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Angel In You
By Jayla

-*Where you are, that's where I wanna be*-
-*And through your eyes, all the things I wanna see-*

Tiny little pebbles repelled off the glass pane with a small tapping sound.
For several minutes, the sleeping figure didn't stir. Leslie peeked an eye
open to see if the repetitive tapping was just her imagination. Another
pebble reflected off her bedroom window.

"Ugh," she moaned as she turned to see her alarm clock. It read 4:30 a.m.
She pulled the covers up over her head as another rock flicked off the
window. "This better be worth getting up for," she said seething through her

She threw off the blankets and grabbed her fluffy pink robe and wrapped it
around her. Walking over to the window seat, she pried the lock open as a
chilly wind blew at her causing her to clutch the robe closer to her small
frame. A blanket of fresh snow covered the ground offsetting the clear night
sky to a deep midnight blue.

-*You're the love of my life*-
-*And the breath in my prayers*-

"Les!" A figure said emerging from the darkness. Leslie's tired crystal blue
eyes focused on her long time boyfriend of two years.
"Are you insane? Do you have any idea what time it is? It's 4:30 in the
morning!" He couldn't help but smile at her. She was adorable when she got
"Me, insane? Why yes, I am." He grinned sweetly. "Let's go, I wanna show you
something." The anticipation was building up inside of him but he kept his
"You can't be serious. Do you think we could do this tomorrow?" The look in
her eyes flickered with annoyance.
"Nope, no time like the present, baby girl. Will you come with me, please?"
He said getting on his hands and knees onto the cobblestone walkway.
"Okay, okay. I'll go with you. You interrupted a good dream with this hot
guy in it." A smirk formed across her lips.
"Was it me?"
"No! I think it was Ryan Phillippe. She shrugged. "It could have been
anyone. I'll be down in 15 minutes." She laughed and walked away to her
"Very funny, Les." He yelled.

-*And in the night, you are my dream*-
-* You're everything to me*-

Justin paced Leslie's front yard and pulled out a piece of paper from his
back pocket of his blue jeans. He read the contents trying to remember every
detail of it. He had written it so many times that he had it imprinted in
his mind. It would be stupid to forget it now. He raked a hand through his
short brown curls as a wave of nervousness washed over him. His thoughts
were going a million miles an hour; each of them colliding into each other.

The sound of door closing broke his concentration. He watched Leslie run to
him in slow motion. Her pink ski jacket resided over her black turtleneck
and track pants as her auburn French braid swayed in the wind. Justin always
loved that her simplicity. She was always the most beautiful at that time.

-*I can't forget the taste of your mouth*-
-*From your lips the heavens pour out*-

"Well, you seem in good spirits; Sleeping Beauty awakes. Sometimes, you're
just as bad as JC." He said before giving her a peck on her soft lips.
"I wouldn't be so crabby if it wasn't 4:30 in the morning, Mr. Timberlake."
"Okay, fair enough. About that crack about Ryan-"
She giggled, pulling her pink gloves on her hands. "You know you're my dream
"What do you mean, 'boy'?" His eyebrows arched in a skeptical manner.
"Boy, man. It's all the same." She smiled sweetly as he rolled his eyes at
the comparison.
"It's comments like those that don't make me want to do special things for
you." Justin pouted his lips and made puppy dog eyes at her.
"Oh please. You're the MAN of my dreams. Better?"
"Why thank you, Leslie. It's such a nice compliment." She playfully punched
his arm as he let out a small yelp and smiled.
"You're one in a million. Sometimes, I wonder why I love you."

-*I can't forget when we are one*-
-*With you alone I am free*-

"Ahh, that hurts me right here." He patted to his heart. "I love you too,
"I love you too, Justy. I did get up at 4:30 for you so do you think we can
get the show on the road. We are wasting daylight, well sort of." She
started ushering him forward with the snow crunching underneath their boots.
He chuckled and grabbed a hold of her gloved hand. "My, my. Aren't we
"Yes, we are." Her eyes were bright with hints of excitement lingering in
them. He linked elbows with his girlfriend and walked towards the woods.
"Then we will go."

There was something surprising about the deserted woods that night. The vast
amount of barren trees guided their pathway as a full moon illuminated their
silhouettes. Peace was an element she loved about the night, except for the
occasional hoots from the Snow owls perched on branches in the distance. A
brown jackrabbit ran in front of their path and disappeared into the brush
as Leslie jumped gripping Justin's arm.

He smiled lovingly and clasped her hand. He leaned down to give her kiss on
the forehead. She grinned graciously as they kept walking. Thoughts of first
meeting her flooded his head. She was always the best thing to ever enter
his life. Kisses and hugs were the simple treasures he adored about her.
Only she could give love to him like no other.

-*Take my hand, lead me there*-
-*You're the love of my life*-

"We're here," he whispered into her ear as they entered a clearing. She
sighed with contentment at the beauty of Mother Nature. In front of her lay
a crystal clear lake with a set of massive mountains in the backdrop. There
was something familiar about this place but she couldn't remember it.
"Justin, have we been here before?" Her eyes never left the sight in front
of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him.
"Yeah, we walked by here on our first date."
"I never noticed how beautiful it was." He tilted his head to the side to
look at her profile. She was incredibly breathtaking.
"Neither have I." She faced his dreamy eyed look. There was intrigue hidden
in his deep baby blues. Leslie wasn't quite sure what to expect.
"What's that look for?" He shifted his gaze to her eyes. "Justin, are you
"I'm sorry, everything is fine. I was just lost in the moment."
"Alright, promise me you will tell me if do. Okay?" A sense of worry
appeared in her voice.
"I will." He picked up a rock and skipped it across the top of the icy
water. He exhaled deeply leaving a white mist from his red lips.

-* Everyday, every night, you alone*-
-*You're the love of my life*-

The powder white snow lay in great amounts along the bank of the lake.
Snowflakes began to slowly fall as a fiery ball began to emerge in the east
of the mountains. Wildlife was starting to poke out of their homes at the
start of a brand new dawn. A doe and her fawn appeared at the edge of the
lake drinking in the cool liquid. A red fox scurried into the burrow of
snow. A flock of bluejays flew across of the skies. Leslie always imagined
what it would be like to be that free and to glide swiftly through the air.

"Les, all my life I prayed and searched for love. I was lucky enough to find
that with you. I never dreamed that love was this good. I thank the Heavenly
Father for sending you to me. From the moment, I saw you I knew in an
instant that there was an angel in you." He looked towards the sky that
started to change hazy colors of purple and orange. The Heavens seemed to be
smiling. "God, can I have this angel that stands before me? There's no one
on this Earth that compares to her. She's the reason for my being. I believe
with my entire heart and soul that our love can last forever."

Her heart began to race. Had she heard what she's been waiting for two
years? Leslie's eyes were shiny with tears as she looked at the man that
professed his love to her. Everything was becoming too good to be true. Was
she dreaming? She pinched herself and felt the pain from it. 'I guess not.'
"What did you just say?" She choked out as Justin's face met hers.

"I love you, Leslie. I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else but you.
Will you marry me?" He pulled out the white velvet box revealing a silver
band with 2.5 karat diamond ring and flipped the ring so she could read the
inscription in the inside of the band: ~*You will always have all my love*~
"Yes, I will."

Justin slipped the ring on her finger and embraced her into his body. Each
pair of eyes searched beyond the surface to find something they had never
found before. He brushed his lips against hers with a deep passion as the
tears glided down her peach complexion. Never had two souls connected so
powerfully bonded with love. They were blessed in every way possible. As the
sun was rising above the mountains, he began to sing to her as they danced
into the morning sunshine.

-*Where you are, that's where I wanna be*-
-*And through your eyes, all the things I wanna see*-
-*And in the night, you are my dream*-
-*You're everything to me*-