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By Tami
Venus Fanfiction Crew
Do the Crew

Sarah had an idea, and she had to act on it now, or she never would. She pulled out a sheet of paper and got to work. An hour later she was all done, and was ready to go over to Joey's room. She had put a cute sundress on, and she had put her hair up into a ponytail, and curled it, and she had let little ringlets fall down.

She knocked on the door, and Joey answered it a few short seconds later. "Wow. Can I help you with something?" He asked her. He didn't want her to see how upset he was. He knew his feelings would shine through. He had just spent all night crying, and thinking. He realized a while ago, he was in love with her.

"Just listen to me speak, and then you can speak." Sarah told him, pushing her way into the room. "Joey, I love you. So much it hurts. I made up that thing about me and Justin to try and make you jealous. I was hugging him and everything cuz I was upset about you, and he was making me feel better. I was jealous of all those girls, and I wanted to know what I should do. JC was comforting me earlier, because I was crying. I was crying because of you. I love you so much Joey. I didn't know until a couple of months ago. I'm so scared though Joe. I'm scared that I'll lose your friendship, I'm scared of what might happen. most of all I'm scared of telling you these things. I wrote this poem about an hour ago, and I want to read it to you.

My knees start to shake
When you're in sight.
My mind is filled with wonder,
My heart with fright.
When will this feeling stop?
When did it start?
How can I listen to my mind,
Without breaking my heart?
I'm so confused.
What should I do?
I can't think of anything,
Except you.
Should I ignore you,
Or just give it time?
I can't think straight,
My heart controls my mind."
She finished in tears. As she looked up at Joey, she noticed he was crying too. He took her by surprise when he walked up to her, and gave her the best kiss she had ever received in her life. When he was done, she had to hold onto his arm, because the room was spinning so much, she felt lightheaded and dizzy. but it was a wonderful kind of lightheadedness and dizziness. She looked up at him and said, "So, I take it you feel the same way."

He started laughing, but quickly sombered as he told her what he wanted to say as soon as she walked in the room. "Sweetie, I love you so much too. I would never hurt you. I've loved you ever since I went home last. I haven't been with a girl since I left. You were the last girl I went on a date with. And, you couldn't even call it a date. We just went to the movies as friends. Do you remember? We watched that scary movie, and you got really scared, so I held your hand the entire time, and pulled you close. I knew then that I loved you. I haven't been out with a girl since then." He told her again. He had so much love in his voice.

Sarah couldn't even say anything, her voice was so choked with tears and emotion. All she could whisper was "come here for a second Joey." And, pulled him in for another sweet kiss.
