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Love Song & Voice Of The Wind
(Good News/One Way/Chuck Girard)
Then: Love Song Welcome Back
In the early 70's, during the beginnings of what became known as the "Jesus Movement," a group of young, long-haired, bearded musicians, desiring to express their new-found faith in Jesus Christ through music, formed a band called Love Song. Using a mixture of folk, rock, pop, and country, Love Song's music was entirely new and unique for the Christian music world.

The music was fresh, sometimes radical, and yet, truly inspirational for a generation of young people searching for truth and it blazed the path for what we know today as 'contemporary Christian music.' Many called them the Christian "Beatles" at that time and their 1972 debut album is now considered a true classic, voted the #7 contemporary Christian album of all time by CCM magazine.

Now: Chuck Girard comments regarding Voice Of The Wind:
"This project is the realization of a dream I have had in my heart for 10 years. I have long wanted to produce an album of worship oriented material that captured the feel and spiritual intensity of an actual worship service, but was then augmented with the same production values with which we would make a regular pop album. The live portions were recorded on an Alesis 8-track DAT machine, and then transferred to 2 inch analog 24 track tape, partially for a warmer sound, but also to give us tracks for overdubs. Musicians were brought in and encouraged to play without rehearsal to the tapes as if they were ad-libbing in a concert environment. Later, the performances were weeded down and chosen for specific impact to the overall experience."

"When you sit in one of my services, you may be caught up in the anointing of the moment, and the music becomes secondary to the whole experience. However, in listening to a tape or CD, the experience is purely audio, and the palpable sense of God's presence in a live service, which is augmented by the audience and the live atmosphere would not necessarily be able to be duplicated, especially on repeated listenings. I wanted to make a worship album that would not only be anointed, but would be enjoyable on the musical level, even if the listener was not involved spiritually."
(Chuck Girard)

Click on album image to see larger album cover

Love-Song Chuck-Girard