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The Trouble With Never
By: Leslie
For: Tami-Bear (Tami!)
A Venus Fanfiction Production
Do the crew!!

*-* If I never think about her, I'll never miss her at all
*-* Never wonder what she's doin, never give her a call

JC sat in the recording studio listening to the tracks from the new album over and over again. Something was wrong. There was something within the songs that didn't seem to fit. Something about one of the songs seemed wrong. He let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes tiredly before playing track number eight over again. The beat was good, and the lyrics made him laugh. Yet, it hurt for him to listen to it. He had written the song for someone who had meant the world to him at one time. "Don't think about her, JC." He whispered to himself as he pressed the 'stop' button. He massaged his temples tiredly.

"Hey JC, are you up for going out tonight?" Justin asked walking into the recording studio.

JC's head came up, and he looked up at his younger friend. He raised an eyebrow questioningly."Where were you planning on going out, Justin?"

Justin shrugged his shoulders trying to hide a small smug smile that was creeping us his face. "I know you have some sort of idea, Justin. Where?"

Justin sighed giving knowing fully well that JC would not come with him until he found out where they were going. "Well, I was thinking, and no, I did not hurt myself." Justin said quickly. JC smiled an amused smile before gesturing Justin to go on. "That since we are in New York, we should go and take in all the sites. Then, I thought we should take a carriage ride because those are supposed-"

"Are there girls involved in this?" JC asked interrupting his rambling younger friend. Justin eagerly nodded his head. "Justin-Bobbi and I just broke up, for like the tenth time, last week, but this time it is for good. You know I'm not ready to date again." JC sighed as he finished. He knew that he and Bobbi had never been meant to be, but the break-up still hurt.

"I didn't say you had to start dating again, JC. I just want to take in the sites around Central Park." Justin told him with an annoyed tone to his voice. "Besides, you shouldn't be hurting that much from the break-up with Bobbi." JC shot Justin a mean look. "Well, you shouldn't! She was never good for or to you." JC sighed and rubbed his temples once again. He knew Justin was right, but he couldn't help being in pain from the break-up.

"I know, Justin. I've heard it from everybody about ten times everyday, and Leslie always stresses it. I want to listen to you and to her and to everybody else, but it's still extremely hard. Break-ups hurt. You know that." Justin nodded. He did know from experience that break-ups hurt, a lot. "Who are the girls?"

"Well, Leslie has this friend, and her name is Tami. She's a really sweet girl, and I think you might like her a lot. I'm not saying you have to see her again after this, but please, for me?"

JC rolled his eyes. "Justin, you see Leslie a lot. She may live in New York and you in Florida, but you still see her a lot." JC said trying to find a way to get out of going to the park.

"Then go for Leslie." JC shook his head. "Come on JC, she is your best friend, and she is worried about you. You know she never liked Bobbi. I know there is a lot of tension between the two of you, but still, she loves you. So come with us for her." Justin looked at JC hopefully and stuck his bottom lip out in a small pout. JC sighed knowing Justin would never give up.

"Fine, I'll go." He let out an annoyed sound as he stood up from the table. He stretched before grabbing his jacket. "You and Leslie both owe me big time." JC warned as he and Justin walked out of the room.

"You will thank us later, JC, and you know it." Justin told him.

*-* Never see her again and I'll be free as a bird
*-* But the trouble with never is never, never works

"Hey Josh." Leslie said hugging her best friend as JC and Justin arrived at the park where Leslie and Tami were waiting for them.

"Hey Les." He hugged back before releasing her and turning to Tami. He stuck his hand out, and Tami took it in hers. "I'm JC."

Tami smiled sweetly. "I'm Tami. It's great to meet you, JC." She shook his hand for a moment before they both let go.

"It's great to meet to you too." JC looked to where Leslie had been standing just moments before to find her gone. He looked in the opposite direction where Justin had been to find he was also gone. "I think we've been tricked."

Tami couldn't help but laugh, and JC couldn't help but make a mental note to himself about how sweet her laughter sounded in his ears. "I think so too, JC. What do you say we take the time alone to get to know one another?"

JC nodded and smiled. "I'd love that. Do you still want to take the carriage ride around the park?" Tami nodded. JC held out his hand, and she placed hers inside of it. He gave it a quick squeeze before leading her to a horse-drawn carriage. "Sir," He tapped a man who was standing by the carriage on the shoulder and waited until he turned around, "we'd like to take a ride around the park."

"I think I can do that." The man smiled and opened the carriage door for JC and Tami. JC released Tai's hand from his and followed her into the carriage. The man closed the door and climbed up in front. He took the reigns in his hands and began the horse at a slow pace.

"So Tami, tell me about yourself." JC said sparking the conversation. "Where do you attend school?"

"I'm going to the University of Syracuse with Leslie. We're roommates, well apartment mates, this year. We have a small apartment off campus." Tami began but stopped quickly. "Hasn't she told you any of this?" JC shook his head no.

"We've been bickering a lot lately because of some things, and since the school year just started for y'all, she and I have been even more out of touch." JC explained. Tami nodded before continuing.

"We met at a dance competition a few years ago and stayed in touch. When I found out she was going to be coming to the university this year, I suggested we get an apartment off campus. I'm a sophmore in college. Anyways, she took me up on the offer, and here we are." Tami finished.

JC nodded his approval. "Are you originally from New York?" He was surprised when she shook her head no. "Then where are you originally from?"

"I'm from Michigan, actually. Leslie had a dance competition there a few years back and our paths crossed. Then, it turned out that our mom's were friends when they were younger so it was just all one big connection."

JC smiled and nodded. "That's really cool." Tami nodded completely agreeing with him.
"Yeah, it is." She smiled over at him, and he smiled back.

*-* If I never bring her flowers, I'll never see her smile
*-* If I never try to kiss her, she'll never drive me wild

"So you have another date with Josh tonight?" Leslie asked as she walked into the apartment she and Tami shared.

"Yes, I have another date with JC. It's not that big of a deal, Lessie-Bear. I mean it's just a date." Tami told her as she helped Leslie unpack the groceries.

"Uh-huh, I'm sure it is." Leslie smiled at her friend as they put the last of the groceries away. "So where is he taking you?"

"I'm not sure. He told me it was a surprise. Where do you think he's taking me?" Tami asked. Leslie stopped what she was doing to think about that for a minute.

"Well, it is Josh, and I know he can be a romantic. I also know he likes to go someplace quiet with a girl, and he loves Chinese food. Knowing Josh, he will incorporate all of that into the date so I think a safe guess would be 'The Chinese Garden'." Leslie told her. "Now, what are you going to wear?"

"Oh God, I don't have the slightest idea." Tami ran a hand through her damp hair. "I've already showered so now I just need to get dressed and do my hair, right?" Leslie nodded. "Okay, what should I wear then?"

"How about you wear a short black skirt with your black tank top that has red roses on it along with a pair of black sandals. We can curl your hair, and it will be perfect." Leslie suggested.

Tami nodded and grabbed Leslie by the arm. She pulled Leslie into her room and the girls set to work on Tami's hair and make-up. Once she was all set in that department, Leslie left the bedroom so Tami could get dressed. "How do I look?" Tami asked emerging from her bedroom a few minutes later. She spun around for Leslie who clapped her hands.

"I think JC is going to be drooling a lot tonight." Tami laughed at the thought of JC drooling over someone.

"Now that would be something to see." Leslie nodded in agreement as there was a knock on the door.

"Can you get that, Les?" Leslie nodded and opened the door to find JC standing in the doorway in a black suit with a red shirt on.

"Hey Josh. Are those for me?" Leslie asked gesturing to the roses he was holding. JC shot Leslie a warning look as she let him into the apartment. "I'll leave you too alone. Have fun tonight."

"Tami, these are for you." JC handed Tami the bouquet of roses. Tami smiled as she kissed Josh on the cheek.

"Thanks JC. I'll put them in water, and then we can get going." Tami quickly went into the kitchen and put the flowers into a crystal vase before re-joining JC.

"You look beautiful." JC told her as he helped Tami into her coat and then opened the door for her. She walked out into the hallway with JC directly behind her. He shut the door.

"Thank you, JC. You look pretty good yourself." Tami smiled as he linked elbows with her.

"Are we ready to go my lady?" Tami nodded. "We are, my sir."

*-* And I'll never feel the need to say those three little words
*-* But the trouble with never is never, never works

"I can't believe we've been together for ten months." JC said as he sat in the back of the tour bus talking to Tami on his cell phone.

"Neither can I. I also can't believe you had to be on tour on our three month anniversary." Tami told him sadly. "We haven't seen one another in two weeks. It's not fair, JC. How come Leslie and Justin get to see one another every two weeks, and I hardly see you?"

"I don't know, angel." JC replied calmly using the nickname he had given her. The truth of the matter was that he could see her every two weeks, but he was afraid to. He already missed her more than he wanted to, and if he saw her every two weeks, it would be harder for him to be away from her.

"You go know, JC. You have to." JC could hear tears in Tami's voice, and he knew that he was being an ass. He was just so scared of getting hurt again that he couldn't see what he was losing.

"I don't know Tami." JC lied. He could already feel his heart breaking in two. Silence fell over the line and lingered for a few minutes until Tami let out a large sigh.

"I know you care Josh, but you need to stop breaking my heart. All I need is for you to be true, but right now, that won't happen. I don't want to do this Josh, but I have to." She drew in a deep breath. "I love you, a lot, and I do think you are my soul-mate. But you aren't ready to commit the way I am so I am going to let you fly. Good-bye Joshua Chasez. I love you." JC heard her phone click off, but he didn't disconnect his side of the call. He held the phone to his ear and listened to it buzz.

"I love you too, Tami, and I'm sorry I can't be the man you need right now." JC whispered into the phone. He disconnected the call and stood up from his seated position on the couch before walking silently back to his bunk not noticing the fact that he had tears falling from his eyes. When he had reached his destination, he laid down and closed his eyes trying to block out her memory, but it was useless. The only thing he could see was her face. The only thing he could hear was her voice. The only thing he loved was her.

*-* I know how to stay carefree, let no one get a hold on me
*-* But I can't keep my hands off her
*-* There's something different 'bout this girl

JC woke up with a start later that night as he watched Tami walk down the aisle to a different man in a dream. He rubbed his face tiredly before flopping back down onto his pillow. His saddened eyes stared up at the top of his bunk. "What am I going to do? I always told myself I was strong enough to live alone. I always told myself I could live without having someone to love, but now that I've felt true love, I know I'll never make it alone." JC whispered to himself. He turned over on his side and pulled a teddy bear close to his chest. A sad smile appeared on his face when he realized which teddy bear he was holding, and he drifted back to a world of happy memories.

-* Flashback *-

"What is it?" JC asked as Tami handed him a carefully wrapped present. She shrugged her shoulders as a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Why don't you try opening it in order to find out?" She suggested. JC shot her a look that said 'Ha, ha, I'm not laughing' as he tore the wrapping paper off.

"A teddy bear?" He arched his eyebrows in question. Tami nodded laughing.

"The fellows always say you sleep with teddy bears that the fans give you so I figured if I gave you one, you would sleep with it. Then when you were on tour, it would be like a piece of me was with you." Tami took his hand in hers. "I always want to be with you, Josh. I never want to be without you." JC wrapped her in his arms.

"I never want to be without you either, Tami, and a piece of me will always live in you." He kissed her cheek softly as his body memorized the way she felt in his arms, his nose memorized how she smelled and his lips memorized the way that they felt on her skin.

"You never will be without me, Josh. I could never live without you." She rested against him, and he nestled his face into her neck. "I love you, Joshua Scott Chasez."

-* End Flashback *-

"I wish I had told you I loved you when I had the chance, Tami. I guess I figured you always knew." JC whispered as he held the teddy bear close to him and fell asleep as the buses wheels rolled through another town.

*-* If I never let me love her, I'll never settle down
*-* And I'll never put roots in this God forsaken town

"JC, wake up." Chris said shaking JC awake a few weeks later. JC sleepily opened his eyes. "Come on man, we're here."

"Where is here?" JC asked yawning. Chris rolled his eyes and let out a loud, annoyed sigh. "What? I don't know where here is, honest."

"We're in New York, JC." Justin replied happily. "And we're having breakfast with Leslie and Tami. Aren't you happy that you get to see your angel again?" JC nodded. He had never told the group that he and Tami had broken up.

"Yeah, I'm extremely happy." JC stretched before standing up. "Let me go get dressed, and I will meet you guys in the restaurant, okay?"

Justin and Chris nodded before exiting the bus and joining everyone else in the restaurant. JC opened the blinds just enough to be able to see the table where they were sitting. Tami looked different than she had the last time he had seen her. She didn't look happy, and he knew why. JC let out a loud sigh before throwing jeans and a shirt on. He slipped a pair of sunglasses on over his eyes before running down the stairs of the bus and joining everyone in the restaurant.

"Well look who finally decided to join us. Just wake up from your nap, Sleeping Beauty?" Leslie asked him sarcastically. She stood up from the booth and gave him a hug. Tami obviously also hadn't told anyone that she and JC had broken up.

"Yeah, something like that." JC replied not completely there. His eyes were locked with Tami's until she pulled hers away. JC removed his gaze from her and smiled sadly at his best friend.

"You okay?" Leslie whispered. JC nodded and released her from a hug before sitting down next to Chris. Leslie watched him uneasily before looking over at Tami who was looking away from everyone with heartbreak written all over her face.

"Does everybody know what they want to order?" Justin asked looking around the table as he tried to break the uneasy silence that had come upon them.

"I don't have much of an appetite anymore so I'm going to skip breakfast." Tami said standing up. "It was great seeing everybody again. Les, I'll see you back at the apartment." She turned to Justin. "Make sure she gets home, okay?" Justin nodded as Tami walked away.

"JC, what happened between you two?" Leslie asked as soon as Tami was out of the restaurant. JC didn't reply. Instead he let his eyes rest on his menu. "JC, tell me right now."

"We broke up." JC whispered softly. "She broke up with me because I was being an asshole. Okay?" He closed the menu and looked at Leslie angrily. "She broke up with me. Are you happy now?" He slammed the menu down on the table before getting up from the booth and walking out of the restaurant.

*-* And I'll never say I do or step foot in a church
*-* But the trouble with never is never, never works

"You are such an asshole, JC." JC told himself softly as he walked through a park wanting to take Tami in his arms and apologize for everything. "God, can I please have a second chance with her? I miss her. I thought I could do this. I thought I could live alone, but I can't."

"You don't have to." A voice spoke up. JC spun around and his eyes met Tami's. The world stood still as the two looked into one anothers' eyes.

"Are you saying you still love me?" JC cautiously walked towards Tami.

Tami nodded slowly. "I know I never told you, Tami, but I love you. I've loved you since the day Justin and Leslie abandoned us at this park."

"You still remember that?" Tami asked surprise evident in her voice.

JC nodded and intertwined his fingers with hers."Of course I remember it, Tami. I may be an asshole, but I've never forgotten anything that I've done with you." He gave her hand a small squeeze.

"I love you Josh." Tami whispered as JC wrapped her in his arms. Her head rested on his chest.

"I love you too, Tami."

*-* I know how to stay carefree, let no one put a hold on me
*-* But I can't keep my hands off her
*-* There's something different 'bout this girl

"Hey y'all." Tami said as she and JC walked back into the restaurant smiling. The group turned towards them with shocked expressions.

"I thought you guys broke up." Justin spoke up.

"We did." Tami told him. "But love doesn't let you let go that easily does it, JC?" JC shook his head and smiled down at her. He kissed the top of her head.

"No, it surely doesn't."

*-* If I never think about her, I'll never miss her at all
*-* Never wonder what she's doin, never give her a call
*-* Never see her again, and I'll be free as a bird
*-* Oh, but the trouble with never is never, never works
*-* Yeah, the trouble with never is never, never works
*-* At least not with her

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