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By: Leslie
For: Tami (I love you Tami-Bear)
A Venus Fanfiction Production
Do the crew!!!!

*-* When I think, how life used to be
*-* Always walking in the shadows

JC crept into his hotel room. He closed the door behind him softly and let out a small sigh of relief. He had made it back from the concert venue safely. His hands removed his jacket and the hat that he wore for a disguise. He laid the articles of clothing onto the chair that sat nearest the hotel room door. It had been another long day full of screaming fans.

Even after years of performing, JC was still terrified by the fact that teenage girls screamed out his name, cried when they met him, and threw themselves at him. It didn't make any sense to the blue-eye, brown haired pop star. He was just a normal person who happened to have hit a lucky break with a 'boyband'. He loved the music, but he hated the business. Everything he did was monitored by the press, fans, bodyguards, and his manager. He had given up all of his privacy for this, and he did miss his old life.

JC sighed and shook his head. There was no backing out of the entertainment industry. It was in his blood like a bad disease. Once you were in the spotlight, you could never leave. JC ran a hand through his hair and shook away the thoughts while walking into the bathroom. He switched the light on and stared at himself in the mirror. His crystal-clear blue-eyes were bloodshot with dark circles underneath them. His face looked long and worn-out. His exterior reflected the way he felt inside. Everything was so emotionally draining lately.

JC rubbed his eyes and turned the water on. He cupped his hands and gathered water from the sink before splashing his face. After he felt refreshed, he turned the water off. He grabbed a towel and dried his face off while walking out of the bathroom and turning the light off.

He walked across the bedroom and out onto the small porch. He held onto the railing as his eyes scanned the city below him. Most of the fans had gone home, but a few still lingered. He knew there would be more come morning time. They never seemed to go away.

JC shook his head disappointed in himself. He was angry at the fans for the popularity they gave N Sync while he should have been grateful. He was grateful, but sometimes, it got to be too much. JC let out a tired sigh and looked up at the dark sky that sparkled with a few stars. His eyes locked on a star.

"Starlight, starbright," JC whispered, "first star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight." JC paused and looked down at the street before looking back up at the sky. "I wish I could find someone who appreciated me for me not for my popularity, fame or fortune."

JC laughed at how silly he must look making a wish on a star. He shook his head and walked back inside grateful the day was over. All he wanted to do now was sleep.

*-* Then I look at what you've given me
*-* I feel like dancing on my tip-toes

JC pulled a sweatshirt on over his undershirt and slipped his feet into an old pair of Nike running shoes. He swiftly ran a comb through his hair. He looked in the mirror one last time before walking out of the hotel room and then the hotel.

He thrust his hands into his pockets as the cool air hit him. JC shivered slightly as he rounded a corner and began walking towards the park. Outside, people were hurrying to work while talking rapidly on their cell phones. Everyone was so caught up in their own little worlds that no one gave JC a second look or thought.

A sad smile took control of JC's tense mouth. If only life was always as peaceful as this, he sadly thought to himself as he walked through the park gates. He stopped walking for a moment and breathed in the fresh scent of the park before hurrying off to find a park bench. When JC found a bench that suited him, he sat down and watched as runners ran by and dog owners walked their dogs. He loved watching normal people doing the normal things he couldn't do. It gave him a sense of relief. It made him feel that if he tried hard enough, he too could lead a normal life.

His thoughts were jarred by a female voice asking if she could sit down. JC nodded and moved over as the girl sat down next to him.

"I'm Tami," she reached out her hand. JC put his hand inside of Tami's and the two shook hands. She smiled at him and crossed her arms over her chest. "I hope you don't mind me sitting down. It's just that you looked so lonely and confused. I guess I was worried about you." She shrugged and smiled at him.

JC couldn't help but smile back at the beautiful girl. "I'm Josh," JC introduced himself. She nodded politely. "Thank you for sitting down. I guess I was or rather, am, lonely, and I am very confused."

Tami turned to face him so she could listen to him talk. "What are you confused about?" Tami asked interested as her heart beat wildly in her chest. She was sitting on the same park bench with a member of N Sync. It was her dream come true, to say the least, and under usual circumstances, she would have told him she was a fan. This time though, she knew he just needed someone to listen to him like he was a real person, and she would do just that.

*-* I must say everyday I pray
*-* When realize you're by my side

"It's so hard, sometimes," JC told Tami as he sat across from her eating a breakfast of pancakes. He picked up the bottle of syrup and poured a great amount onto his pancakes. "I never really know who I can trust. It's like the press is out to get me. I mean, if I talk to someone new, they usually end up telling the press or something. It's like I am never safe." JC put
the syrup back on the table and put a bite of pancake into his mouth.

Tami's chin rested on her hands as she listened to JC speak. "You can trust me, Josh," she told him sincerely. JC's eyes came up off his food and met hers. "I don't know what people have done to you before, but I know you can trust me."

JC nodded apprehensively. His mind told him to get up and leave, but his heart told him to stay. People had always told him to follow his heart, and his heart had yet to deceive him so he listened to his heart. "I don't want to be seen as a celebrity anymore. I just." He set his fork down on the side of his plate and propped his head up on his hands like Tami.

"You just what?" Tami tilted her head to the side. She was mesmerized by the man sitting across the table from her. They had only known one another for an hour, if that, but she felt like she knew everything about him.

JC quickly looked back down at the plate and then back up into Tami's eyes. "I just want to be able to find someone who loves me, Josh Chasez not JC Chasez, a member of N Sync." He kept her gaze for some time.

Tami nodded breaking the gaze. "If you will give me the chance, I would like to get to know Josh Chasez because from what I can tell, he seems like a perfect guy," Tami broke the comfortable silence that had settled between the two. She smiled when she saw a small hint of a smile on JC's face.

"I'd like you to have the chance to get to know Josh Chasez too." He nodded to himself more than to Tami. "No one has wanted to know him in such a long time." His facial expression changed from one of slight happiness to one full of pain.

Tami lightly placed her hand on top of his. "Then I would love to be the first."

*-* I know I'm truly...
*-* Blessed for everything you've given me

"Come on," Tami told JC as they walked out of the restaurant after finishing breakfast. "There's somewhere I want to take you." She stopped and turned to face him. "What time do you need to be back?"

"I can stay out for as long as I want," JC replied. "We don't have a concert tonight. I just need to call one of the bodyguards or someone and tell them where I am and when I will be back." Tami nodded.

"Well, then I think I can take you there." She turned back around and walked to her car with JC trailing behind her. "Climb in," she instructed as she sat down on the drivers' side.

"Where are we going?" JC wondered aloud as he climbed into the passenger side of the car. He closed the door and buckled his seatbelt.

Tami put the car key into the ignition. "Do you trust me?" Her eyes looked over at JC as the car began to purr. JC slowly nodded. "Then just trust me."

JC nodded again as Tami backed out of the parking lot. She turned the car and drove onto the street and then onto the freeway. JC let his body relax. He forgot about everything that had been plaguing him and enjoyed the time. "Can I change the radio station?" JC asked Tami. Tami's reply was a simple nod as her eyes remained on the freeway and she changed lanes. JC hands fiddled with the dial until he found a jazz station. He felt his body untense and his mind begin to feel at ease. He felt like a human once again. The celebrity in him melted away, and he felt like he was a normal person just like he had during high school. It was amazing how peaceful and normal Tami had made him feel in one day.A smile lit up his face as he remembered making the wish on the star the night before. He couldn't help but chuckle at how the wish was beginning to come true.

"What is it?" Tami asked looking over in JC's general direction. JC shook his head and coughed back another chuckle.

"It's nothing. I was just remembering something from the night before." He looked over at Tami who quickly put her gaze back on the road. Yes, he thought silently, she is the beginning to your wish come true.

*-* Blessed for all the tenderness you show
*-* Do my best with every breath that's in me
*-* Blessed to make sure you never go

"We're here," Tami spoke softly as she shook JC awake. She watched carefully and silently through her sparkling green eyes and long eyelashes. JC opened his eyes and stared into hers for a second. He blinked away the sleep and sat up. He quickly un-did his seat belt and climbed out of the car with Tami following him.

"Where are we?" JC questioned as he yawned and stretched. He looked around him. The surroundings were absolutely breathless. There was a large batch of trees. He could make out a long stretch of white beach beyond them, and the sound of crashing waves rang in his ears. There was a slight chill to the air. The scent that floated around him was clean and fresh.

"It's this beautiful place in Michigan. It's really deserted. I always come here when I need to think." Tami wrapped her arms around her middle. "My mom used to bring me here when I was really, really little. She has a picture of me sitting on the beach with the trees behind me in a silver picture frame. My hair is whipping around my face, and I have a wind breaker on." Tami let a smile linger on her face as she remembered every detail of the picture. "I'm in the midst of building a sand-castle, and the clouds are churning behind me. It's in black and white. It's absolutely beautiful."

"It sounds beautiful," JC whispered agreeing. He was mesmerized by the girl standing in front of him. She was different than anyone he had ever met before in his life. She had a glow about her at all times.

Tami nodded. "It is." She let out a small sigh. "If there's time, you'll have to come see it. Does that sound good to you?" Tami turned around to face him.

JC nodded slowly. "There will be time, promise." He smiled when he saw Tami smile. "For now though, why don't you show me the beach and everything." Tami nodded and began walking down a path. JC was right behind her.

In a matter of minutes, they were standing on the beach. Tami quickly removed her shoes, and JC did the same. JC took hold of the hand that Tami held out. "Come on, Josh. I'll show you around." She smiled warmly at him, and he returned the gesture. JC gave her hand a tight squeeze and the two began walking down the beach. They walked for hours just talking about life. Tami told him about everything, and he would listen. JC told Tami about how much it hurt to not be a normal person and how many hardships he had been facing. When his eyes would show signs of tears, Tami would hug him and allow him to bury his face in her neck. In one day, they had both found what they had been missing for
so long.

*-* There are times that I test your faith
*-* 'Til you think you might surrender

Three months had gone by since Tami and Josh had spent the day together in Michigan. They had called one another every night staying on the phone until all hours of the night. Even though thousands of miles seperated their bodies, they're hearts and souls were right next to one another.

JC could practically feel Tami holding his hand every night after each concert. Whenever he would close his eyes, he would see her smiling. He
could hear her laughing above all the screaming fans at the concerts. Her scent lingered in his nose. He had always heard the saying that distance would make the heart grow fonder, but he had never thought that it held truth to it. With Tami though, it was different. Everything was different with Tami. She shined a new light on everything he did or didn't do. She was his reason for living. She had an inner strength that gave him hope everyday. She always knew what to say or what not to say. She always knew how to make him smile or laugh and sometimes cry. She was always there even when he thought she would give up on him.

He would yell at her when he was mad at himself. He would cry to her when he was so soar that he didn't think he would ever be able to move. He would sit in silence when he just needed to hear someone who saw him as Josh on the other line. Sometimes, he would fall asleep listening to her sing to him. Everything she did soothed him.

She was his angel even though she didn't believe it. She was the only one who saw him as Josh Chasez now. She was the only one who truly cared how his day was. The tour had gotten to be such a task, or job really, that the group was under too much strain to take notice when another member was hurting. They still cared, but everything was tense and hard now. The only thing that would get him through the day was the sound of her voice.

He had asked, well begged rather, day after day that she would come visit him, and everytime it was the same answer. She promised that she would visit him in Florida when the tour was over. And with the tour ending the next day in Orlando, he was more than ready to see her.

*-* Baby I'm, I'm not ashamed to say
*-* That my hopes will grow in splendor

"Tami!" JC called as he ran through the airport. He could see the 5'6" girl with brown and naturally blond high-lighted hair stepping out of the airplane from the opposing side of the terminal.

Tami turned around and tears sprung to her eyes when she saw JC's slim form running towards her. She held onto the carry-on bag tightly as she ran towards him. When they reached one another, she let the bag drop and wrapped her arms around him.

JC held onto her tightly as the world stopped around them. Though numerous people milled around them, they could only feel, hear, smell and see one another. Everyone else just seemed to fade into the background.

"I missed you so much," JC spoke softly as he held her close not wanting to let her go. He tried to memorize the way she felt in his arms.

"I missed you too," Tami whispered back as a few tears fell onto his back. He squeezed her tightly but gently before stepping back to gaze at her.
His fingertips wiped away the falling tears off of her cheek and then his hands rested on her shoulders. He bent his neck down and rested his forehead on hers.

"Don't cry, Tami. Please don't cry." His nose rubbed against hers. She couldn't help but smile through her sniffles and tiny tears.

"I'm trying not too, Josh, but I'm just so." She fell against his chest and held his waist tightly. "God, I missed you so much." She let a few more tears fall.

JC kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her holding her close to him. "I missed you too." He just held her and held her until everyone around them really did disappear.

*-* You walked by in the nick of time
*-* Looking like an answered prayer

"I don't know how I survived the tour without having you with me." JC said later that night. They had decided to order Chinese and were eating it while sitting on his bed with their legs entangled.

Tami smiled in response. It seemed so strange to her to be here with him. They had not even known one another for a year, and she was closer to him than she was to some of the people she had known all her life. He knew everything about her. He knew her heart and her soul. He was his heart and soul.

"What are you thinking about?" JC asked as he took his chopsticks and put another mouthful of noodles into his mouth.

Tami shook her head and blinked her eyes coming back into the real world. "I was just thinking about.everything, I guess." She shrugged as she took a tiny bite of an egg roll. "I think it's amazing that I can tell you anything and everything. I think it's amazing that you know me so well. You know everything, Josh. You know every single detail about me. I've never trusted some one so much." Her eyes darted away from him, around the room and back to him.

"I've never trusted anyone like I trust you either," Josh whispered to her softly. He set his food down and took her hand in his. "You were what I asked for when I wished upon a star." Tami looked up at him with a confused expression upon her face. "The night before I met you, I went back to the hotel tired. I was tired of being JC. I was tired of being famous. I was tired of the fans. I was just.tired. And I went outside to make a wish on a star. You were my wish." He paused for a moment and looked into her eyes. "I wished for someone who appreciated me for me not for my popularity, fame or fortune, and I found you Tami. I was about to give up and walk away from everything when I found you. You changed my life, Tami. You gave me back the hope I thought I would never get back."

Tami stared at him with love, tears and hope shining in her eyes. "I love you, Joshua Scott Chasez. You complete me. You make me whole."

*-* You know I'm truly...
*-* Blessed for everything you've given me

JC wrapped his arms around Tami's waist. His legs tangled in with hers as she pulled a blanket over both of their figures. JC's hot breath tickled her neck. She felt so safe in her arms. Everything about him made her feel safe.

"Josh?" Tami asked quietly whispering into the dark of the night.

"Yeah?" JC whispered back.

"Have you ever felt safe with someone? Like, you knew that no matter what happened to you, they made you feel safe?" Tami waited for his answer in silence.

"I never felt safe until I met you, Tami." His words lingered in her ears. His voice was so soft and calming. He was just so perfect.

"Will you sing to me?" She moved closer to him, and he held her closer.

JC rested his head on her shoulder and nodded. "You're more than a lover. There could never be another To make me feel the way you do. Oh we just get closer. I fall in love all over Everytime I look at you, And I don't know where I'd be Without you here with me. Life with you makes perfect sense. You're my best friend. You're my best friend." JC sang softly. When he finished, Tami was asleep in his arms breathing softly. He kissed her shoulder softly before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself.

*-* Do my best with every breath that's in me
*-* Blessed to make sure you never go

"Where are we going?" Tami asked the next morning through a yawn as JC coaxed her into his car. She climbed into the passenger side while he climbed into the drivers' side.

"Just trust me on this, alright Tami?" JC started the car and drove out of his driveway. Tami let her heavy eyelids droop and within minutes was fast asleep. JC couldn't help but smile at the way she looked while she slept. His heart loved her, and his mind was falling for her quickly. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop the feeling he was having.

"Are we there yet?" Tami asked a little while later tearing JC away from his thoughts. He shook his head no keeping his eyes on the road.

JC turned onto a small dirt path. He slowed the car down. Tami's eyes stayed alert as they drove along the winding road. Large trees towered over the road with their leaves making a thick canopy. JC slowly stopped the car in a clearing.

"We're here." He cute the engine off and climbed out of the car with Tami following him. "Make sure you step here carefully." JC held out his hand and Tami took hold of it. They walked down the dirt path and over tree roots hand in hand. The path was narrow and made of hard packed dirt. By looking at it, you could tell that it had been worn down. Grass grew along the edges with flowers mixed in. Leaves from the towering trees above laid themselves out as a carpet. The sun shone brightly down on them.

"How much further, Josh?" Tami asked as she began to sweat. She let a yawn out and looked at her watch. It's too early in the morning to be hiking, Tami thought to herself.

"We're almost there, Tami. It's just a short distance." JC turned his head and smiled at her. His hand gently squeezed hers.

Tami smiled back and nodded. A comfortable silence fell over them, and they both enjoyed walking and just being together.

"We're here." JC's voice startled Tami. "What do you think?" He asked hopeful that she would like it. He released his grasp of Tami's hand and watched her turn around in circles gazing at everything around her.

"This is beautiful, Josh," She told him softly. She stopped turning and looked into his eyes. "How did you find this place?" She watched as JC sat down and then, sat down next to him.

"I came here a few years ago by chance," JC began explaining. "I had just gotten dumped, and I needed to clear my head so I started driving. As luck would have it, my car broke down right around where we parked. I thought I saw a house over here so I took the path down here. When I got here, I was mesmerized by the beauty of it. I just sat and thought about everything. When it started getting dark, I headed back to my car. It mysteriously worked now." JC shrugged as he paused. "I've never forgotten how to get here." He took Tami's hand in his. "You are the only other person who knows about why I found it of has seen it."

*-* Blessed with love and understanding
*-* Blessed when I hear you call my name

"Come on, Josh! Hurry up!" Tami called up the stairs. She tapped her foot against the wooden floor and leaned against the railing. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm coming!" JC called back as he walked down the stairs. He finished buttoning his bright blue shirt up when he caught sight of Tami waiting for him. She looked like an angel in her short white sundress. Her hair was curled under. "Wow."

"What?" Tami arched her eyebrows in confusion. "What? Do I have something in my teeth?" She flashed him a smile.

JC shook his head mesmerized by her perfect smile and straight, white teeth. "No, you just.You look like an angel." He walked down the rest of the stairs and stood by her.

"Why thank you, Joshua. You look pretty good yourself." She patted his stomach and smiled. "Just let me grab my purse, and we can go. Sound good?"

JC nodded as Tami left the room to get her purse from the kitchen. Tonight, JC thought to himself. You have to tell her how much she means to you, tonight. He nodded to himself and took in a deep breath.

"Alright, let's go." Tami walked back into the room and took notice of how JC straightened up as soon as he saw her. He was so perfect.

"This way my lady." JC hooked his elbow with hers and led her out of the house through the front door and down the drive way to the car. He opened the door for her and helped Tami into the car. As JC closed the door, he took a deep breath. Tonight, I have to tell her tonight, JC thought to himself.

*-* Do my best with faith that's never-ending
*-* Blessed to make sure you feel the same

"This is gorgeous," Tami commented later that night as she sat across from the table with JC. She took a sip of her drink. The restaurant was a small Italian restaurant that lay on the beach. Tami and JC had been seated at a small, round table for two on the patio. From their table, one could see the moon shining brightly into an ocean. The violin music blended in with the sound of the crashing waves perfectly. A small white candle was surrounded by larger red candles in the middle of the table. The table was covered with a silk tablecloth. Vines hung down from the ceiling. There was a small dance-floor to the left area of the patio. Everything was perfectly designed and arranged.

"It is gorgeous," JC nodded agreeing. He looked up and smiled at Tami before glancing back down at the leather-bound menu he held in his hands. "What are you going to order?"

Tami nibbled on her bottom lip as she scanned the menu. "I think I am going to try the Eggplant Parmesean." Tami nodded to herself at her answer and closed the menu. She placed it to the left of herself.

JC nodded and continued to look at the menu. "I was thinking about trying the fettucini alfredo, but I'm not quite sure." He shrugged his shoulders
and closed the menu. "I think I am going to wait to find out what the specials are."

"Good idea, Josh." Tami smiled up at him and glanced around the patio once again. "I love little restaurants like this. They're so magical and poetic." She sighed happily and intertwined her fingers together. "I love them too," JC agreed. "Would you like to dance?" A new slow song began playing as Tami took hold of JC's extended hand. JC led her to the middle of the dance-floor and wrapped her in his arms. The two swayed back and forth together. "Thank you so much for this, Josh," Tami whispered into his ear resting her head comfortably on his shoulder. They fit together perfectly. Her hand was the perfect size to be held in his.

"For what, Tami?" JC stepped back a bit so he could look into her shining eyes.

"This. For last night, for today, for tonight, for your friendship.Just, thank you for everything." Her eyes looked to the floor and then back at him. "No one has ever done anything like this for me. No one has ever cared as much as you do." The two had stopped dancing and were now staring into each other's eyes.

"I care more than you think Tami." JC brought Tami closer to him so their faces were just inches apart. "I fell in love with you while I was on tour,

*-* Deep inside you fill me with your tender touch...
*-* Blessed for everything you've given me
*-* Blessed for all the tenderness you show

"What? What did you say?" Tami asked stumbling over her words. She stared frantically into his eyes trying to see if he was lying.

"I said that I fell in love with you Tami." JC rested his forehead against hers. "I've never felt like this before. I've never been so complete before. I've never felt so alive and vibrant. You make me feel like I can walk on water." He touched her nose with his. "When I am with you, I am on top of the world. When I am away from you, I just want to hold you. A day doesn't go by when I don't think about you, smell you, feel you, hear you or need you. I love you."

Tami stared at him trying to tell what this all meant. Her heart beat more quickly. Everything about him enchanted her. She wanted to kiss him and tell him that she loved him, but she couldn't. She was so frightened of being hurt. She wanted to love him forever.

"Ever since the day I met you," JC went on, "I've been a different man. I've been living my life for myself and for you. There have been so many days when I have just wanted to give up on life and love, but you gave me the strength to go on. You helped me see that it was okay to love someone."

"Josh, I.I don't know-" JC silenced Tami as his lips met hers in a soft and love-filled kiss. When his lips left hers, she felt her head begin to spin and her knees weaken.

"You blessed my life, Tami. You are my earth angel. I need you here beside me. I need to love you. I as born to love you." He rested his hand on her cheek. "It's my destiny."

Tami stared into his blue eyes and felt her mind forget the shouts of doubt. Her heart screamed for him. Her body yearned for him. "I love you too, Josh. I love you more than you will ever know."

He took her hand and put it over his heart. "I love you too. I'll never heart you, and if I do, you can break my heart."

*-* Do my best with every breath that's in me
*-* Blessed to make sure you never go

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