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Happy Birthday Chapter 7

The next morning------------------

I woke up with my side hurting really bad. I didn't know what it was. It just hurt really bad. Itwas like the front but on the side of my stomach. It was really sharp pains. I rolled over so I was facing Justin. He looked so innocent and gentle when he was sleeping. I could watch him for hours. He just looked so gorgeous. I couldn't watch him for hours this time though, because he was woken up by Chris running in our room screaming "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A HURRICANE, AND IT'S NAME IS CHRIS!!!!!!"

He jumped on our bed and started jumping up and down. Justin woke up quickly after that. He grabbed a hold of chris' ankle and made him trip and fall off of our bed.

"CHRIS!!!! Get the hell out of my room now, before I rip off your arms and beat you to death with them, I swear to GOD!!!!!!!!! he yelled finishing off his tyrade with one last scream.

"Okay, okay. I just wanted to get you up." he said laughing. "It worked didn't it?"

"OUT!!!!!" We both screamed at him.

"Tami, Sunshine, are you okay?" justin asked me, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I asked him back.

"I don't know you just look kind of pale."

"No, it's probably just because i'm tired. it's nothing to worry about." I lied to him. The pain was immense now, it hurt to much to even move. After a couple of minutes of pretending I was asleep, the pain went away. It scared me though, I didn't know what it was. We got up and went downstairs to eat, and I saw JC playing the piano.

"Josh, can I play with you?" I asked him.

"Absolutly. Like you even have to ask." he answered. We played for a little while, and I loved every minute of it. I couldn't totally get into the playing session. I just kept thinking of Justin, and how concerned and cute he looked this morning. That's the justin i remember. Maybe, he has changed a bit. Maybe, the lawsuit had affected him for the better.

All of a sudden the pain came back. It was so sharp, it caused me to stop playing, and it took my breath away.

"Tami, what's the matter?!" Jc asked me frantically.

I couldn't answer him for a little bit, cuz i couldn't breathe. I just took deep slow breaths, and it finally went away. That one was really bad.

"Tami, what's wrong?" JC asked me again.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm fine." i answered him.

"no, you're not. what's wrong?" He asked me once again.

"NOTHING JC! I AM FINE!" I yelled at him, causing a couple of people to turn around. I just got up and left the room. Something was wrong, and I didn't know what it was. All i know is that it hurt like nothing else had before. I went up to my room, and looked in the mirror. I did not like what I
saw. I was really pale, almost a gray color, and i was sweating a little, and shaking.

That night at the concert, I was sitting in the front row. They guys were singing God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You, but I couldn't really hear it because all of the girls were screaming too much. I usually screamed along with them, but my side had started to hurt and I had a horrible headache. The pain in my side wasn't that bad, but it was getting worse, and I was so hot. I had to leave.

"Mickey." I said taping one of the body guards on his shoulder.

"What's wrong ms. Tami?" he asked me concerned.

"Mickey, get me out of here. I need to go to a hospital. I can't breathe, and my side..." I couldn't speak anymore. The pain was to sharp, much sharper and intense than it had been before. I started to pass out.

"No, no, no. Tami wake up." Mickey said, trying to snap me out of it.

"Get...Justin...Please." I whispered.

Mickey was picking me up in his arms, and the next thing I knew, I saw Justin jumping off the stage coming for me. Once I saw him, I knew I was
going to be okay. I felt myself being lifted out of mickey's arms, and I looked up and saw Justin. I was in his arms. "Justin.." I tried to speak.
"No, don't talk. you're going to be alright, my sunshine." He told me reassuringly.

Those words were like a prayer, i knew i was going to be okay.

"Thank you God, for sending him to me." I said to myself.

The next thing i saw was darkness.


::HB Index::
Part Eight::