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The Mycoclonic Twitch
(Half Pie/BMG)
Feisty Wellington punk rock four-piece Brubeck, have released their debut full length album, no doubt to the delight of their numerous live fans. It has tight professional production thanks to Peter Jamison (ex Southside of Bombay) and is released by Half Pie Recordings through Shock, who seem to be flying the punk flag this year, distributing Sommerset as well.

The Myoclonic Twitch exhibits a distinguished, clean-cut punk rock band with a lot of class. It compromises 20 neck-breaking, horse-racing punk rock melodies (the album comes in at a total of only 33 minutes!), edged with conviction and emotion. They manage to say a lot in a little time, the theme of the album being to break out of your dream state and do something, reflected in the title song and 'Head Honcho'.

Riffed out guitars, melodic vocal lines, toe-tapping drum beats and a mixture of thought provoking lyrics and a wild sense of humour make this another fine addition to the local punk scene.
Alice Moult-NZ Musician Magazine

Click on album image to see larger album cover
