding slewing possibilities of SERGE's Dual Slope Generators (DSG).

In this patch, DSG1 ,DSG2 and DSG3 are set in an oscillating mode and behave like VCO's: i.e the END pulse outputs are fed back into the  respective TRIG-IN inputs. It should be noted that VCO1 and VCO2 are oscillating in the Audio range: i.e both  RISE and FALL potemtiometers should be set at +/- 1 o'clock. Also,VCO3 is set to a Low Frequency range with a perfect  vibrato of 7hz: i.e a medium RISE (12 o'clock) and a  fast FALL (+/- 8 o'clock).

Next, DSG4, DSG5 and DSG9 are configured as VCF in the Low Pass mode: i.e the RISE  potemtiometers are set at +/-2 o'clock or more, while the FALL potemtiometers are set at  a maximum (5 o'clock).

Then, DSG6 and DSG 7 are configured as Envelope Generators (Attack/Release): i.e RISE potemtiometers at 7 o'clock and FALL potemtiometers set at +/- 9 o'clock.

Notice that DSG7 output is connected to the DSG6 input and  is also fed back into its own VC input (with the processor potemtiometer setting at 9 o'clock): the result is a non-linear envelope . Similarly, DSG6 output is also fed back into its own VC input (with the processor potemtiometer setting at +/- 3 o'clock: the result is a log envelope.

Finally, DSG8 is configured as an Envelope Follower (Detector ): i.e a very fast RISE time and a slow FALL time.