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Isn't it obvious?
by Tami

He stands across the hallway with his friends. They're laughing and joking around. He throws his head back in laughter and his eyes crinkle up in a smile. I watch him, hoping and praying he'll notice me.

He does. His mouth opens in laughter and his eyes smile at me. He brings up his hand and waves. His head nods in acknowledgment. I wave and smile back at him. I don't have to look in the mirror to see that my face is aglow with happiness.

Can you hear it in my voice
Was it something I let slip
Does the whole world know
Isn't it obvious?

He disappears down the hallway with his friends, I head to my next class with my heart fluttering with happiness. My heartbeat speeds up when I hear him call my name. I turn around and he jogs up to me. He tells me to wait for him at my locker after school before running back off again.

I look for him after ever class, hoping to see him, to talk to him. But, I don't. I wait for him at my locker after school. Like I do everyday. I see him walking towards me and we both smile at each other. They're grateful smiles because it's finally the end of a long day and week.

I'm the one who's in control
Now I'm acting like a fool
Do my feelings show
Is my face aglow?
Isn't it obvious?

He walks up to me and gently rubs my shoulder. His way of letting me know he's there. He teases me and we smile and laugh. We walk out to his car, picking up our pace as we get closer. Eager to get home and start our weekends.I ask him what his plans are for the weekend, hoping to do something with him. He tells me all the things he's doing. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was really disappointed. I was, I wanted to do something so bad with him. I would even break plans with my friends to hang out with him.

That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious?

We get in the car and he turns to listen to me. The sun catches his eyes and I stare, entranced. His eyes are bluer than the Gulf of Mexico. They sparkle and dance and I can't tear my eyes away. Any girl who is not in love with these eyes is crazy. I could lose myself in them.

Do you see my hands, they tremble
Wonder why I can't
Look you in the eyes
Don't know how long
I can keep this inside
Isn't it obvious?

My eye's wander over his face quickly. But, not too quick as to where I can't fixate every feature in my mind. His cute sun burned cheeks glow and my fingers urge to touch them. The sun freckles sprinkle across his nose and he wiggles it around, before reaching up to scratch it.

I look at his lips, They're full, but not too full. Just enough to gently kiss my lips, not swallow my head. They pull back in a smile and not only his mouth smiles, his whole being smiles. His soul and his heart shine through. When he laughs, it sets my worries and troubles free and causes me to giggle myself.

I wander back up to his eyes and they have literally changed colors in the matter of seconds. They're a darker blue now. They change to light blue when he's happy and dark blue when he's not feeling well, or not happy.

He's talking about his grades and I can automatically tell he's stressed out and upset. By his eyes. His eyes are outlined with dark, long eyelashes. I tell him not to be stressed out and upset. He argues that he's not and want's to know why I think that. I tell him that I can see it in his eyes, that their the eye's to his soul. His eye's soften to the light blue again and he smiles at me, understanding.

That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious?

I watch his hands. They expertly steer the steering wheel. His hands are one of my most favorite thing's about him. They scream masculinity. They're little, but not that little. Just big enough to when he holds your hand, you feel safe. Of course, I don't know this because he's never really held my hand before. But, those brief moments when I pull his hand down from his mouth, I can feel that safeness spread through me. He always chews on his fingernails and picks at the skin around the nails. A habit I've acquired over the months of knowing him. His hands are always warm. No matter how cold it is, they're warm.

He turns on his favorite CD and starts singing to it. I love listening to him sing. I always tease him and call him a Backstreet Boy. He has a great voice. He laughs and continues dancing and singing. Beating out the drum beats on his steering wheel with those perfect hands. I could listen to him sing all day long, except I don't really like this music. I'm slowly growing to like it though, but I would never let him know that. I'd never live it down.

He starts making actions along to the words and the lyrics. Grabbing his chest where his heart is and making kissy faces at me. I laugh and giggle, knowing he won't stop unless I laugh at him. He knows I'm deep in thought and he's trying to get me to smile. After the song is over he reaches over and gently rubs the back of my head. He winks and me and I giggle at him. He lets me pick any cd I want and I of course pick the New Found Glory I'm obsessed with. He groans, but let's me listen to it.

Suddenly these emotions are in control of my heart
Can you see it in my eyes
Every glance, every smile must give me away
And I feel so much I can't hide

I study his profile out of the corner of my eye. I notice the long eyelashes and the slight up turn of his nose, his lips look even more adorable from the side. I feel the need to touch him, so I pretend he has an eyelash on the side of his face. I reach up and quickly brush his cheek. He asks me if I got it, laughing. I smile and say yes. He asks me if I'm alright and I tell him yeah that it's just been a rough week.

He nods his head, agreeing with me. His skin is so soft. His ears are soft, which I always play with because they stick out. They're not big, they just stick out. Making him more adorable. His hands, arms, back of his neck, his face, it's all baby soft. I could sit there and just rub the back of his neck for hours, or the back of his hands.

That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious?

He drops me off at my house and I walk up my driveway. I turn around when I hear a car pulling up behind me. It's him. He jumps out of the car and tells me that he's always chasing after me. I tell him I don't have any food in the house, so there's no use in coming in. He always just gets out of the car if he wants to eat before he goes home. He laughs and tells me that he wants to do something with me tonight. I'm confused. I thought he was going out with his friends. He tells me he was, but he would cancel with them. He would rather do something with me instead. I tell him not to be worried about me. I can see it in his eye's again.

He smiles and points to his eye's as I nod my head yes. He tells me that he's going to take me out to dinner and that we'll go see a movie of my choice. I'm surprised, he's trying very hard with me. He hates the movies I like. I thrown my arms around his neck, not being able to contain myself any longer.

He stands there surprised for a second and slowly wraps his arms around my waist. I love it when he hugs me. He pulls me closer and tighter to him. He pulls me upward, so my chin'll rest just on his shoulder and he always leans his head into mine. He makes me feel so loved, whether he knows it or not. We stand there for a little while before he gently pulls away. His arms are still around me as he asks what the hug was for. I tell him for nothing, that I'm just glad he's here.

He tells me the time he's going to come and get me and walks away. He calls my name again and I turn around to face him. He tells me he doesn't want to go tonight in the straightest face he can muster. I point to my eyes and he laughs, causing me to giggle. He drives away and I sigh, knowing he only wants to be friends. I can see it in his eyes. Can he see it in mine though? Is it Obvious?

That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious?

~*~*~Lyrics: Obvious, Christina Aguilera~*~*~
