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(Continued from1)...

24 Steps Mini-Sequencer

This is just a simple 24 steps sequencer..

S1 to S24 : 24 Knobs, to select the DC voltages for each step (A red LED located on the top right of the knob shows when the step is activated)!

G1 to G24 : 24 ON/OFF Switches, to select the Gate output for each step (RI and BD Percussion accents).

Clock input :: Selector switch for setting the kind of clock needed .

CYC S: One-shot push-on switch for automated "cycle RST ".

RST S: One-shot push-on switch for manual RST.

Out: Push-on switch selecting the normal output (Out) or inverted sequence output (Out-1).

Mode : Toggle switch to select Binary Sequencer (Bin) or Mini-Sequencer (Seq)

Note: It is best to manually reset (RST) the module before switching from BIN to SEQ and vice-versa, because the two sequencers are set in parallel and share the same pots!.


Seedable Probability Generators (A-B)

Module Name:             LP-Rnd

Version  :         1.3


Date Created:              July 14, 2004


Author:            Lance Putnam




Description:      Just a simple seedable random module.



Gate                Upon a positive zero crossing, the module will 

                        output a random number.


Level               The range of random values.

                        0V - 10V -> [0V] - [-5V,5V]


Seed                Seed value of internal random number generator.  It will

                        assign a random seed if set to 0.


Plant                Reinitialize the random number generator with current

                        seed value.  Not applicable if seed=0.



Output             The random value.




In a nutshell, the seed determines the specific sequence of random numbers

that are output on successive gate signals.


If you are using a seeded sequence of random numbers you can restart the

sequence by sending a gate to the 'CYCLE' input.



Probability Generator A

A(x)Sd :  Knob to set the percentage of probability seed.(0=Full randomness, 12 o’clock= 50% randomness,  5 o’clock no randomness).

A(z)Lev : Bias Output level (Range) of the algorithmic generator.

Cyc : One-shot push-on switch for automated "cycle" RST (Plant Reset).

Rst (Plant): One-shot push-on switch for manual RST of the algorithms.

Clock input : Selector to switch the types of clock inputs (Clock, Dividers (D1,D2,D3;D4), Gate Arrays (GA1, GA2),KB, C or D).

Out : Push-on switch to select the type of outputs : A,A-1, Math, Math-1, Auto, Auto-1).(Default=A)


 Probability Generator B

B(y)Sd :  Knob to set the percentage of probability seed.(0=Full randomness, 12 o’clock= 50% randomness,  5 o’clock no randomness).

B(t)Lev : Bias Output level (Range) of the algorithmic generator.

Cyc : One-shot push-on switch for automated "cycle" RST (Plant Reset).

Rst (PLANT): One-shot push-on switch for manual RST of the algorithms.

Clock input : Selector to switch the types of clock inputs (Clock, D1,D2,D3;D4, Gate Arrays GA1 and GA2, C, D)

Out : Push-on switch to select the type of outputs (B, B-1, Math, Math-1, Auto, Auto-1).(Default=B!).

Note : The A and B  outputs can be further processed to include mathematical expressions to fit your needs (the default expression is (x+y)*(z+t). In that case, the pots labelled x,y,z and t will influence the output (set output switches to Math, Math-1)

 A+B Math window : Use this screen to type in your own Math expressions, but you have to respect the format!)



Henon Chaotic Generator

Author: Lance Putnam

Description: The Henon equation, discovered by Michel Henon, is a model of the
orbits of stars around their galaxies.

Henon Equation:
x(n+1) = 1 + y(n) - a * [x(n)]^2
y(n+1) = b * x(n)

The equation exhibits both chaotic and periodic behavior depending on the
initial values of x and y and the two constants, a and b. This makes it
well suited for algorithmic composition and other musical applications.

So, if you ever wanted to make genuine space music, here's your chance.

INPUTS : Gate - Upon a positive zero crossing, the module will
do another another iteration of the equation. This
will only work if the module is in 'Gated' mode.

Reset - Start iterating over again at x0 and y0. Works on
positive zero crossing.

x0 - Initial x value. Any change will cause a 'Reset'.

y0 - Initial y value. Any change will cause a 'Reset'.

a - The constant 'a' in the Henon equation. Any change will
cause a 'Reset'.

b - The constant 'b' in the Henon equation. Any change will
cause a 'Reset'.

Mode - Switch between 'Continuous' and 'Gated' mode.

'Continuous' mode will iterate at the sampling rate you
are working with (e.g. 44.1 kHz).

'Gated' mode will iterate upon receiving a gate signal.

OUTPUTS: x - This is x(n+1) in the Henon equation.

y - This is y(n+1) in the Henon equation.

PARAMS : Normalize - When 'On' the outputs will be normalized to a
max/min value of +5V/-5V, respectively.

When 'Off' output is normal values.

Notes: You are probably wondering "What is this thing good for?!" Here are some

- Use in 'Gated' mode in conjunction with LFOs for algorithmic composition.
Control the pitch of notes with x and the volume or some other parameter
with y. You can also hook up an LFO to 'Reset' to play the same melody

- Set to 'Continuous' mode and create some strange periodic noises by
playing around with a and b. Great for industrial type sounds,
car engines, screeching, etc.

- Use an oscillator to trigger the gate at audio rates. This will give you
pitchable noise and other effects.

The behavior of the Henon Map basically falls into 4 categories:

1. Chaotic - generates noise and periodic noise

2. Periodic - generates tones

3. Fixed or steady-state - comes to rest after a certain amount of

4. Unbounded - output goes to infinity (both outputs will go to zero
if this happens)

**My suggestion is that you play around with a and b to get the behavior you
want and then change x0 and y0 to make slight modifications/permutations.

Hen (x): Initial x0 value. Any change will cause a 'Reset'.

Hen (y): Initial y0 value. Any change will cause a 'Reset'.

Hen(z) : The constant 'a' in the Henon equation. Any change will
cause a 'Reset'.

Hen(t) : The constant 'b' in the Henon equation. Any change will
cause a 'Reset'.

CYC: One-shot push-on switch for automated "cycle" RST (Plant Reset).

Xbias : Selector to switch between the type of outputs : X,X-1, Math.

YBias: Selector to switch between the type of outputs : Y,Y-1, Math-1.

Clock input : Selector to switch the types of clock inputs (Clock, C,D, D1, D2,D3,D4, KG, Gate Arrays GA1, GA2)

HenOut : Selector to switch the types of outputs (Out, Out-1)

Henon+MATH (Use the text input screen to type in your own math expressions)

Note : The Henon  outputs can be further processed to include mathematical expressions to fit all your needs (the default expression is (x+y)*(z+t). In that case, the pots labelled x,y,z and t will influence the output (set output switch to Math, Math-1). By default the generator is set internally to “Gated input”. You can change it to “continuous” on the internal module itself, but beware : this state might overload your system!

Seedable Probability Algorythm For Random Gates (C-D)

Module created by Mr.Lance Putnam

Gate Upon a positive zero crossing, the module will
decide whether to pass on the gate signal depending
on the probability.

p The probability that the gate signal will be passed to
the output. 0V-10V = 0% - 100%

Seed : Seed value of internal random number generator. It will
assign a random seed if set to 0.

Plant (RST) Reinitialize the random number generator with current
seed value. Not applicable if seed=0.

Output The gate signal passed on.

Seeding is useful if you want to repeat the same set of probabilities. In a
nutshell, the seed determines the specific sequence of random numbers that
make the decisions for the probabilities.

If you are using a seeded sequence of probabilities you can restart the
sequence by sending a gate to the 'Plant' input.


CProb / DProb : Knobs used to set the probability seeds.

CSeed /D Seed: Seed value of internal random generator.

Cyc : One-shot push-on switch for automated "cycle RST " (Plant Reset).

RST : One-shot push-on switch for manual RST of the algorithms.



11SH : Knob setting the Sample & Hold initial frequency.

PW : Knob setting the Sample & Hold Pulse-Width for all waveforms, except noises.(This knob affects the tempo of the S&Hold.

Pha : Knob setting the phase of the Sample & Hold (for all waveforms except noises).

S&HLev : Knob setting the Sample & Hold output level (Range).

Cyc :  : One-shot push-on switch for automated "cycle RST " .

Sync/Unsync : Push-on/off switch for Gate syncing/unsyncing (default is sync ON).

ClockSync : Switch Selecting which clock will soft sync the S&H (Clk, Step, Div,KG, Gate Arrays GA1 and GA2, C, D)

Sync Division : switch selecting the division of the ClockSync by a factor of n (from 1 to 8)

LED : Led showing the Sync division state.

Waveforms : Selector switch to select the different waveforms (Analog input).

Clock input : Selector switch to select the clock input (Logic input)

S&H Out: Push-on switch for selecting the output mode : OUT / OUT-1(Default is Out).



MClock: Knob for setting the Master Clock initial frequency.

Cycle : Knob for setting the automated 'cycle reset' impulse for various modules reset.(Seq, A-B-C-D Probability Gen., Henon Gen.).

Note :By default, the clock has been set to Hz, but you can change it internally to BPM!

Rst: One-shot push-on switch for the Master Clock manual RST..

As said earlier, Tacsynth is a monophonic synth by design. However, one can achieve complex polyrhytmic rhythms by using a combination of sophisticated divisions of the master clock!

Master Clock Pulse length settings : The pulse lengtht of the master clock can be set to PL1 (Fast), PL4, PL8 or, PL16 (very slow) prior to entering the Main Dividers 1-4 and 5-8 (This is only operative when all dividers are set in Clock mode)! 

PL1-2 Mode : a selector switch can select a frequency modulation of the pulse length by LFO9 and/or LFO10 (Default is PL)

Master Clock Main Divider (In 1-2) : Selector to switch between two functions : the Master CLK  (according to settings of Pulse length PL1 to 16) or CLK : n (this division slows down the clock from 1/4th to 1/96th of the clocks fundamental frequency,before entering the dividers D1 and D2!


D1:  (Top Left): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or Division of the clock by n (Div).

D2: (Bottom Left): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or  Division of the clock by :n (Div)

Div1 by n: Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D1 by a factor of n

Div2 by n : Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D2 by a factor of n.


Master Clock Main Divider (In 3-4) : Selector to switch between two functions : the Master CLK (according to settings of Pulse length PL1 to 16) or CLK : n (this division slows down the clock from 1/4th to 1/96th of the clocks fundamental frequency ,before entering the dividers D3 and D4!


D3 (Top Right): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or Division of the clock by n (Div).

D4 (Bottom Right): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or Division of the clock by n (Div).

Div3 by n: Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D3 by a factor of n

Div4 by n : Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D4 by a factor of n.



OUT1 (Top Left) : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D1 is mixed (ORed) into the output Gate Array GA1.

OUT2 (Bottom Left) : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D2 is mixed (ORed) into the output Gate Array GA1..

OUT3 (Top Right) : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D3 is mixed (ORed) into the output Gate Array GA1.

OUT4 (Bottom Right) : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D4 is mixed (ORed) into the output Gate Array GA1.

C: When activated (green light is ON) the processed output of probability gates C is mixed (ORed) into the output Gate Array GA1.

LED :  A red LED under the C selector shows the rhythm of generator C.

GA1 : Gate Array of mixed Outputs D1 to D4, which are sent to all Envelope Generators gate inputs.


Master Clock Main Divider (In 5-6) : Selector to switch between two functions : the Master CLK (according to settings of Pulse length PL1 to 16) or CLK : n (this division slows down the clock from 1/4th to 1/96th of the clock's fundamental frequency!


D5:  (Top Right): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or Division of the clock by n (Div).

D6: (Bottom Right): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or  Division of the clock by :n(Div).

Div5 by n: Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D5 by a factor of n

Div6 by n : Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D6 by a factor of n.


Master Clock Main Divider (In 7-8) : Selector to switch between two functions : the Master CLK (according to settings of Pulse length PL1 to 16) or CLK : n (this division slows down the clock from 1/4th to 1/96th of the clock's fundamental frequency!


D7 (Top Right): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or Division of the clock by n (Div).

D8 (Bottom Right): Selector to switch between initial clock frequency(Clk) or Division of the clock by n (Div).

Div7 by n: Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D7 by a factor of n

Div8 by n : Selector switch to set the clock’s division of D8 by a factor of n.



OUT5  : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D5 is mixed (ORed) into the output array Gates GA2.

OUT6 : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D6 is mixed (ORed) into the output array Gates GA2..

OUT7 : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D7 is mixed (ORed) into the output array Gates GA2..

OUT8 : When activated (green light is ON) processed output D8 is mixed (ORed) into the output array Gates GA2

D: When activated (green light is ON) processed output of probability gates D is mixed (ORed) into the output array Gates GA2.

LED :  A red LED under the D selector shows the rhythm of generator D.

GA2 : Gate Array of mixed Outputs 5 to 8, which are sent to all Envelope Generators gate inputs.


Rhythm selection :

For Example: To obtain a rhythm in ¾ :

1)      Set the D1 switch to Div.

2)      Set Div1:n to 3.

3)      Set the D2 switch to Div

4)      Set Div2:n to 4

Evidently, try to combine other divisions to obtain very complex rhythms.

Low frequency oscillators (LFO)

Vib : This Lfo is preset internally to 6.5 Hz and sent to each individual VCO (Vibrato) :it is not accessible from the patchboard!

9Lfo : Knob to set the initial frequency of Lfo9 (range is -10 to 0V)

9PW : Pulse-Width of LFO9.

9OUT: Level output of LFO9

9Waveforms :Selector switch to define the waveform of LFO9.

Output: Selector switch to define the type of outputs : (Default=Out) or inverted output (Out-1).

9Sync10 : When activated (light is ON), LFO 10 is synced to LFO9 fundamental frequency .

9FM>10 : When activated (light is ON) the level output of LFO9 controls the frequency of LFO10.


10Lfo : Knob to set the initial frequency of Lfo10 (range is -10 to 0V)

10PW : Pulse-Width of LFO10.

10OUT: Level output of LFO10

10Waveforms :Selector switch to define the waveform of LFO10.

Output: Selector switch to define the type of output (Default= Out) or inverted output (Out-1).

10FMClk: Toggle switch to send LFO 10 output to Frequency modulate (FM) the Master Clock’s Initial frequency.



SN: Sensitivity Knob for the Snare drum noise input.

D: Envelope Decay of snare drum.

Color: Timbre color of snare drum

Gn : Gain of snare drum output.

Mode: Knob setting the snare drum control inputs (HH, C, D)

PercGn: Knob setting the Percussions Master Gain output.

RST: One shot switch for manual Reset.

BD (Bass drum kick) input Level knob.:  

BD Color : knob for selecting the BD initial frequency (Default is 12 o'clock)

BD SEQPi : knob for selecting the BD frequency bias by Seq pitch (Default is OFF =7 o'clock)

BD input modes: Selector to select between SN, RI, K4(4 Beats),GA1,SEQG or -(nothing)

BD Gn: Gain output Knob.

RI: Sensitivity Knob for the Ride Cymbal noise input.

D: Envelope Decay of Ride cymbal.

Color: Timbre color of Ride Cymbal

Gn : Gain of ride cymbal output.

RI DivA: Ride cymbal first Divider by n

RI clock input : Selector to select the clock input (RI, D1+D2, HH, C, D, Sequencer individual gates =SEQG (The default is RI)

RI DivB: Ride cymbal second Divider by n


: Sensitivity Knob for the High-Hat Cymbal noise input.

D: Envelope Decay of Hi-Hat cymbal

Color: Timbre color of High-Hat cymbal.

Gn : Gain of High-Hat cymbal.

HH DivA: High-Hat first Divider by n.

HH clock input : Selector switch  to select the clock input (HH, D1+D2).

HH DivB: High-Hat second Divider by n.


M.I.D.I  (Not all functions are available!)

Midi to CV/Gate is enabled internally on MIDI to CV module!

MIDI Channel 1 is set internally as default.

Mono mode is set internally by default.

Retrigger is set internally by default

Keyboard : A  M.I.D.I  touchboard is located under the main patchboard!

Note: External keyboard CV input is selected with VCO’s rotary switch ( 5 o’clock), while the Keyboard Gate (KG) is selected at the envelopes gates inputs.




-Bias+: Knob for selecting the DC range of the two individual joysticks X and Y

Master X/Y Joystick (Center spring = 0 volt!)

VCO1-4 : Push ON/OFF Switch for applying a bias DC voltage to VCO 1-4 initial frequency.

VCO5-8 : Push ON/OFF Switch for applying a bias DC voltage to VCO 5-8 initial frequency.

VCF : Push ON/OFF Switch for applying a bias DC voltage to all VCF's initial frequency

Clk : When activated (ON) the –Bias+ knob controls the clock frequency.

JOY X (Left) : DC Bias -/+ Volt Knob for  various function controls (stretching the envelope Attack level(A) or Decay (D), S&H and LFO9 inputs (the functions have to be activated= ON).

JOY Y (Right): DC Bias -/+ Volt  Knob for various function controls (stretching the envelope Sustain level (S) or Release (R), Rectifiers and LFO 10 inputs (the functions have to be activated= ON).

T- : One shot push-on switch for momentarily disabling the Master Clock.

T+ : One shot switch for manual triggering of envelope generators.



Select an unused patch number in the bank!  Proceed in building your patch with the modules you want.. Tweak your sounds with great care! Once you have set-up the sounds you want, you can save all knobs and switches positions in the patch programmer. To do that, click on File copy + patch number! .


To respect the Synthedit philosophy, the whole structure of the synth has been put inside a container. To get to this container page, minimize all screens (patchboad, structure) .

I have added a Reverb module for Reverberation effects : you can delete it if you don't need it!


Are you interested in trying this mono synth prototype configuration?
<>and I will send you a copy of the source file.
