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Chapter 6
                *^*Meanwhile, With Sarah*^*

    The dance floor was packed, and Sarah was having the time of her life.  Being a self - proclaimed flirt, she had already danced with countless guys, and only recently had gotten seperated from Rhiana & Samantha.  She stood on her tiptoes, trying desperately to find her friends in the huge mass of dancing people.  While searching for them, her eyes fell on a guy with vibrant red hair sticking out of the bottom of his backwards baseball cap.  He turned and caught her eyes, sunglasses shielding his own.  Sarah's gaze had paused on him because his bright hair and odd attire captivated her.  The man smiled, and made his way through the crowd towards her. 

    "Looking for someone?" He asked, when had finally gotten to her. 

   "Yea," Sarah smiled, " My friends Rhiana & Samantha.  We just got separated while dancing."

    "Wow.  Good luck!" The man smiled wider. "You might have a bit of trouble finding them in here."

    "Yea." Sarah laughed, "Just a bit!  This place is packed."  The song playing on the turntables slowed, then suddenly switched to another uptempo dance song.  *N Sync's "Tearing Up My Heart", a club favorite, pumped through the speakers.  "Wow, I love this song!!" Sarah said.

    "Yea, it's nice, huh?"  The man smiled, a bit of pride edging into his voice.

    "Yea, it's one of my favorites!  I actually know the whole routine, how sad is that?" Sarah laughed.

    "Hey!  Don't knock the routine.  I know it all too.  Probably better than you do!" The man turned on his charms, and Sarah sensed the fact that he wanted to dance with her.

    "Yea right!!  I'm a pro at this one.  I bet I know it better!"  She laughed, enjoying her time with this mystery man.

    "Riight." The man grinned.  "Hey, I'll bet you a slow dance that I can do it better than you!"  Sarah laughed, knowing that he would get his dance whether or not he won the bet.

    "Fine!  You're on.  Lets start from the chorus."  The two fell silent as they prepared to move into the routine.  The man smiled, knowing that he had just found his match in this girl.  A few seconds later, the chorus began, and both Sarah and the man lauched right into the dance routine.

    Rhiana & Samantha watched their friend as she began to dance alongside the flame - haired man.  Both girls smiled, knowing that Sarah had just met her biggest inspiration, even if she didn't know it yet.
