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Happy Birthday Chapter 5

When I was running away, Justin ran up to me, and grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me around, so I was facing him. "NO!!! You are not going to run away again. We are going to talk about this Tami!" He yelled at me. I flinched. I was thinking of how it used to be, when he would scream at me like that. "I'm sorry." He said more softly. " I didn't mean to yell, I just don't want to lose you again, like I did last time. Please believe me, My sunshine, that I am really and trully sorry for what I said and did to you in the past. I never really knew how much I hurt you, because I was being an ass. But, just this passing moment when I screamed at you, I could see all the painful moments that I did to you, in your eyes. I am so sorry. You have to believe me-"

He was cut off by me, hugging him. I couldn't stand it anymore, he had installed my trust in him again. I could see he was trully sorry in his eyes. I can still see his soul. I never wanted to let go. I just wanted to keep hugging him. I don't even know how long we stayed like that. When I hug
Justin, everything else seems to fade away, just like when he used to kiss me. Finally, we pulled apart and walked back to the stadium hand in hand.

That night when we went back to the hotel, I was sharing a room with Lance and Justin, just like before. Lance was talking on the phone to Adriana. They were having a very successful relationship, just like I knew they would. Lance told me that he wanted to marry her someday, Adriana told me that he said he loved her for the first time a while ago, and she's coming on tour with them a couple of days after I leave.

Justin and I decided to go out in the hallway to talk, to give Lansten and Adriana privacy. We sat opposite of each other in the hallway, and spead our legs out, so we had our feet touching each other. "Do you want to talk about what happened in the park today, or do you just want to forget it?" He asked me.

"I kind of just want to start where we left off, just forget about all the bad things that happened. I just want to say this one thing Justy, and then that's it. You know it takes me awhile to forgive things. I'm forgiving you now, and I forgave you when I walked away, because that's when I started being mad at myself. I'll always forgive you, but forgetting, that's harder. In time though, It will happen. This I promise you." (sorry i couldnt resist putting that in there, I love that song!! =) i told him.

He scooted over to me, pulled me in his lap, and just held me in his arms. One hand was wrapped around my waist, holding one hand, and his other hand was stroking my hair. "I promise you that I will help you forget." He said.

I just wrapped my arms tighter around his waist, and laid my head on his shoulder. About five minutes later of just sitting like that, not saying anything, just not thinking, just being in each others arms, the door next to our room flew open. "What the hell are you guys doing?!!" It was JC, and he looked pissed.


::HB Index::
part six::