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Happy Birthday Chapter 8

I woke up shortly after in an ambulance. I looked around me terrified, but then I saw Justin. He was there with me. "Justin. Your here!?" I said questionigly but at the same time happy.

"Of course, you're my sunshine, I would never leave you alone." He replied.

All of a sudden the pain came back again. It hurts soo bad! what is it? Why can't they fix this? "OW!! God, can't you make this stop? It hurts dammit!!" I cried, with tears streaming down my face.

"We're sorry Ma'm we're trying to. It seems that your appendix is bursting. We're not sure yet, and we won't know untill we get to the hospital." One of the paramedics said to me.

"Justin!" I cried. "Help me! Please do something. It hurts so bad." I pleaded with him, sobbing.

"There's nothing I can do, Baby. Just take deep slow breaths." he said trying to make me feel better.

It wasn't going to work. It never had been this bad before. It felt like my insides were exploding. "Do something Justy, please." I tried pleading with him again.He's the only one who could ever make me feel better. I trusted only him.

"Look into my eyes Tami. Focus on them, okay?" He said to me, with love in his voice.

"Okay." Iwhispered. I opened my eyes, and focused on his. His eyes took my breath away. I saw so much love in them. I saw all the good times we've had in them. I saw all the bad times in them. i saw when he was alone without me, and I saw myself alone without him. I saw my most favorite memory in them, when he gave me his promise ring after we'd been together for two years. I saw how much I loved him, and I see how much I love him now. I saw how much he loved me and how much he loves me now. I saw everything. his hopes, fears, love, everything. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead he sang to me. He sang our song. He sang "No place that far" by Sara Evens and Vince Gill to me. It was our song. I relaxed totally. I felt no pain at all. When he was done with the song, I felt him softly kiss me on my lips, that was the best kiss I have ever recieved. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

When we got to the hospital, I was rushed to an emergency room. The doctor shortly came in after and examined me. Justin never left my side. I wouldn't let him, and the nurses saw in my eyes, that I wouldn't let him leave. He stayed by my side the whole time, holding my hand. "Tami, it looks like your appendix has exploded. We're going to have to perform surgery on you right away." The doctor told me. No! This is something I did not want to happen. I'm terrified of surgery. I hate hospitals. How am I going to do this?

Justin saw the fear in my eyes, and he pulled the doctor aside, and whispered something in his ears. Justin walked back over to me. "I'm going to be by your side the entire time. I'm never going to leave you, I promise." He whispered in my ear.

The doctor was going to let him stay in the operating room with me! I knew everything was going to be okay. Justin was there.

"Okay. Let's operate." The doctor said.

I took a deep breath as I was wheeled into the operating room.


::HB Index::
part nine::