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By Tami
Venus Fanfiction Crew
Do the Crew


Sarah walked into the hotel through the crowds of fans in a haze of anger. "How dare he say those things to me! I can't believe he would do that." She thought to herself. She walked up to her floor, and banged on the first door that she saw. She knew it was one of the guys, but she couldn't remember which one. She didn't want to be alone, she wanted to yell at someone. That someone was JC's room. Justin was in there too. As soon as she saw Justin, she started sobbing.

"Oh no, what's wrong Sarah?" JC asked worriedly. He walked up to her and wrapped her in a big hug. She loved the way JC hugged her, he was always so warm and he gave the best bear hugs. She didn't like him that way though. The only person she cared that way for was Joey. And he chose that exact moment to enter in the room.

"Guys - Oh. I see you've moved on to someone else real fast, Sarah. Well, at least you took my advice and moved on from Justin." Joey said sarcastically to her.

"Joey! Get the hell out of here!" Justin screamed at him. He had no clue what happened, but he didn't like the way Joey was talking to Sarah.

Joey saw the look on Justin's face, and decided it was best for him to leave. He looked at Sarah one last time, and his heart broke when he saw her sobbing. He knew he was the cause of her tears.

"Sarah, what's going on?" Justin asked her right after Joey left. After Sarah explained everything to Justin and JC, they both were staring at each other with their mouths hanging open. Then they started laughing.

"What do you find that is so funny?" She asked them.

"Sarah, It is so obvious that he loves you too." JC told her. "I can't believe you've never seen that. The way he looks at you. The look on his face when he talks about you. Man, you should've seen the look on his face when he saw you and Justin in rehearsal today. It was classic." JC finished, cracking up again.

"Great. Just great. I'm so glad you find this funny Joshua Scott." She finished throwing a pillow at him. But, she couldn't contain herself anymore, and she cracked up giggling herself.

"Sarah, go talk to the boy. Tell him your feelings. He'll tell you his. Trust me." Justin told her, pushing her off the bed.

"Thanks for everything fellas." she told them, finishing up her thank-you's she gave them both a sisterly kiss on the lips.

"Wow...." Justin said dreamingly putting his hand on his lips. He couldn't hold his laughter in any longer.

"Dream on lover boy." She told him, as she walked out of the room. "Oh, here goes nothing." She told herself just outside of Joey's room. She
raised her hand up to his door, but then pulled it back down. Instead of entering in the room, she turned around and walked back to her own room....

::Part Three::