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"Lance! Lance!" Rachel screamed from the bathroom. She was looking at herself in the mirror and she was not happy. Lance was in her room watching television while she got ready.

"What? What?" Lance ran to the bathroom, trying to open the door. It was locked. "Open the door! What's wrong?" He pounded on the door, demanding to be let in. Lance felt the lock click and he flung it open. He felt his breath suck in as he looked her up and down.

"Lance. I don't wanna go to this party. I look horrible. I look like a twelve year old kid playing dress up." Rachel whined to him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She snapped at him.

"Justin! Get in here! Now!" Lance whistled through his teeth, looking at her again. Justin came skidding around the connecting door and stopped in front of the bathroom.

He gasped and his jaw hung open. "You look...You look..." Justin stuttered.

"Spit it out Fro Boy!" Rachel yelled at him.

"You look dead sexy!" Justin grinned at her. "Oof!" He groaned when Lance smacked him in the stomach.

Rachel's grin spread from ear to ear. "Lance!" She scolded him. "Thank you Justin."

"No problem." He kissed her on the cheek and walked away, holding his stomach.Rachel looked down at her outfit. She was wearing black leather pants with silver rhinestones sparkling up the sides of the legs. Her red bandana top glistened in the light. It left just two inches of bare skin on her belly and it was held up by two black spaghetti straps. She felt uncomfortable.

"I look horrible. I think I'm going to change." Rachel complained again, moving to close the door.

Lance stepped in front of it and walked into the bathroom. The door closed behind him. "Did I ever tell you how cute you are when you whine?" He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her eyes widened at his words and she blushed. "Now look." He pointed out. "You have an amazing stomach. It's toned and tanned and beautiful. If you feel that uncomfortable, pull the shirt down a bit. The pants show off your long and shaped legs. Rae, your butt is totally rockin!" He gawked at her in the mirror, laughing.

"See, I don't want to be looked at that way!" Rachel cried, turning away from the mirror. Lance looked over her shoulder, so he could see her butt in the mirror. "Lance!" She smacked his arm.

"I'm just joking!" He grinned, before his voice turned serious. "Rachel, look at you. I mean really look at you. You are beautiful. There is nothing wrong with guys looking at you. They're interested; you could go on a date." Lance smoothed her hair away from her shoulder and rested his forehead against hers.

"Lance, I don't want a date." Rachel whispered. "Thank you for saying all of that though. You gave me enough confidence to go out like this." She turned around and looked in the mirror. "I do look pretty good, huh?" She giggled.

"Promise me one thing though," Lance questioned, holding up his finger. Rachel lifted her eyebrows. "You come home with me tonight?" His husky, deep voice made her heart tremble. She swallowed hard.

"Yeah, of course. I promise. But you have to look out for me all night and hold my hand if I start to get uncomfortable." Rachel held out her hand for him to shake, completing the deal.

"Yeah. It's a deal." Lance kissed the back of her hand and left the room so they could both finish getting ready. Rachel put on her make up. She then curled her hair, spraying it into soft waves, and styled her bangs. She stepped back away from the mirror. "Girl, why does your hair look exactly like Britney's in the 'Drive Me Crazy' video?" Rachel closed one eye, looking more critically at herself. She opened it and closed the other. "You look good though." She laughed and walked out of the bathroom.

Rachel grabbed her shoes and ran out into the hallway. "Are we ready?" She asked the guys nervously, smiling and blushing at the cat calls and surprised looks. 

"I think I can speak for everybody when I say wow! Rachel, you look amazing honey." JC stepped forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Let's party!" Chris yelled, jumping up and down. "Rach. First dance, with me!" He pointed to himself, walking ahead to the elevator.

Rachel blushed again and looked at the ground. Lance walked over and grabbed her hand. As his fingers intertwined with hers Lance whispered in her ear, "Don't be shy and nervous. You're beautiful tonight." She smiled gratefully and squeezed his hand as they walked to the elevator.

Rachel smiled at the thought of Lance's hand around hers, protecting her. That's exactly what he was, her protector. "Everything is going to be awesome tonight." Rachel thought to herself as she stepped on the elevator.

They all had to squeeze in and she was smashed up against Lance. Rachel's back was towards him and he snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Rachel's arms intertwined with his and their hands found each other.

She felt her heart speed up and she leaned her head against his chest. "It's just a friendly gesture. Best friends, nothing more." She found herself repeating over and over again to herself. The doors opened and her heart fell in disappointment.

It started to flutter again when Rachel noticed that he was walking with her to the limousine, holding her in the same way. Lance held her hand and helped her get in the car and sat by her. "Okay, this is all out of making me feel comfortable." Rachel thought to herself.

"Are you feeling more comfortable yet?" Lance asked, concerned.

"Yeah, better." Rachel smiled tightly at him. "I'm just kind of nervous." She lied. Rachel shook her head at the misinterpretation of his actions. "I'm so dumb.
I knew he was just making me feel better!" She scolded herself. "This night better be good." Rachel muttered underneath her breath.
