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"I believe that life is a wonderful journey of mystery and discovery and that we are incredibly fortunate and privileged to be here. Every moment of life is a special moment and is filled with special things.

To be able to experience with all our being the magnificence of life in each and every new moment as if that moment was all that existed, is for me the vitality of human life.

My music is an expression of feeling very deep within me that we as individual beings are genetically linked to everything else in the universe. That each of us is an integral part of a everything that is now, that ever was and ever will be.

There are components within my music that relate to this point of view, the slow tempo and the soft texture, the colourful melodies and the visual ambience, and the presence of the natural sounds of nature.

I produce my music through the medium of music synthesizer technology. I believe there is great potential as yet to be realised for the music synthesizer as a recording and performance instrument...

Performing my music live is one of my favourite activities. Through live performances I get to meet many of my listeners and hear their comments. I have performed at many different types of venues to wide and varied audiences. I am always touched by the warm response and the appreciation shown to me. - thank you. My background and influences in music range from classical to pop as long as I can remember music has always been with me - and I can remember back a long way." Jeff Clarkson

Songbird features the sounds of native NZ birds. A beautiful gentle ambience for healing, meditation and creative work. Songbird also features a track called 'Rainbow Forest', perfect for energy balancing.

Click on album image to see larger album cover
