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My Best Feature
BY: Tami
Venus Fanfiction Crew Production
Do the Crew

Katie stared into the mirror after school. Her crush turned her down when she asked him to the senior prom. She did not like what she saw. She couldn't believe she had even thought about asking him to the prom. What a joke."That's what I am. A joke. I'm just a joke." She whispered tearfully at her reflection.

Katie walked up to Jason nervously and asked him if she could talk to him alone. "Sure, Katie. What's up?" he asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to go to the prom with me?" She asked nervously.

"Umm..well. No actually not. Why would I?" He asked.

"I thought maybe we could go as just friends if you want." She answered him, humiliated.

"No. I wouldn't. Did you actually think you were in my league? Yeah right!" He scoffed at her, cruelly.
It was all she could do to keep from running away.
<<end flashback>>

How could someone be so cruel? She wondered as she looked in the mirror. I never really thought I was ugly. I guess I kinda am. Look at me. I am. I can't believe he would even go with me. I'm fat, I'm ugly. Look at this nasty auburn hair i have, and my nose. Gross. She turned away from the mirror sobbing. Just as she lay on her bed face down, sobbing, the phone rang. No, I'm not answering it. I can't talk. "Katie! You have a phone call. It's Lance." Her mother called up the stairs to her.

" Oh no." she groaned. "he's going to know right away." Lance was her best friend since middle school. They had stuck by each other through everything. But, sometimes, she couldn't say certain things to Lance. Things had been weird between them lately. She was starting to fall in love with him. She loved everything about him. the way he smiled, the way his hair was styled, and how when she got sleepy, he would let her play with the back of his hair, because it was so soft, and he never let anybody else touch it. The way his eyes shined when he laughed, the way he waved his arms around when he got excited, the way his body looked in the bathing suit he wore when they went swimming, the way he always hugged her goodnight and kissed the top of her head, the way he told her, his secrets in her ear. EVERYTHING. She kept pushing the feelings away, and him. She was scared of admitting it, because she was worried about what he would think. whether he would love her back or not. She was scared. but everytime she heard his name, or saw him walking down the hallway, she felt these really weird butterflies in her heart. It was weird. They weren't butterflies like when she saw Jason walking down the hall or heard his name. That's why she had asked Jason. She was hoping he would feel the same way, and he would help her forget about lance. She would never go up to him and ask him to the prom any other day, but she was desperate.

"Oh jeez. Here goes nothing." She said to herself.

"Hello." She picked up the phone, shakily.

"Katie! What's wrong?! Lance gasped worriedly.

She knew this wasn't going to work. Her voice was filled with tears, and she couldn't get her voice to sound normal. "Nothing's wrong, James. Nothing!" she answered.

He knew her too well. He knew that when she called him James, she was upset. Her voice was doing that weird chirping noise too. It does that when she's upset and she's trying to fake happiness. "I'm coming over now." He told her before hanging up the phone.

"Oh, Dear God. Please help me get through this." She prayed.

The door to her room busted open about five minutes later. "God! Don't you knock?!" Katie asked Lance irritated.

"No, I don't. Now, you wanna tell me what your damage is? Why are you crying?" he asked her gently.

"Lance, I can't tell you." She told him with tears streaming from her eyes.

"Sweetie, no! Don't cry. Baby, you can tell me everything. you of all people know that." He said to her, calling her by his two nicknames for her. He walked over to her, and pulled her into his arms, as he stroked her hair. "What happened, baby. Please tell me. Let me help you." He asked pleading with her. He didn't like seeing her like this.

She couldn't speak, because she was crying too hard. After a couple of minutes of sobbing into Lance's chest, she had calmed down enough, to tell him what happened. As she told him more and more, he got more and more mad after every word. "I can't believe he would do such a mean and horrible thing!" He yelled, angrily.

"Please, don't James. I don't want your pity." She told him, with desperation in her voice. "Did you ever think that maybe he just thought I was ugly. Maybe he didn't like me. He is right, I'm not in his league."

"Get up!" he told her. " Come over to this mirror here." He pulled her over to the mirror.

"Now, tell me what you see?" he told her.

She couldn't answer him. There was no need to tell him how ugly she felt.

"Fine. I'll tell you then." He told her angerily. He couldn't believe she was being this stupid. Did she not know how beautiful she was?


"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You have beautiful green eyes, that I find myself staring into for hours, a cute button nose, that I
wish to kiss almost every day." Oh my god! What am i doing? Lance thought to himself, while he was saying this. Am I really going to tell her how much I'm in love with her? "You have lips that i love to touch when you're asleep. Your eyelashes are so long, that when you hug me good night, you give me butterfly kisses on my neck. Your hair is a gorgeous auburn color, and you have curves that I hear girls saying everyday how much they wish you had your body. I love it when we go swimming, because I get to look at it, and only me. But, most important your insides are the most beautiful. Your warm, sensitive, funny, loving, intelligent, caring. You give the best hugs, you always listen to me, your there for me when nobody else is. You support me in everything i do. Your heart is beautiful. I could go on and on, but then we would be here all night." he told her, laughing.

Oh God. Maybe he does feel the same way. She thought. I have to ask him. "James. What are you trying to say?" She asked him.
As she waited for his answer, she thought of a poem that she had heard the other day.

I asked my friend this afternoon,
As I gazed into my reflection,
What she thought of what I saw.
She said, "Images are usually misconceptions."

I started to put down my appearence,
Wishing I was thinner or taller.
She looked at me with understanding eyes,
Saying, "Superficial wishes only make you smaller."

I knew she was right, but who was she to talk,
For she was every guy's dream
I tried to point this out to her,
She replied, "Appereances aren't always what they seem."

"Tell me five features you admire in yourself." She said.
And I knew my troubles had just begun,
For I could see the hurt in her expression,
When I couldn't think of one.

I could not think of one single feature I liked,
And I could feel my stomach slowly start to sink.
So I turned to my friend and simply said,
"Well what do you think?"

"I think you're looking at it all wrong," she said
"And I wish I could make it clearer.
It's what's inside you that makes you beautiful,
And not what can be seen in the mirror."

She said, "You're the most loving person I know,
And I hate to watch you fall apart.
If you want to know what makes you beautiful to me,
Your best feature is your heart."

"What I'm trying to say to you Katie, is that..." he said, taking a deep breath. "I love you with all of me." He finished in one big breath.

"Oh...oh..." Katie said, crying. "Lance, I love you too. I always have."

He walked closer to her, and pulled her in his arms. "Katie, would it be alright if I kissed you?" he asked.

"Like you even have to ask Lance, and we're being corny." She answered laughing, finishing her giggle with giving lance a sweet kiss on the lips. "Does this mean we're going to prom together?" he asked, laughing.

"Uh huh!" She answered giggling.

They met in another kiss, and ended it with a sweet hug.


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