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Chapter 3

One Month Later - November 20, 1999

Sarah ran to her cell phone & picked it up on the third ring, breathless."Hello?" Sarah asked, sucking in gulps of air. Smiling, she responded tothe person on the other end of the line.

"Hi Lynn! How are you?" At Lynn's response, Sarah's whole face light up as a smile stretched from one ear to the other.

"Really?? Oh my gosh!! That's great! I can't believe it!! Wow, this is amazing!"

At Sarah's first squeal, Miriam looked up from her laptop, with a questioning look on her face. Sarah responded with a look that said 'I'll tell you in a minute.' She continued her conversation with Lynn.

"Ok, so I'll talk to Mir & Rae, & you will get back to me about the meeting right?"  At the mention of a meeting that Sarah was excited about, Miriam's interest piqued.

"Bye Lynn, I'll talk to you soon!" Sarah turned off her cell phone, then looked happily at Miriam. "Oh my gosh Mir! You will not believe our luck!" Miriam smiled at Sarah's happy excitement, an emotion she had grown quite used to.

"Well before you tell me anything about Inspired, wait until I get Rachel in here." Miriam responded level - headedly.

"RACHEL!!!" she bellowed.

"Come back here! Sarah has big news for us!"

"Can't it wait til after I'm done eating?" Rachel whined pitifully.Miriam & Sarah laughed. Rachel & Miriam loved to eat, & could usually be found in the kitchen, or with a bag of food close by.

"No, I don't think so!" Miriam yelled back, "It seems really important & Sarah is bursting to tell us! Just bring some food with you; you & I can eat while she talks!" Sarah gave Miriam a good - natured offended look, & Miriam smiled sweetly in response.

"Do you guys EVER stop eating?" She asked Miriam.

"Nope!" Rachel, who had just entered the room, replied. She plopped down on the couch next to Miriam & handed her friend a bag of chips.

"Okay Sarah, tell away!" Miriam smiled, reaching for some chips.

"You guys will not believe this!" Sarah began, "Lynn just called. She said she's been talking to the people at Jive. The talent scout was really impressed with what he saw, & now Jive wants us to sign with them!" Sarah was barely keeping control over her voice, as it rose in pitch & excitement.

"Oh my gosh!!" Miriam & Rachel squealed in unison. "Psych!" They yelled,Rachel saying it first.

"This is ssooo great Sarah!" Miriam had an edge of excitement in hervoice, but was trying to keep control of herself, by getting into her"business" mindset. "But what were you saying about a meeting?"

Sarah smiled. "Lynn told me that Jive wants to meet with us, sometimeduring the next week, to settle things, & get the contract signed."

"Wow! They are moving quickly! I wonder if they like us or something?"Rachel quipped sarcastically.

"Can you believe this, though?  Jive wants us!!  We will be on the same label as the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears & *N Sync!"  The room became quiet as Miriam's statement sunk in. The girls of Inspired could finally get their chance to meet *N Sync, the group they had heard so much about.
