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Happy Birthday
By: Tami
A Venus Fanfiction Production
Do the Crew

"Why can't you come home?! You know how important today is to me!! Please come home, Justin, I miss you, and I want to see you! You've always always been with me on my birthday, and this year, all of my friends will be there. You could meet them. Please? Just for one day? For me?" I begged him. I knew I sounded pathetic, but I didn't care. He was my best friend. We've been best friends for at least 10 years now.

"You know I want to Tami, but I can't. I have to stay here with the guys and perform. I'll tell you what, when I come home, we'll celebrate you're birthday non stop for a week straight. Whadya say?" He answered.

I knew he was trying, and he had been trying for a while now. He tried sooo hard to keep the friendship stong, and I knew he missed me. He told me at the the end of every conversation. It's just so hard. Especially when I'm in love with him. Nobody knows except for Adriana, my best friend. She's really understanding, and she's kept my secret well. She hasnt even told Lance, and she's best friends with him also.Every time I see him on tv, see him in a poster or hear his sweet gentle voice singing, i compelety melt. I love him with all my heart, soul, body, mind, and existence. I know him better than anybody else does. I see into his mind, when he doesnt even speak. I can smell him in my sleep. When he's sad, I can hear his tears. I can see into his mind, when he's alone. I love him so much it scares me. I don't know how long I can go on like this.


"Justin, what was up with you tonight?!" JC asked Justin after the concert.

"I don't know. I was just off I guess." He replied back.

"Justin, Don't lie to me. I know you better than that. Are you really going to tell me, or are you going to keep it to yourself?"

"It's just that...when I talked to Tami on the phone...she seemed so sad. I miss he so much JC, I hate being away from her. I want to be with her sooo bad on her birthday. I want to be the one to wish her happy birthday first. I want to be the one to give her, her long birthday hug like i always do. Instead she's probably going to get it from some other guy."

"Justin, I don't think so. How do you feel for her? When I look at you, the way you talk about her, I can see so much love and passion in your eyes. Your voice changes, and your face speaks your heart. Do you love her?" He asked.

"No! Well not in that way. Just the best friend way. I swear. I just miss her thats all JC. Jeez! Why do you always think that way. You need to get a girlfriend."

"Wow! okay, sorry i tried to help. No need for the attitude. If you wanted to be there so much, you could've just gone. ya know, we can cover your parts."

That night when Justin was sleeping, he had a dream. He dreamt that Tami was not in his life. He saw what it would be like without her. There would be no amazing smile in his life. There would be no hair to brush out of her face when the wind blew strands into it. There would be no gentle, loving, eyes staring at him. There would be no tears to wipe away, when he had to say goodbye. There would be no loving, amazing, beautiful, wonderful, caring, sensitive, supportive girl in his life. He woke up with tears streaming down his face. He knew what he had to do.

After my party with my friends, I spent the night over Adriana's house. I came home the next day to an empty house. My parents and sister were out with friends. "Great, a big house all to myself. What a great way to spend my birthday. No family, and no Justin." I said to myself sarcatically.
I went up to my room to sleep. I opened the door and there was rose petals everwhere. My bed was covered with roses, and there was lilacs mixed in with it. I couldn't believe it! Who did this for me? I was amazed. There was a note on my bed addressed to "My sunshine". Justin? I knew the note was from him. He's the only one who calls me his sunshine. I opened it, and there was only a short note on it.

"My sunshine,
Come down to the backyard, You'll find a suprise there, that will top all of your other birthdays.
Love always

OMG!! what is he doing? I flew down the stairs, and almost broke my neck tripping over a pair of roller blades. When i reached the door, i took a deep breath and opened it. There he was stanging in the back yard. I couldn't help it, The tears were streaming down my face.

"I love you Tami. I always have. It just took me a long time to realize it." he said. That's all he needed to say.

Sobbing I ran into his arms. I was finally where I always wanted to be. "I love you too Justin. I always have."

"Happy Birthday, I love you!" Was his only reply. That was all that needed to be said.


::Happy B-day index::
part two::