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Putumayo Presents...AFRICA
Various Artists
Africa is where it all began. Blues, jazz, gospel, rock & roll, rap, zydeco, samba, salsa... most of today’s popular music has deep roots in the rhythms, instruments and traditions of Africa.

The creativity has never stopped; Africa remains home to one of the most vibrant and influential music scenes in the world.One cannot overstate the influence Africa has had on music of the world. Jazz, blues, rock and roll, gospel, salsa, samba, funk, hip-hop, reggae, zydeco, zouk-the list of genres which have roots in African music is endless. Africa is home to a myriad of styles, and it remains one of the most creative places for music on the planet.

Tradition still plays an important role in today's African music, yet increasingly influences from around the world are making themselves heard. Ironically, many of the foreign music styles that have been most influential on today's African music have African origins. They are merely long lost relatives returning home. You will hear echoes of jazz, reggae, hip-hop, funk and salsa in the songs included on this collection.

Some of the artists here have made such an impression on us, that we decided to sign them to our label. Oliver Mtukudzi from Zimbawe, Sam Mangwana and Ricardo Lemvo from the Congo, and Habib Koite' from Mali are Putumayo Artists in North America and certain other international territories, and they each reveal the beauty and depth of their diverse cultures through their music. Once you have listened to Africa we hope you are inspired to explore further the richness and variety of African music.-Jacob Edgar

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