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I'll tell him tomorrow
By Tami
A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production


    She sat in front of the tv and watched as he glided and danced across the stage. Nobody dared to walk in front of her. She would kill if she missed even one milisecond of the performance.     She watched his every move, she watched his every glance and his every smooth smile. She waited for him to point his finger in the camera, smile and wink. It was his hello to her. There it was, he just did it. The huge smile that was across her face grew bigger.

    She was in love with him. She watched him on tv whenever she could, she would see him in magazines, she would listen to his cd's. She could see him on tv and she would know if he had a bad day or not, in his pictures, she would know if he felt sick or not. She could look at him and know instantely what was wrong, and if he had a bad day or not.

    He was coming home soon for her birthday, and she was excited. Then, she was going to go on tour with him for a little while.

    The phone rang, "Hello." She answered.

    "Hey! How are you? Did you see the show? What'd you think? Aren't you excited to see me? I'm excited to see you!" He rushed with the questions, he was hyper. He asked questions one after another when he was hyper.

    "Woah. Slow down cowboy. Yes, I saw the show, Yes, I loved it! Yes, I'm excited to see you!" She finished with a squeal.

    "Oops. I gotta go, they're calling for me. I'll see you soon! Bye, Love you!" He finished, hanging up.

    She stared at the phone, he had never really said that to her. "Tomorrow, I'm going to tell him tomorrow, how I feel for him."

    She went up to her room and stared at the random pictures she had on her walls of them together. There were other pictures of him too. Ones that were in teeny bopper magazines. She stared into his eyes, so many times she had lost herself in them. She could look into them, and if he asked her to do something, she wouldn't even hestitate for a second. If he asked her to rob a bank, she would. She stared at his hands. The ones that held hers when she got scared. His arms, the ones that hugged her when he hadn't see her in a long time or just for whatever reason. The lips, they had only touched her skin, but she longed for them to touch her lips. She stared at the hair she would run her hands through when she was tired, or when he was. Lastly, she looked at his chest. Where his heart was, the part she was in love with the most. There was so much to him, it would take her hours to explain his love, personality and friendship. There weren't enough words to describe him, and not enough words to express her love for him.

    "Tomorrow, I'll tell him tomorrow." She repeated, before rolling over and going to sleep.

    "I've missed you so much!" He swept her off the ground, in one of his big hugs. He set her on the ground, but continued to hug her. She closed her eyes in complete bliss and buried her head in his shoulder, breathing in his smell. The time stopped and she wished it would never start back up again.

    "Here's your birthday present. I know it's early, but I couldn't wait for you to open it. I wanted to do it in private anyway." He said, flopping down on the couch. He always rambled when he was nervous.

    "I'm going to love it, you don't have to be nervous." She said, quietly.

    He sat there, stunned. He could never get over how well she knew him. He handed the box to her, and waited as she opened it. She glanced over at him, before she took off the top and he was chewing on his fingernail. She pulled it down from his mouth. She was always yelling at him for doing that. He waved his hand on for her to open it. She slid the top off, and gasped. Inside was a beautiful silver heart shaped locket. She opened the locket and inside was a picture of her sitting on his lap, with his arms around her. They were both smiling and laughing, it was taken at Christmas time this past year. They looked so happy.

    "Turn it over." He whispered. She did as instructed, and what she read brought tears to her eyes. "You and me. Together Forever. I Promise" was on the back. He took the necklace out of her hands and put it on for her. His hands lingered on the back of her neck, and when he realized she was crying, he reached up and softily brushed the tears away. She threw her arms around him, and he pulled her into his lap.

    "This is the best present ever. It means so much to me, ya'll never know how much. Words can't express it. You're my best friend." She told him, tearfully.
    "I know, you don't need to express it. I know, because I feel the same way too." he said smiling.

    She pulled away and stared into his eyes. The same eyes, she always lost herself in. She saw past memories in them, and she saw her love for him reflected in them.

    He stared into her eyes, and felt his heart skip a beat. He had spent so much time and thought on that present and his heart had never felt so happy until he saw the look of sheer surprise and happiness on her face. There was another emotion there though, and he couldn't put his finger on it. He was wondering what was going on with him lately. He compared every girl to her, and he found himself only finding girls attractive with her build, and her eyes, and hair color. When he walked off the plane there were butterflies in his stomach. The feelings she gave him compared to nothing else. Not even when they got their first ever platinum record. This was a different happiness.

    He pulled her to him again, and they held each other for a long time. In the time, he held her in his lap and arms it hit him. He was falling in love with her. He took a deep breath and inadvertently breathed in her sweet smell. The smell that he could breathe in all day long.

    "Tomorrow, I'll tell her. Today I'm just going to hold her while I can."

He thought to himself, as he tightened his arms around her. 

   "Oh God. I love him. Tomorrow, I'll tell him. Today, I'm just going to enjoy this." She thought as he tightened his arms around her.

    She gently pulled away from him a few minutes later. "Thankyou so much for everything. I can honestly say this is the best birthday ever."

    "Your welcome, and I can honestly say this is the best birthday I've ever spent with somebody." He answered her. He gently kissed her cheek, and she reached into her heart to keep her feelings within her.

    He pulled her against him again. "It's been so long since we've seen each other. Let's just stay like this for awhile. To make up for all the hugs I couldn't give you, because I was away."

    "Sounds good to me." She replied, laughing. "Tomorow, I'll tell him." She thought.

    "Tomorrow, I'll tell her." He thought.
