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About the Goddesses

-Leslie- -Sarah- -Jayla- -Miriam- -Ric- Rachel- -Tami-


Goddess name: Iris.. goddess of the rainbow baby!

Home State: Texas.. thus my nick name Texas.. *winks at Tami*

Star Sign: On the exact cuspus of gemini and taurus.. I prefer being a gemini.

About me:
Let's see.. I am 15, and I live in Texas. (DUH) I am totally into the arts. You know theatre, writing, singing, you name it, I love it. I spend my free time writing, running, working out, dancing, acting, singing, shopping, the normal teenage thing. I dance all the time. I swear, I do not walk through my house.. I dance through my house! You'll find me doing pirouettes (SP?) in the school hallways and at the mall. I am a Christian, and I love hanging out with my church people. (Thank goodness for the cute boys) I am a boy- crazy flirt who talks louder everytime Adam walks by. I love Care Bears and My Little Pony.
(Oooh I found just the shirt for you, Les!!) Yes, I am an 80s child. I cuss too much, and I stick my tongue out a lot. I have a huge array of friends, and right now, I love life. I'm a total girly girl. I can not go anywhere without make- up. I have to have my nails and toenails painted at all times, and I wear Cucumber Melon body splash.. uh, what else? ooh, I loove glitter and stuff. I am a vegeterian who only loves the boyband N Sync. Besides them, I like Alanis Morisette, Beth Orton, Britney Spears (i LiKE MUSiC YOU CAN DANCE TO BUT I DO NOT LiKE HER AS A PERSON), Hanson (SHUT UP NOW! hehe),Moffats, Hole, Nine Inch Nails, Veritcal Horizon, and my country music. Go Garth!!

The Crew on Les:

She's my Sweets and rare rose. She has beauty like no other person I know. I truly believe she is my soul sister. She creates things in the most beautiful light.

Leslie doesn't let things get her down. She takes a blow and keeps right on going. She is sweet, and lets you vent on her...but it makes you feel really special when she vents to you, too.

Les is the sweetest and funnest and most talented chica- and don't let her think otherwise!! :) She's an amazing friend and an amazing writer. She's great for ideas- I still can't believe what awesome ideas she gives me sometimes.. its like- that's Genius!! And she's great for getting things across. She lives her faith, and lives her life. She's full of spirit and spunk. She just sparkles. She was a born starlet. You watch for her.


Goddess Name: Luna- Goddess of the Night.

Home State: New York

Star Sign: Libra. I balance.

About me:
What to say, what to say? What do I like? Guys- lol. Uhm.. I like mud puddles and biking in the mountains. I love to write, and I love all music... well I'm not very keen on rap, and I'm not really all that thrilled with girl-pop but, otherwise I like it all. My CD collection is pretty interesting.. Alanis, NSync, Jethro Tull, Beatles,Tchaivoksky, Squirrel Nut Zippers, and Jays of Clay.. among others. Suffice to say that I have a varied taste in music. I like Sailor Moon, and *sigh* pokemon. I can't wait for the day He-man hits re-runs on cartoon network. I too am a child of the eighties. I well remember Rainbow Brite, Pound Puppies and the Get-Along Gang. I was a lucky child, I must say. We had *good* cartoons back then. I love play by email roleplay games- mostly Star Trek oriented. I have a huge scifi/fantasy hang up. Among my favorite authors are Terry Pratchett (Thanks to Rando for introducing me to his books), Robin Jones Gunn, Lori Wick, Frank Herbert, Michael Stackpole (We love you Mike! Long live Wedge!),
Charlie Rando, and The Ronin Crew. I'm a first semester sophomore at SUNY Dutchess and I'm taking mostly english and philosophy courses. fun stuff. I leave you with my parting words and my own personal philosophy- in the immortal words of Bill and Ted: Be excellent to each other.

The Crew on Ric

-Luna's my night sister and fellow Jedi knight. hehe. Her bubbly and imaginative personality allows us to connect unlike most people I know. Every conversation I have with her has been dubbed a "Star Wars Adventures" because our random thoughts and fun activities collide into an adventure that entertains us to no end. She's probably one of the most interesting person to talk with just because she's so unpredictable. It's like opening a Cracker Jack box waiting to find the prize. *blushes*


Jeanette- AKA Jayla

Goddess name: Diana-Goddess of Hunt/Moon

Home State: California

Star Sign: Capricorn

About me:
My birthday is January 9, 1983 and I live in the bay area of California. Friends are x-tremely important to me. That is why I value the Crew and Fab Four so much. I consider all of them family and I don't know what my life would be without them. I love *N Sync! I guess you could say that I'm "obsessed" but not over the border line. I feel that I connect with them differently than some people.

I'm all about fun! That's why I consider Joey my "brother." We're both wacky and silly; just all around happy. I love creating nicknames. All the guys have names and if you become friends with me you'll more than likely not be called by your name. hehe. I consider myself creative and I always feel the need to be original cause I don't like everything being the same. I'm the "Random Girl." I can talk about anything, well almost. I easily change subjects of the conversation. :) (She's not kidding) Aside from my happy-go-lucky attitude, I can be really serious; it just depends on what the subject is. When you need a friend, I'm there for you 110%. I'll let you vent, talk your ear off, cry, etc. So would you be my neighbor? lol :)

The Crew on Jayla:

Sometimes I think J is what makes me get up in the morning. She tries to do her best by everyone, and makes everyone feel included in her life. She keeps everyone's spirits up, and understands me so much that sometimes it's a little bit scary. J fights hard for what she believes in, and instills a belief in others that makes them want to fight, too...she is so supportive.

I always can count on Jay to cheer me up. She'll listen to me and then be like well snap out of it! and she'll make me laugh. When I talk to Jay I realize that (if I don't start capitalizing my sentences and I's that Ric is going to murder me?) life is not worth being sad over. I should be happy all the time. She's our spunky, spirited one. She's our chris and joey and lance rolled into one. She sits back and watches a lot too. She likes to princess spat. (this is true!!! VERY true)


Goddess name: Juno. <waves> yes, I am the queen of all goddesses and gods. uh huh. yeah, i know i'm a dead sexy bitch. <erupts into giggles> j/k!

Home State: michigan. boring, boring, boring state. did i mention boring? <points to les> i'm michigan!

Star Sign:  I am a scorpio. just like AD-ROCK from beastie boys! woohoo!

About me:
Okay, let's see. I'm a pretty sincere person. I don't say things unless I mean them. I'm quiet at times, I'm kinda like JC. I just sit back and watch the scene and get a feeling of my surroundings before I jump in and participate. I can be really hyper too if I want. LOL. Sometimes a certain boy can do that to me. I'm pretty laid back. If you want to sum me up in two words, use these: Procrastinator and lazy. lol. But, if I really wanna do not even then. Even then I'm lazy and a procrastinator. (At least she's honest) I'm a tad bit airheaded. (okay, maybe not so honest.) I always find time to talk to somebody, no matter what. I'm a very selfless person. If you need something or want something, chances are I will buy it for you. I spoil my friends. They give me so much, I feel like I need to give back to them. I loooove to write!!! No matter what it is. letters, newspaper articles, stories, journal entries. Anything. I'm a daydreamer, I always daydream. I talk a lot, obviously. I'm a pretty sarcastic person and I laugh a lot. You'll usually see me smiling. I let little things get to me though, and I want to do A LOT with my life, as far as being successful and writing. I think that's about it. Oh yeah! I'm pretty random too. I say random things a lot. I'm going to go out on a whim here and say i'm the JC of the group? I don't know.

The Crew on Tami:

She has a problem with capitalization. *sigh* I just had to fix all her sentences and i's. I LOVE YOU TAMI! Seriously- Tami is just one big ray of sunshine on the crew. She seems to have an eternal smile. She's an awesome person to talk with and will keep you laughing till your sides hurt. She's a sweetie. Yeah, Tami- you just might be our JC. (That of course makes me Chris LOL Just old)

There are not enough words in the universe to describe Tami. She is the sweetest girl ever, and I love her to death. She's blessed my life soo much, and she is a kick ass pen- pal. Tami never ceases to amaze me with her words. She yells at me when I get to be annoying and makes me shed tears of happiness. She's an angel, a princess, a goddess (DUH!) and an awesome friend. I could go on about her until the end of time. Tami will never be replaced by anyone. No one could take her place. She is the sun in the sunless sky. She's a bright light in the darkest night


Goddess name: Venus - Goddess of Love and Beauty

Home State: Connecticut

Star Sign: Gemini

About me: My birthday is June 11, 1984. I'm the founder of the Crew; I put us all together, I guess you could say. I am a very outgoing person; I make friends extremely easily, from anywhere like the mall to the airport. I horseback ride professionally and train for that six days a week. I sing and play the piano, and in my spare time I shop and play basketball. Unlike some of us ::coughcough:: I'm single - and lovin' it. Friends are really important to me, and I adore the entire Crew and the Fab Four.  I am somewhat innocent, and tend to believe a lot of what people tell me. I'm observant. Don't let the Crew fool you - they make me sound so wonderful, but it is they who are the GoDdEsSeS through and through. E-mail me...I love to talk. But then you all knew that, didn't you? I don't talk a lot...I'm just "abundantly verbal". (Don't you love those euphemisms? :p ) I hate obnoxious snobs, being sick and hurting people. I love silly people, making people laugh and Skittles.

The Crew on Sarah:

She provides so much faith in us that she becomes our central support system. She gives until she can't give anymore. Sometimes I think that she believes in us more than we believe in ourselves.

We are alike in more ways than we are different.  I will never be able to thank Sarah enough for saving my life.  When I met her, I had reached a fork in the road that is my life.  I was about to make a choice that would affect me for the rest of my life - I had to choose between the "right" path, or the "wrong" one.  I almost made the wrong choice.  Sarah pulled me back from my decision, and taught me innocence again.  She has always been there for me, always.  She has seen me win and lose, cheer and cry. 


Goddess name: Espera - Goddess Of Dusk

Home State: Connecticut

Star Sign: Gemini

About me: My nicknames are Mir, Mirs, Spree(from J) & Espirit(from Tammers!).  My b-day is June 3rd, 8 days before Sarah's.  My hobbies include: writing/reading, critiquing the Crew's work singing, riding horses, hanging with my friends or boyfriend, doing gymnastics, playing the flute/oboe in band, AOL, 4 - H, editing online zines, creating webpages, & sleeping late.:)  Yup, I'm a busy girl!  Like Sarah, my friends are extremely important to me, I couldn't imagine a life without them.  Unlike some of the Crew, I do have a boyfriend. (Miriam's just lucky, we guess.)  His name is Matt & he is the kind of guy that renews my faith in the male species whenever I need it.:)  Feel free to email me whenever, I absolutely love to talk!  Lol.  One warning - I'm just a *bit* off!  Lol..i enjoy making people laugh and discussing controversial topics - what can I say?  I was born to argue!  I hate obnoxious/ego - centric people, math & gym class, being bored, and being hurt!  I'm your typical Gemini, go figure!!  Oh, by the way, as Britney Spears says, "I'm not that innocent..":) (Can't you leave Brit out of this?! :p )

The Crew on Miriam:

She always tells me the absolute truth no matter what. She can uplift my worst mood and she is always hyper, smiling, and happy. She is as busy as all of us, but still manages to read everything and give us her honest opinion on what she's read. She is the best critic, well next to Jay that is. LOL. It's always a pleasure talking to her and it's always a fun time talking to her. We will talk about nothing at all, but still walk away from our computer's feeling like we just had the awesomest conversation.

Miriam has been one of the people who has stood by me the most. She is always at my horse shows, cheering me on, making sure I know what's going down, and all that. She and I share stories about hot guys, and she lets me cry on her shoulder. *You are the brightest star in my blackest night*

Rachel "Rae"

Goddess Name: Flora

Home State: Connecticut

Star Sign: Sagittarius

About Me: (She'll tell you when she fills this baby out!! Rae... *taps foot impatiently* )

The Crew on Rae:

She's one of the most helpful people I know. If you ask her to do a favor for you, she'll give you more help than you can dream of. She always give the best quality work with whatever she is doing. Her time and energy is spent making those who know her feel special. She goes out of her way to tell you how much you really mean to her. What few things that she does gives me, makes everything so rewarding.

Rae is so caring and sweet.  I remember getting to know her that one fateful summer(when we all met and became good friends), and watching her ride some of the most pain - in - the - butt horses like they were her best friends(you always did amazing on Skylark, Rae, don't believe whatever Rita told u!)  Rae has the sweetest, most innocent spirit I have ever met.  Nothing will even kill that.  She has always been there for me, and is the little sister I wish I had.  She has a great future in store for her, I can see her going to the top in whatever she does!  Rae, I will never forget staying up all night learning those dances.  Everytime I look at a sunrise, I think of you.  You are my sunrises, Rae.