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Inky Bloaters
(Awesome Records)
Danielle Dax' members comprise of Danielle (all vocals, guitars, keyboards, flute, sitar, Kalimba, percussion and drone guitar), David Knight (guitars, tapes, keyboards, percussion and drone guitar), and Ian Sturgess (guitars, bass, harmonica, Jews harp and percussion). Danielle is an art major, and one amazing composer. Her style is the psychedelic side of pop, and lyrically up there with Frank Zappa.

My favourite tracks off Inky Bloaters are 'Sleep Has No Property', that features some amazing distorted guitar playing in its almost two minute outro. 'Bad Miss M' has got to be a piss take at country music. Danielle injects some pseudo Southern twang into the song that contains some rather abstract lyrics. 'Big Hollow Man' is about child abuse, and Danielle's personal take on religion. "Brimstone In A Barren Land' is possibly a comment on male dominance in the Middle East. 'Fizzing Human Bomb' has Danielle again having a go at the male ego.

Don't let any of this lyrical content put you off, as you would be missing out on one of rock music's real treasures. I don't know what Danielle is doing these days, but sadly she seems to be in retirement. The pop industry didn't know where to categorise her, and that is so frustrating for them, and the artist. Her creativity is way beyond any current pop artists on the scene today. Maybe when everyone has had their fill of Britney, Robbie and the Backstreet Boys we will see Danielle resurface. Let's hope it happens real soon.

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