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The Venus Fanfiction Crew is seven fanfiction authors, ranging in age from 14-18. We are all friends, and consider ourselves almost a fanfiction support group. Sarah founded the Crew in January 2000, bringing her sister Rachel into the action. Tami was added, and Leslie and J became involved with Sarah (Tami, Leslie, J and Sarah are also part of Team Elite). Wanting one of her best friends in on the fun, Sarah invited Miriam to join. In March, after reading many of Ric's stories and getting some feedback from Ric on the Crew, Ric was invited to join, rounding out the group to the perfect number of seven.

What makes the Crew special is that we all complement each other, and have different roles. For example, Sarah may run the business/publicity end of the Crew, but Rachel is the world's best fanfiction critic, and she keeps up on all the latest news in the fanfic world. Leslie writes like no other fourteen (almost fifteen!) year old you've ever read, and J keeps up everybody's spirits being her lovely, eccentric self. Miriam...well, there's no words for Mir! She fills out the Crew, writing and reading and talking (nonstop). Tami loves everyone (she's probably the most lovable person you've ever met)...and Ric is the webmaster of the Crew, as well as being one of the strongest writers in fanfic history.

Feedback is really important to all of the members of the Crew. We live for feedback. Really. *How sad is that?* PLEASE e-mail an author (or the whole dang Crew) telling us what you think of a story.

Finally, the Crew is complete. Period. At least for now. All of the members except for Sarah, cause, well, she started it!* have been invited to join (or in some cases, TOLD told they were part of the Crew :P). We ADORE feedback and fans, and will chat with anyone, anytime. But PLEASE don't request to be a part of the Crew. Sarah gets quite a few e-mails asking what people have to do to be a part of the Crew. Here's the answer: you don't have to do anything. Just write, have fun, and when we see someone who looks like a *fabulous* person for the Crew, we'll tell 'em. But beggin', pleadin' and generally asking *especially over and over again* is just plain irritating. We love you, but the Crew is complete.

About The Members Individually


Here are all of our e-mail us anytime!

*Sarah -
*Rachel -
*Tami -
*J -
*Les -
*Ric -'
*Miriam -

LOL 4 out of 7 members of the Crew prefer AOL. scary huh? (go figure)
-ric hehe