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Happy Birthday Chapter 6

"JC!! What?! What's wrong? What's the matter?!" I asked worried. Justin just sat there looking at him like he was nuts.

"Are you two insane?!" He screamed. "Hello, you're in an open hallway. Do you see any guards? No, you don't. Any fan could come along and see you two. Do you know what would happen then? They think you've got a girlfriend, they know what rooms we're staying in, and then they'll cause a riot, and then the whole entire city is going to revolt, and then there will be anarchy...."

"Whoa whoa whoa JC, Calm down!! we get it! we weren't thinking. We came out here to give Lance privacy with Adriana. We're sorry." Justin said.

"It's okay. just...don't do it again," he said. Something was bothering him though. I could tell. JC doesn't spaz out about something little like that. He didn't care when Joey was caught kissing Sherri in public one time. I decided I was going to talk to him about it. I didn't know if he would tell me or not, but it was worth a shot. I told Justin to go back to the room, that i was going to hang out with Josh for a little bit.

"Joshy, what's wrong?" i asked him, once Justin left.

"I don't know, i guess with the whole lawsuit business gone, i don't want to risk anything anymore." he said.

God! I was sick and tired about them always having to think of consequences, but I understood. I knew there was something else, but I wasn't going to push it. "Okay, well, i'm gonna go then J, if you don't really want to talk about it, then I won't bug you." I told him.

"You know me all too well, huh?" he asked me.

"Yup, you're like my big brother after all." That hurt saying that, cuz I don't think I want that to be true anymore. It was weird, I thought I saw some sort of feeling pass through his eyes when I said that, but it dissapeared as soon as it came. I turned to get up, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back gently.

"Please don't go. I don't want to be alone. Just...Stay, please? I miss you Tam." He asked pleading with me.

"Okay, I won't go Joshua. I'll stay."

I laid down with him on the bed, like we used to. Me on my back, and him on his side playing with my hair, and talking to me. It was great, i hadn't had that much fun in awhile. At about 2:00 in the morning Justin came in to get me to go to bed. he wasn't mad though, he never did get mad when I was affectionate with the other guys. I was free to kiss them and hug them. I knew it was just like a good friend kiss and hug. Justin's was always different hugs and kisses.

"Goodnight J, I'll see you in the morning." I said, as I kissed his forehead and eyes.

"Goodnight Baby girl, I love you." he replied.

"I love you too." I said out loud. To myself, I said more than you'll ever know. "What am i doing?!" I screamed at myself inside my head.

"Can I talk to you again about us?" Justin asked me once when we were back in the room.

"Justin, please just give it a rest. I don't want anything right now, can we just start over again? It's just that a lot has changed these past couple of months. We've changed, and other things have changed." I replied. Like my feelings for JC, I said once again to myself.

This is so hard. I've constantly got this war raging in my head. One second it's saying Justin, the next it's saying JC. Justin, JC, Justin, JC,
Justin, no JC. AAUUGHGH!!! It's killing me!
I knew I had to make a decision soon before I hurt myself, or Justin or JC.If JC even had the same feelings for me. It just felt so different when I was with JC tonight. I'm going to have to figure this out soon.


::HB Index::
part seven::