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Chapter 5
    Joey smile widely as he entered the dance club; he was in his element.  Surrounded by flirty girls, he was happy.  Joey was widely known as the flirt in the group, and whole - heartedly enjoyed living up to his title.  He always had at least a few girls around him.  Joey claimed that he was just looking for the right one, amd that it was easier to find her in a group of girls, then in just a select one or two.  His friends just thought he liked the attention.  Either way, Joey didn't care what they thought, extremely enjoying flirting with a group of girls.  "See ya later guys!  I'm gonna go find the babes!"  Joey said excitedly, as he split up with his friends.  Rubbing his hands together, Joey scanned the crowd, before choosing his first girl.

        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****       

    Sarah, Miriam and Rachel walked into a dance club in Orlando, followed by the girls of Bliss.  It was their night off, & they planned to make the best of it.  The 7 girls looked stunning, having spent a decent amount of time getting ready.  Smiling, the girls looked around the club.  They noticed the throngs of people swaying & grooving on the dance floor, the masses sitting at tables, & the slightly smaller, giddier number near the bar.  Spotting the DJ's booth, Miriam recognized an old friend and, dragging Mandy with her, headed towards it.  Rhiana and Sarah, always the energetic ones, made a bee - line for the dance floor, with Samantha following close behind.  Rachel & Tarren, the slightly shyer girls, found an empty table near the dance floor, & settled down to watch all the people. 

    Miriam climbed into the DJ booth, squealing, and gave her friend Zach a hug.  She introduced Zach to Mandy, smiling.  Miriam & Zach had been friends since high school, and had tried to keep in touch over the years, most of the time succeeding.  Mandy looked from Miriam to Zach in astonishment.    "Wow you guys look so much alike!"  She said in amazement.

   "Yeah, people always used to say that," Zach answered, laughing, "We used to tell them we were twins, just to freak them out!  Heck, we sure acted like it!"

   "We did!"  Miriam laughed at the memory, "We used to spend all our time together, and tell each other everything!  It was great!  Dude, I've missed spending time with you!"  She smiled widely at Zach.  "So, how have you been since we last talked?" she asked.

    "Pretty good.  My last girlfriend and I broke up about a month ago," Zach smiled.  He noticed the girls' apologetic looks, and continued, "But I guess it was for the best.  She was getting pretty bitchy all the time, and was really mad about my career.  Since I broke up with her, it's really picked up -  which is so good!"  Zach looked at Mandy.  He noticed her confused look and explained himself, "I'm a DJ.  My girlfriend, Lauren, was getting upset because I was finally getting a lot of jobs.  They're mostly at night, so I had less time to spend with her."  Mandy smiled in understanding.  "But anyways, now she is gone and my career is going really well.  I love to DJ, it's really great!" Zach smiled.  "But Mir, you haven't told me much lately.  What's up with you?"

    Miriam smiled.  "Singing is so great!  It's better than I could have imagined.  I love it so much.  Inspired is doing really good on the tour, and we are actually going to meet with some people at Jive next week!  I really hope it goes well.  If it does, we could have a new record deal and a lot more publicity!"  Miriam smiled happily.

    Zach smiled, but realized that there was something wrong with the way Miriam was acting.  She seemed too happy, even for herself.  It was as if she was trying to hide something bad, and keep it secret.  Zach took one look into her slate blue eyes, noticing the worried look that was hidden in the sparkling depths.  He could immediately tell what was wrong with her.  "How's Adam?" he asked softly, knowing that her boyfriend was the cause of her distress.

    Miriam was caught off - guard, but quickly regained her composure.  "He's..fine." She hesitated, glancing at Mandy.  Sighing, she knew she owed Zach a better answer.  They had always helped each other through all their problems, and he was the only person who knew the true nature of Miriam amd Adam's relationship.  Miriam looked deep into Zach's gentle hazel eyes.  They had always been able to tell how the other felt, and the look meant more than anything Miriam could say; Zach immediately knew what was wrong.  "I don't really want to talk about him tonight," she said, pursing her lips. "It's my day off, I wanna have fun.  But I'll tell you later, when you call me." 

Miriam smiled at the outright hint she had given her friend.  Lately they hadn't talked too much on the phone.  Miriam missed their long chats.  "Well I think we've held you up for long enough, you have a job to do."  Miriam glanced at the turntables that Zach managed to still be skillfully handling, even while talking to Miriam. 

"Come on Mandy, let's go have some fun!"  she cried, her eyes again sparkling.

    "Ok!"  Mandy smiled, always ready to have fun.  "Bye Zach, it was nice meeting you."  She extended her hand for Zach to shake.

    "My pleasure."  Zach had always been a lady - charmer, never missing an opportunity to knock a lady off her feet.  His eyes glittered mischievously at Miriam, who gave him a sharp reprimanding look.  Zach looked mock - hurt, but still managed to shake Mandy's hand warmly.  "Come visit me later tonight!"

    Miriam hugged her friend once more before leaving the DJ's booth.  On her way out, she yelled, "Ok, and I'll bring more ladies for you to charm, Zach!"  She smiled, good - naturedly, & headed for the dance floor, with Mandy close behind.



She doesn't like the word "and" so she writes & EVERYTIME. ARG!
we love you Miriam!

if i missed one. i'm sorry.