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Kiss Me At Midnight-2

    As the last chord resonated over the awe - struck crowd, the stage lights dimmed on Inspired & their dancers.  The occupants of the stage quietly raced for the wing.  Bliss' opening show, a movie playing on the large screens, had already begun, & the girls knew they only had a few more moments to clear the stage before the stage crew would begin to move the concert settings around.  Sarah got to the exit first, followed by Rachel.  Miriam brought up the rear, even the dancers had managed to get off the stage before her.  Grumbling about how much of a pain her boots were, Miriam smiled at the members of Bliss, as they waited for their cue to enter the stage.  Mandy, the mezzo - soprano lead, smiled at Miriam as she ran by.  Samantha & Tarren, the alto & higher mezzo - soprano, were deep in thought, concentrating on the show ahead.  Rhiana, the slightly built soprano, was bouncing up & down, her adrenaline rushing, waiting for the moment that they would be allowed to go on the stage.  She waved as the girls of Inspired passed, then continued bouncing up & down.

    Back in their dressing room, the girls embraced in a huge hug as Sarah, the positive figure in the group, happily squealed.

    "We were AMAZING guys!!!!!  That was sssooo great!!!  I think it was our best show yet!"

    Miriam smiled as they broke from their hug.  As she started pouring drinks for her 2 friends, she said, "Sarah that's taking it a bit far!!  I don't think it was our best show, but it was certainly one of them!"

    Rachel sighed, as she collapsed on the couch, watching the good - natured argument brewing between her best friends.    "Mir, did you see that crowd?  It was awesome!!  They were totally loving it!  I've never seen a crowd like that!"  Sarah smiled, thinking back to the crowd that they had left only moments before.    

"Yea, the crowd was great." Miriam agreed, "But we had more mistakes than some other shows."  Miriam handed Rachel a cup of juice, which her friend eagerly accepted.

    "Aaaww Mir, you are such a critic!  Those mistakes were so small!  Did you see how we wowed the scout?  He was amazed!"  Sarah's good mood could not be dashed by anything Miriam said that night.  Laughing, Miriam agreed, then settled down on the couch with her glass of juice, before handing Sarah a cup.  The room lasped into silence as the girls thirstily drank up the juice.  They knew that they had done an amazing job that night, & now only had to wait for their manager's appraisal of the show.  Tired, they rested in their dressing room, watching Bliss's performance on the tv.  The tv was specially wired to the camera, so they could watch their friends perform live.  Although they had seen Bliss' show many times before, they were still awe - struck at their friends' ability to perform & connect with the audience.  While watching Bliss perform, the girls began to change into post - performance clothes.  Sighing comfortably, Miriam settled back against the couch in her over - sized tee shirt & drawstring "tee - shirt material" pajama pants.  Rachel & Sarah were dressed similarly.  Miriam had almost dozed off when the girls heard a knock on the dressing room door.

    Peeking her head in, Inspired's manager, Lynn Harless, regarded the tired girls with a motherly smile.  Seeing Lynn, the girls immediately jumped up from the couch to greet her.

    "Hi Lynn!"  The girls said, almost in unison.  "Psych!" They cried in unison, repeating until Rachel beat the other two girls at saying it. 

"Psych" was one of the girls' favorite inside jokes, & Lynn smiled as she shook her head, while she watched Inspired goof off.  She had been managing them for most of their careers, & had grown to love them as her " second daughters".

    "Come on girls, down to business." Lynn ordered gently, & the girls, happy to comply, bounced onto the couch.  Lynn sat on one of the chairs near the food table.  "First off, great job tonight!  You are really starting to connect with the audience!  They loved you out there.  I have good feelings about this talent scout; you gave him a good show to judge you on.  Overall, it was a good show, but you guys did have a few mistakes.  Mir, sweetie, you almost missed your first cue, but that wasn't too evident.  You guys messed up one step in "Waiting For Ya", but I'm proud of how quickly you got back on track; the mistake was barely noticeable.  Other than that, you had a few small mistakes, one or two wrong notes & a few bad steps, but it looked great overall!  I'm so proud of you guys tonight!  Well, I'll let you get some rest now.  Remember to be ready to run when Bliss gets off the stage, I don't need you getting mobbed by fans tonight.  After a show like this, they will be all over you guys.  I'll make sure someone comes to get you five minutes before Bliss is finished."  Lynn stood up & gave each girl a hug before heading towards the door.  "Bye girls.  I'll see you tomorrow night."  Lynn opened the door.  "Oh yes," she said, recapturing the girls' attention.  "I have good news about your first single!  "No Strings Attached" is #35 on the 'Billboard Hot Singles' chart!  It's flying up the countdowns too.  You guys should be very proud.  I know I am!"  Lynn shut the door, after taking one last look at the startled, amazed looks on her young clients' faces.  Lynn knew she'd had a good feeling about the girls of Inspired when she signed them, but she never thought that they would be accepted in the music business so fast.  The girls were truly phenomenal!

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