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Happy Birthday- Chapter 3
By Tami
A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production

It was about one month later when I got the call. It was from JC. I was at work, so he just left a message on my machine: "Hey Sweetie, It's Josh. I just wanted to let you know that we won our lawsuit. We got close to 200 million dollars in damages. Lou is probably going to go bankrupt. We were all really happy. Chris actually started crying. We all miss you soo much Tami. Justin...Justin is not doing too good. He misses you, even though he won't let on how much. It's apparent though, he hears something or sees something that reminds him of you, and the pain flashes through his eyes. He still can't stand to hear the word sunshine. He can't sleep a lot anymore. Sometimes, we can hear him crying in his sleep on the bus. You're pillow is still in his bunk. He hugs it when he falls asleep. You're smell is still on it. Please come and visit us. Next week, we're going to be in New York for about a week or two. You can come stay with us, maybe work with us, and write a series of articles for your newspaper. You could call it, a day in the life of Nsync! all the girls would love it. Please say you'll come, Tami. I better go before I get cut off on this machine. Call me on my cell. I miss you Baby doll. I love you." BEEEEPPP...

I was on the floor sobbing. I stayed that way for hours. I missed Justin, and I don't think I'll ever be able to get over him. He's still in my mind and heart. I can still smell him. i didn't know if I should go, or If I shouldn't go. I went to bed, with an aching heart and head. When I woke up, it was dark out and raining. I started thinking about Justin, and the rest of the guys. When I was sleeping, visions of Justin singing me to sleep, him giving me his soft kisses, playing with my hair, calling me his sunshine, and just smiling at me kept floating in front of my eyes. I was scared, more scared than I have ever been. I knew I was going to go, i was just scared that I would fall more deep in love with him, and it would be harder for me to leave. I know I can't ever go back to him, just for the simple fact that I don't want to feel that way again. EVER.

I want to see JC again so much though! He and I have been calling each other a lot lately. We talk about everything, except for Justin. I'm beginning to feel that I'm falling for JC a little bit. I'm elated when he calls, I love talking to him. I could talk to him for hours and hours on end. He made me happy, he took my mind off of Justin. The next thing I knew I was on a plane flying to New York. I couldn't help but feel excited. JC was going to meet me there at the airport. He didn't tell anyone that I was coming though, we were keeping it a suprise. I was nervous about Justin though, i was scared to see how he'd react.I stepped off the plane, and saw JC standing there with his back towards me.

"JOSH!!!!!!" I screamed.

He turned around and saw me, he opened his arms waiting for me. I quickly ran into them. He swept me up in the biggest hug he's ever giving me. He spun me around in a circle. He finally set me down. He just looked at me, and he actually had tears in his eyes."I've missed you so much Baby doll." He said in a choked voice.

"And, I've missed you." I answered him with tears running down my face.

He pulled me into another hug and kissed me on the cheek. "Are you ready to go see the guys?" He asked.

I took a deep breath, and said, "No, Not really. But, do I honestly have a choice?"

"No, you don't." he answered with laughter in his voice. We reached the arena, and saw the guys standing around talking and laughing and having a good time. They were all facing me, except for Justin. He had his back to me.

"Oh my God.." Lance whispered when he saw me.

"What? what's going on??" Justin demanded when he saw the others faces.

"Justin..." I said almost afraid.

He slowly turned around to face me.

::Happy B-Day Index::
Part Four::