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*+*One boy, One Girl*+*
by Leslie

"I love him Mel, and I don't even know him. I just do." Leslie confided in her best friend as they sat in her bedroom getting ready for the high school prom. "I always thought somehow and someway we would go to prom together. He never got to go to his high school prom. I always imagined him coming to mine though." She sighed as she looked into the mirror to see crystal clear tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Don't cry sweetie. Please?" Melissa finished piling the last few curls onto Leslie's head before sitting down next to her on the bed. "Just because he's not coming with you to prom doesn't mean it won't happen." Leslie nodded and graciously took the tissue her friend offered. "Besides you can put his picture into your purse and it will be like he is going with you."

Leslie smiled sadly. "You always know what to say. How am I ever going to repay you for everything you've ever done for me? You've been there through everything. You always left a light on, and you never gave up on me. Even when I was so low and I had given up on myself, you were there." Leslie wiped the tears out of her eyes and bit her freshly painted lips to try and hold back more threatening tears.

"You'll never have to repay me Les. You were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on or when I just needed someone to talk to. You never let me walk alone." The doorbell ringing interrupted Melissa. "Come on sweetie, let's re-do your make-up quickly and then meet our dates." Leslie nodded and inhaled deeply.

"I still can't believe I let you talk me into going on a blind date for prom." Her words were soft and hidden under her breath, but Melissa could still hear them and smiled a knowing smile.

'You'll thank me later, Les.' Her hands moved quickly and in a matter of minutes, both girls descended down the stairs to where their dates were waiting.

"I can't believe I am going to a prom on a blind date." Justin whispered to JC before catching sight of his date.

"You'll thank me later, Justin. They're ready." JC whispered back. He watched as Justin's head lifted and his eyes met with those of Leslie's. His eyes locked with hers and he tried to fight for control of his emotions with his head, but his heart won out. He had loved her since forever, and now, fate had sealed the deal by bring two hearts together as one.

He finally gave in to his friend's girlfriend
When she said "there's someone you should meet"

"So Leslie, Melissa," Justin began as he and Leslie sat down at a small round table for two before the senior prom, "tells me that you're up for prom

Leslie meekly nodded. "Yeah, I guess I am. It's not that big of a deal. Everyone knows I'm not going to win. I don't have a prom king so they'll all vote for Caroline or Jackie but not me." She smiled weakly as she took a small sip of the water that had been set on the table moments ago. "I'm okay with it though. It's not like I really wanted to win."

"Now you and I both know that's not true. I want you to win. I think you should win. If you don't just know that you won the title of prom queen in my heart, and you will always be my prom queen. I'll be your prom king if you want me to be." Justin rested his hand over hers and his shining eyes locked with hers causing everything around them to disappear. It was as if no one else existed except for them.

"How did you know I wanted to win so badly?" Leslie asked him breaking the silence but not the magical gaze they held.

"Your eyes told me." His voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke. "I can see everything in your eyes."

At a crowded restaurant way cross town
He waited impatiently
When she walked in their eyes met and they both stared
And right there and then everyone else disappeared

Justin held Leslie's hand protectively in his as they walked into the crowded hotel where her senior prom was being held. His eyes scanned the room until they settled upon JC and Melissa who were dancing closely. 'One day Justin that will be you and Leslie,' He thought to himself silently.

"I can't believe I'm here at prom with you and a nomination for prom queen. I feel like I'm stuck in a dream, and I am going to wake up any moment." Leslie confided breaking Justin away from his thoughts.

"Believe me, this is as real as it gets." He kissed her hand softly and smiled gently before JC and Melissa joined them.

"Hey man, what's up?" JC patted Justin on the back as Melissa pulled Leslie away to a corner of the room to have a girl to girl talk.

"How did dinner go sweetie?" Melissa whispered as soon as the two were out of earshot from the guys or any of the other prom-goers.

"He looked into my eyes and I knew I was in love with him. He knew what I was feeling before I said anything. He already knows me, Mel." Leslie told her tears of happiness and confusion flooding her eyes. "How did you do it? How did you get him to come? You've tried before, and it's never worked."

"I never told you?" Leslie shook her head with a confused look present on her face. "He hasn't dated anyone for a few years. He refused to actually. He said he was waiting for the right girl to come along. I never thought he would find her, and I don't know what changed his mind, but he came tonight."

Leslie silently stood shocked. "He must have known." Leslie whispered barely audible.

Melissa smiled and squeezed her friends' hand gently. "That's what soul mates are all about."

But one boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly
To put it mildly it was love at first sight
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd waited for all their lives
And for a moment the whole world
Revolved around one boy and one girl.

"I can't believe you're moving to New York at the end of the summer." Justin whispered as he and Leslie walked away from where her high school graduation had been held. He stared dead ahead with lost and confused eyes as Leslie looked down at their hands and intertwined fingers.

"Neither can I. I'm not ready to leave, but I have to." Her voice was soft, hurt and loving all in one.

Justin's lip set themselves into a grim, straight line as his heart broke quietly. "Why? I just found you. I just found you three months ago, and I fell in love with you the first time I looked into your eyes. Now you're leaving." He fell silent as they walked away from the school and the people and towards the beach- their beach. "You haven't left yet, and I already miss you. Is there any way I can make you stay?" He stopped and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her to him. "Is there?"

"I want to stay Justin. I want to be wrapped up in your arms forever, but there is so much more out there that I want to experience. I want to get out of this state and live my life to its full potential. I want to go to college." She paused and brought her eyes up to his. "I want to marry you and have children. I want it all Justin." She let a few tears fall and land on her nose before running off and splattering onto the sand below them.

"Then I will get it all for you. I am going to wait for you until the end of time, okay?" He brushed her tears away and rested his head against hers.

She nodded against his forehead and sniffled. "And no matter what happens, I am always going to love you." Leslie nodded again and let a few more tears fall.

"I bought you something."

"You didn't need to do that." Leslie lifted her head off of his and let her lips curl into a smile. She watched with cautious eyes as Justin pulled a
platinum band ring out of his pocket. On the band lay a round diamond with two heart diamonds, one on either side, of it.

"We met three months ago, and it was the best day of my life. I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you. You complete such a huge part of me. You're with me when I need you. You stand beside me. I want you to be mine forever. Will you marry me?"

In no time at all they were standing there
In the front of a little church
Among their friends and family
Repeating those sacred words

"I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe I am really doing this. Am I making a mistake? No, of course not. He's the one. I am meant to spend the rest of my life with him, right? Right." Leslie mumbled nervously as she and Melissa, her maid of honor, sat in the bridal dressing room.

"Take a deep breath babe." Melissa told her smiling. "Breathe in, breathe out." Leslie did as she was instructed and her flushed cheeks returned to
normal color. "Do you feel better now?"

Leslie slowly nodded and smiled nervously. "I owe this all to you. If you never had introduced us, I wouldn't be marrying the love of my life. Thank you so much Mel." She hugged her best friend tightly as the door opened.

"Are you ready to marry the man of your dreams?" Leslie's father asked poking his head through the doorway.

Leslie turned around and nodded slowly releasing the tears that had been threatening to fall all day.

"Princess, don't cry. You don't have to marry him. You can say no." Her father wrapped her in a hug and let her tears fall onto the jacket of his black tuxedo as Melissa rubbed her back trying to soothe her nervousness.

"I want to marry him Daddy. I'm just so scared and in love and confused." She took in a deep breath and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I love you Daddy." Her father hugged her once more and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too Princess." He linked his elbow with Leslie's before Leslie, Melissa and he left the bridal room to enter the church where Leslie would be given away to Justin.

"I love you Mel." Leslie hugged her best friend quickly before the maid of honor and best man walked down the aisle. The bridesmaids and groomsmen followed quickly then Leslie and her father entered the church. The entire congregation stood and watched as Leslie's father led her to her future husband and soul mate.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" The pastor asked after everyone had been seated.

Leslie smiled at her father as he answered, "Her mother and I do." He lifted his daughter's veil and kissed her cheek. He let the veil fall back down before placing her hand into Justin's and sitting down next to his wife.

Justin's eyes locked with Leslie's and didn't leave hers until the preacher pronounced them man and wife. "You may kiss the bride." Justin's hands lifted her veil and their lips met sealing their promise of love.

Like they night they met time just stood still
One boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly
To put it mildly it was love at first sight

"So what all do you need to buy?" Melissa asked as she and Leslie met outside the supermarket a year later as they did every week to shop for their needs and their husbands needs.

"I need a pregnancy test." Leslie opened the supermarket door and followed Melissa inside. "I'm late. I've been late for awhile, and I have the whole morning sickness thing. Justin hasn't noticed anything yet because he's at work or school or whatever when I wake up."

"Are you sure that you're not just sick?" Melissa led Leslie to the aisle of pregnancy tests as Leslie nodded.

"I have that feeling. You know the intuition that says I am. I'm ready for a baby, but I can't tell if Justin is." She sighed and trembled as she pulled a test off the counter. "Let's go buy this and go back to my house. I want to get this over with." Melissa nodded and silently followed Leslie to the cash register.

After she had paid for the test, Leslie and Melissa silently climbed into their cars and drove to the house that Leslie and Justin resided in. "I'm going to go into the bathroom and take the test." Leslie told Melissa as Melissa sat down on one of the couches and made herself comfortable. She picked a People magazine off the coffee table. It was the magazine upon which pictures of Leslie and Justin's wedding had adorned the cover. She smiled and flipped to the page where the article lay, She began reading with a smile for she could still remember every detail of the wedding.

"I got the results." Leslie spoke tearing Melissa from her reading. Melissa looked up expectantly. "I'm pregnant."

He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd waited for all their lives
And for a moment the whole world
Revolved around one boy and one girl

"Justin," Leslie began breathlessly, "take me to a hospital right now."

Justin's head jumped up from the bills he had been looking at.

"You mean? You are? Are you?" Leslie nodded as another contraction struck her.

"I'll go get the suitcases." Justin raced up the stairs and came back seconds later carrying a suitcase Leslie had packed weeks ago. He hurriedly
ran outside and threw the suitcase into the trunk before racing back inside and slowly helping Leslie into the car. "You doing okay?" Justin started the car engine and sped out of the driveway and towards the hospital.

"Yes, but they are coming quickly." She gripped onto the seat as she began her breathing exercises trying to get through the current contraction.

"We're almost there, baby. We're almost there." Justin cooed gently patting her hand as he pulled into the closest empty parking slot. He jumped out of the car and carefully helped Leslie out of the car. They walked inside together as Leslie continued to do her breathing exercises. "We need a hospital room and a doctor now." The nurse who sat behind the welcome desk jumped out of her seat and brought a wheel chair around to the married couple. She carefully helped Leslie into the wheel chair.

"Who is the doctor, sir?" The nurse looked up at Justin who was running a hand through his thick mass of curly hair and allowing his eyes to dart about the room with a worried expression evident in them.

"Dr. Mazzy." He finally choked out.

The nurse nodded, "Could you fill out those forms on the counter," She nodded her head towards the counter, "for me. They have to be filled out for your wife to be admitted to the hospital." Justin nodded his head as Leslie was wheeled away.

"Call Melissa for me, okay?" Leslie called back before she reached the end of the hallway. Justin nodded as he picked up the phone.

He was holding her hand when the doctor looked up and grinned
"congratulations, twins"

Justin raced into the hospital room as soon as he could and placed his hand over Leslie's. Her eyes were shut close from exhaustion. Justin looked up at the doctor with expectactant eyes. "Well Doc?"

"Congratulations son, you have twins." The doctor smiled proudly as two tiny cribs were wheeled in.

Justin's eyes filled with love at the sight of the two beings he and Leslie had made.

"One boy," The doctor handed Justin the boy, "and one girl."

Leslie stirred and smiled as she felt the tiny child being put into her arms.

"They're beautiful Les." Justin murmured as his lips softly caressed her forehead. She smiled up at him and kissed his lips before looking back at the

"Yes, they are beautiful." She touched her daughter's nose softly. "You're beautiful darling." The twin cooed and wriggled at her mothers' touch.

"What should we name them?" Justin asked watching as Leslie gently cared for the small baby girl.

"How about Cody Randall for the small boy and Rebekkah Lynn for the baby girl." Leslie's loving eyes looked from the baby girl to Justin. "Welcome to the world Cody Randall and Rebekkah Lynn. Mommy and Daddy love you."

He smiled at both twins as the door opened and Melissa and JC walked in.

Les, they're beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Melissa pulled a chair over by the bed and sat down next to her best friend as JC sat down next to Justin.

"What are their names?" JC asked Justin.

Justin looked so proud to be a father and so in love. "JC, Melissa, I want you both to meet the newest additions to our family. This is Cody Randall and in her arms Leslie holds Rebekkah Lynn."

Melissa grinned as she looked from one baby to the other then from Leslie to Justin. "Congratulations, twins. You have received wonderful parents." She touched Rebekkahs' nose as JC touched Codys'.

One boy, one girl, two hearts beating wildly
To put it mildly it was love at first sight
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd waited for all their lives
And for a moment the whole world
Revolved around one boy and one girl


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