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By Tami
Venus Fanfiction Crew
Do the Crew

Sarah stared across the room at Joey, and wondered what had happened to her heart. He was flirting with one of the many dancers, and it was making her insanely jealous. Joey had invited her on the tour, because he had missed his best friend. At least that's what he told her. He wasn't acting like it to muchthough.

"Hey Sar!" Justin said, coming over to the couch where she was sitting. He squeezed himself in between the small seat between her and the couch's arm.

"Hey Juh. Have a seat." She replied unenthusiastically.

"Don't mind if I do." He laughed. When he saw she didn't laugh back, he knew something was wrong. "What's wrong? He asked her.

"Justin, have you ever had weird feelings for somebody and you didn't know what to do about them?" She sighed.

"Well, not unless you count JC, but I think that was just indigestion." He joked with her.

"Forget it Justin. Never mind, you obviously have no clue what I'm talking about." She told him getting off the couch with exasperation in her voice.

"Whoa! settle down cowboy. I was just trying to lighten the mood. Tell this hot guy what's wrong." He pulled her down onto his lap with a puppy dog look on his face. She had to laugh. He always had the ability to make her laugh. He was like her little brother, and they called each other little brother and big sister. She was 22 years old. Four years older than his 18.

"Look at Joey, Justin. He's flirting with all those girls. How come he doesn't want to flirt with me? I'm not that ugly am I? I know I'm being childish, I am 22 years old after all. You'd think I would be able to talk to him about my feelings. I just wish he would see me as he sees those girls. I can't tell him my feelings though." She finished, somewhat tearfully. She didn't want to look at Justin, because she knew she would start crying, so she just stared at the ground, picking at a loose thread on his sleeve.

He swatted her hand away before answering her. He lifted up her head with his finger so she could look at him in the eye. "Sarah...I can't believe you would want to be like those girls. Joey looks at you with so much more love than that. Why would you want to be looked at like a piece of meat? You are beautiful. You are so much more prettier than those girls over there. You have the beauty that is real. You don't work at it for two hours every morning. You have those beautiful deep brown eyes that somebody could stare into for hours. And the new reddish highlights that you just added to your brown hair is just faaaabulous daaarling." he added with a joke.

She started laughing through her tears, and threw her arms around Justin's neck. "Thank you Juh Juh!! You just made me feel better." She finished with a kiss on the cheek, and went back to burying her face in his neck.

"Uh oh, Sar. Here comes Joe, and he looks quite jealous if I do say so myself." He whispered to her.

"Hey Sarah!" Joey said to her, pulling her off Justin's lap. "Let's go to dinner. we're finished rehearsing."

"Okay! Hey little brother, would you like to come?" She asked Justin.

"NO!" Joey answered for him, giving him a warning look. "Justin has to do....laundry."

"Yeah, that's it. I have to do laundry." He answered giving Joey a questioning look.

They walked to the Italian restaurant that they choose. It was the only thing in walking distance, and it was too nice of a night to not walk. He held her hand protectively all the way there. She had to admit it was like walking on air. Their hands fit perfectly into each other, and she felt so safe. Even though she knew it was just a gesture of best friendship. "So, what's going on with you and Justin, Sarah?" Joey asked. He knew he shouldn't have been, the curiosity was killing him, and he had to admit he was jealous. Incredibly jealous. "What's going on here? Why do I even care who Sarah sees, and who she doesn't see?" He asked him self.

"I don't know, I mean I like him a lot, and he seems to like me too. We just bonded these past couple of days." She lied to him. they had bonded, but the liking part was a total lie.

"He's kind of...under your age don't you think? I don't think you should do that with him." Joey told her.

Sarah didn't like the tone he was using with her. Who was he to decide who she could and couldn't see. Granted, the whole situation wasn't even true, but still. "What's your damage Joseph?" She asked him.

He knew she was upset, because she called him by his full name. She only did that, when she was upset with him. "Nothing! I just think you shouldn't get involved with him, when he's just going to break your heart in the end. You know how Justin is, he never sticks to one girl." He told her. He knew what he was doing was going to piss her off like nothing has before, but he just couldn't stand seeing them together.

"Joey, it is none of your business who I see, and you can't tell me who I can. Do I ever tell you that you shouldn't see one of your hoochies of the week? No, I don't. Justin is not like you. He won't do that to me." She told him angrily. They had stopped walking now, and they were standing in the middle of the sidewalk, facing each other.

"Hey! That was a little harsh! And, don't call them hoochie's!" He yelled angrily back at her. "Look at you! You were the one who was all over Justin earlier. Kissing him and hugging him, you were the one who looked like a whore." As soon, as the words left his mouth, he knew he made a big mistake. He didn't even mean to say them, and he didn't believe a word he just said, but he wasn't going to lose this argument. It made him mad that she said that to him. He was a grown adult, he could date whoever he wanted. She can too, though. He thought.

She couldn't believe he had just said that to her. It felt like somebody had punched her in the stomach. Tears started to roll down her face. And to think he called her that over her relationship with Justin. something that didn't even exist.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." He apologized as soon as he said it. He reached up to brush the tears away from her face, but he was stopped by her slapping his hand away.

"Don't you dare touch me Joey Fatone." She told him icily. "Don't come near me, and don't ever talk to me again. I will be leaving tomorrow the Venus Crew needs me there more than you do." She told him referring to her production company she was the head of.

As she walked away, Joey fell to the ground in tears."Oh God what did I just do?" He cried looking up to the sky.


::Part Two::