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Happy Birthday -Chapter 2
By Tami
A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production
Do the Crew

Flash forward a couple of years-----

I was on tour with the guys, and things had not been going too smoothly for Justin and I. He was really stressed out because of the whole lawsuit thing with Lou. I tried to get him to open up to me, but he refused to. It was like he just shut himself off to me, he wouldn't open up. I knew he was scared, and I tried sooo hard to comfort him, and tell him that I would always be there for him, but he just wouldn't respond. Sometimes, at night I could hear him crying when he thought I was asleep. One time, I heard him, and I got up to go lay by him so I was facing him. I tried to put my arms around him, and held him close. To comfort him when he was crying, but he just rolled over so he wasn't facing me. I didn't know what to do. I was sick and tired of walking on egg shells with him. I couldn't joke around with him. I couldn't even hug and kiss him. He never told me he loved me. He didn't even call me his sunshine anymore. I decided it was time for me to leave. I wanted to stay so bad. I already missed him. But, I just couldn't do it anymore. It hurt too much.

One night after a show, and back in the dressing room, I told the guys how good they did, and how proud I was of them. I always said that, just in case it would be the last show they did.

"God, Tami!! You don't even know what the hell you're talking about! We did horrible. Don't try to make us feel good, because as soon as we get back to the hotel, JC is going to tell us how we screwed up on this and this and this. So, just go sit down, look pretty, and keep you're mouth shut!" Justin screamed at me.

It felt like somebody had kicked me in my stomach. He's never talked to me like that before. I could feel the tears rising, but I refused to let him see me cry. I looked at the other guys, and was about to apologize, even though I didn't know what for, but I could see I shouldn't. The guys looked really mad. Madder than I've ever seen them. JC exploded on Justin.

"JUSTIN!!! Don't You ever talk to her like that again!!!! She's trying to be supportive Justin, which is more than what I can say for you! Don't ever be that disrespectful again, or else we're going to have to do something about it. And, you don't want that to happen!!!!"

I was grateful JC had spoken up, because I didn't trust myself to speak. I walked over to JC and kissed him on his cheek, and gave him a big hug.
I whispered in his ear, "Thankyou JC. I'm going to miss you"

He just looked at me kind of weird, like he didn't understand.

I knew it was time to stand up for myself and tell Justin, that I was leaving, for good."Justin, for two years, I have stood by you. I believed in you, and I still do. I refuse to be with you if you're going to just shut down from me. I can't take it, and I won't take it. I love you with all of my heart, and you know that. But, I get the feeling that something has changed in you, and I can't help it at all. I know your scared of the whole lawsuit. All the guys are, but you just can't shut down like this. I'm leaving, and when you're ready to try it again, give me a call. I'll always love you." I told him tearfully. It was the most hardest thing i've ever had to do.

He looked at me with so much hatred, I was scared. "Good! I didn't need you anymore anyways. I don't know what I was thinking, when I told you that i loved you that night on your birthday. Your just a stupid whore, and I can find better!"

I was as angry as i have ever been. How dare he talk to me like that!! I couldn't believe it! the next thing I knew, I was walking over to him, as calm as I could be. I didnt know what I was going to do exactley but I knew I was going to do something. When i reached Justin, I said to him, "Justin, please don't ever disrespect me like that ever again. We all know I'm not a whore, so don't call me one." Then I slapped him in the face. It hurt my hand like hell, but I didn't care. My ring that he gave me was turned around on my hand, so it cut his face. "Huh, looks like that ring was good for something." I said, as I threw it on the ground.
I turned around and looked at the guys and did something that was just as hard as saying goodbye to Justin."I'm going to miss you guys with all my heart. JC, I'm going to miss having you there to have big brother, little sister talks with. You mean the world to me, please don't ever forget me."

"I won't Tam, don't forget me. I love you." he answered me tearfully.

"I love you too, Joshua." I replied back as he leaned over to give me a hug and a quick kiss.

"Lance, Don't ever stop giving those wonderful hugs of yours, and any girl that doesn't fall in love with you instantly is a waste of this world's time. Try Adriana, she loves you a lot. More than you'll ever know." I told him.

"I will Tami, I'm going to tell her soon, that I feel the same way. I'll never forget you Tami. Call me sometime, we'll hang out." he said as he gave me one last big hug of his.

"Joey, Your were always there for me, ready to hang out when Justin didn't want to with me. I'll miss you, please don't stop calling me."

"I wont, I promise. I love you Tami!" He said as he gave me a big hug and kiss. "Christopher, I love you! Your my big brother, and you always will be. Never forget me." I said, using my personal nick name for Chris.

"Tamantha, I will never ever forget you, and I love you too. Your my little sister." He said, using my nickname, and giving me a hug and a kiss.

As I turned to walk out the door, I turned around one last time to look at Justin. I ripped off my locket he gave me on Christmas as I walked out the door. I just had to say one last thing to Justin. "Go to hell and rot, Justin Timberlake. As God is my witness, I never want to see you again.... Asshole!" With those parting words, I walked out the door to start my new life, without Nsync.


::Happy B-day index::
part three::