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^Something We Both See^

^By Sarah^
^Short Story^
^March 31, 2000^
^A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production^
^Do the Crew!^

Justin walked into the venue, dragging his own duffle bag while carrying one of Chris's turntables.
"I don't understand why you can't just permanently set these up in the
bus or something." Justin groaned as he set the turntable on a table in an
extra dressing room.

"The how in the world would you work your muscles, Juju?" Chris teased,
setting down the box of records he had been carrying.

"I told you not to call me that! It's so annoying. And your equipment is
so freakin' heavy." Justin griped, sitting down on a chair to rest.

"Ooo, SOMEONE'S a little touchy. Taken your Midol lately?" Chris
irritated Justin, until he saw the look on Justin's face. He put his hands up
and backed away. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving now."

"Good idea." Justin sat by himself for a while. It was only one o'clock in the
afternoon; they still had plenty of time before sound check. JC and Lance
were calling a radio station to do an interview, Chris was on the bus, and
Joey - well, who knew where Joey was.

Finally, Justin got tired of being by himself and went to look for
something to do. He know it probably wasn't a good idea, since he was in such
a horrible mood, but he began roaming the hallways anyway.

"Justin!" Justin turned around to see Joey running up. "There are these
two FINE girls working here."

"Big whoop." Justin kept walking. Joey found "FINE" girls all the time.

"No, come on, Justin. Just walk around with me."

Justin sighed. "Why? It's not like you need me to help you pick up girls."

"I just want you with me. You know two girls look for two guys, not just
one. And JC and Lance are busy, and Chris doesn't want to talk to the hot
girls - he has Kim. Please Justin?"

"Fine! Where are we going?"

"I don't know. Wherever. They've been walking all over the place."
After fifteen minutes of wandering, they still hadn't found the "FINE
girls" Joey had spotted earlier.

"Joe, are you sure they weren't figments of your imagination or

"No. I saw this -" Joey was interrupted by a girl brushing by him,
talking on a walkie-talkie.

"Excuse me. Leslie, I grabbed the extra cords. Where do you want me to
put them?"

"Come on. That's her." Joey dragged Justin after the girl.

"Hi, I'm Joey, the man of your dreams." He jumped in front of the girl.

"I'm Sarah, the girl of your nightmares." She shook his hand tentatively.

"Wanna go eat dinner with me later?"

"Um.sorry. I've made a vow not to date the man of my dreams."

"Not a problem with me." Joey winked.

Sarah laughed. "Sorry, Joey. No."

"Oh, well." Joe bounced back easily. "Where's the girl you were with
before? I want to introduce my friend to her."

"Iris? I'm delivering these cords to her now. Come on, follow me."

Justin reluctantly followed Joey and Sarah. Joe was bugging Sarah about a
date. Sarah completely ignored him, which only egged on his attempts. In
between radio calls to her mysterious friend, Sarah rationalized with Joe.

"Finally," Sarah exclaimed after almost five minutes of walking. "We're
almost to her."

They walked down a long corridor, and could hear voices echoing.
"Leslie, want some help?" a man's voice called.

"That's okay; Sarah's on her way."

"She needs the workout, anyway," another male voice teased.

"Shut up, Jay!" the girl shouted playfully. She stepped out from behind
some boxes and Justin got his first look at the girl called Leslie. She was
beautiful - that was obvious. But it wasn't her outer beauty that caught
Justin's eye - although she was gorgeous. Leslie shone; she almost
glowed with happiness and confidence.

"Venus!" Leslie zoomed at high speed towards the trio. "Thank you so
much! I've been looking all over for those cords. I have the ropes and some
poles and stuff." Leslie was almost blocked by the huge assortment of things
she carried. "I guess this group must be pretty special if we need all this
blocking equipment." For the first time, she noticed Justin and Joey. "Hi,
I'm Leslie. Who are you?"

"I'm Joe."

"I'm Justin. Here, lemme help you with that." Before she could even think
about protesting, he scooped up some of the things Leslie was carrying.

"Why are you backstage? Who are you, anyway?" Leslie asked cheerfully as
they made their way down towards the stage.

"We' of performing tonight." Justin answered. Sarah shot Leslie
a Look.

"Don't get uptight about it, Venus. I'm sort of supposed to know that,"
she explained to the guys. "Keep wacko fans away from you and all that."

"How come you call her 'Venus'?" Justin asked.

"She's the Goddess of Love and Beauty." Sarah blushed.

"Oh, really?" Joey smiled, making Sarah blush harder.

"Yeah, well, she's Iris, the Rainbow Goddess." Sarah retorted.


"Leslie!" Sarah mocked. The four had found their way outside the venue,
inside the gates. Fans were already lined up, and began screaming when they
saw the group. The four ignored them and began setting up the barriers,
talking as they worked. They talked about anything and everything, and Justin
found Leslie more fascinating as time went on.

"Do you two want to have dinner with us tonight?" Joe asked in a whisper
as they all bent over a jumble of cords.

"No, I already - " Sarah stood up impatiently.

"She'd love to, really, and so would I," Leslie cut in. "It's settled. Come to our
dressing room at five o'clock - sharp."

*** Six Months Later***

"So this is what, the sixth time you've been on the show?" Rosie
O'Donnell sat behind her famous desk, chatting it up with the *NSYNC boys.
"Yeah, I guess it is." Chris was hyper, as always, even after his breakup
with Kim.

"I'm going to cut right to the chase here - forgive me. I hear two of you
have girlfriends. Joey and Justin, would you like to tell us about it?"

Joey rubbed the back of his neck. "How bad do you want to know?"

"Bad, Brooklyn Boy. Bad."

"Okay, okay. She's a great person. She keeps me on my toes. She's really
the first girl I went the extra mile for, you know? I was used to girls who
fell for me right away."

"She took some convincing, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"And Justin?"

Justin looked at the cue cards in his hand, and then put them away. He
didn't need them. He looked straight at the camera and poured out his heart
to the girl who sat a thousand miles away.

"I met my girlfriend about six months ago. I was in the worst mood in the
history of the world, and she completely turned it around in an instant. She
is the most wonderful, vibrant, beautiful person. Everyone wants a part of
her and her life, including me. Sometimes I just sit and stare at her,
wishing she was mine - and then I realize she is. It's the greatest feeling
in the world just to hold her and treasure her. Baby, I know you're in St.
Louis, but now is the best time to tell you this - I never want to be without
you. I love you." The audience was hushed and silent as Justin continued his
speech. "If you ever left me, I would curl up and die. It would mean the end of
my world. You are my world. I love you, Iris." Everyone in the audience went
"aaaawww", startling Justin back to reality.

"I love you, too, Aether." The voice came from behind Justin; he whipped
around to find Leslie standing there, a serene look on her face.

"How.why are you.what is." Justin didn't know what question to ask first.
Leslie didn't need him to ask any questions. She glided over to him and took
him in her arms, then kissed him. Justin had never been kissed on live
television before; he didn't mind.

*I see you
You see me, too.
There's something we both see.
I know you know it
I know you feel it
It's something we can't see.
Your eyes are pools of water
The depths are out of reach
I know in your heart
There's something we both see.

And it's love, baby, love.
Against all odds, it's love.
We were thrown together
By a spinning destiny
And it's fate, baby, fate
It's a karma we can't deny
It's something in you,
Something in me,
Something we both see.

Don't ever lie to me, girl
I'll know right away
I know what is true and real
I know you each day.
I can see a magic
Stardust in the air.
I can see your soul,
Most of all you care
About everyone and everything
To every life the joy you bring
Is times a thousand in my heart
It's something we both see.

And it's love, baby, love.
Against all odds, it's love.
We were thrown together
By a spinning destiny
And it's fate, baby, fate
It's a karma we can't deny
It's something in you,
Something in me,
Something we both see.*


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