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Justin and Jc jumped off the bed; Chris and Joey weren't far behind. Joey ran to the door. "Mike! We need help in here!" He screamed in the hallway. If they couldn't break though the door, Mike definitely could. He was one of their biggest body guards.

Lance and Justin braced their shoulders and slammed against the door. Nothing happened. The noise caused by their slamming made Rachel cover her ears and cower closer to the floor. Lance was too upset to do much damage; he stepped aside and let JC try opening the door. The door slammed open and Lance ran in."Lance, what is going on? Why is she this upset? Eminem didn't do anything that was that bad..." Chris trailed off. He didn't understand why Rachel was acting this terrified.

"Shut the fuck up, Chris! You don't even understand!" Lance turned around, screaming at the older man. The other guys shrank back in amazement. Though they would never admit it, they were actually a little scared.

Lance scanned the bathroom quickly, not seeing her at first. He looked around the toilet and saw Rachel cowering beside it, her whole body shaking. Rachel's hands were clamped over her ears and her eyes were shut tight.

Lance touched her knee and she flinched. Rachel slowly opened her eyes and when she saw Lance, the shaking slowly stopped. "C'mon, baby." He held her hand and she scooted out from beside the toilet.

He folded Rachel into his arms and picked her up off the ground. "It's okay. Lance is here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He whispered, soothingly. He tucked his hand farther under her leg, to make sure the towel wasn't open.

Lance carried her out of the bathroom and the guys backed away in amazement. He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. Lance placed Rachel under them and folded the covers up to her chin. He smoothed the wet hair away from her face and kissed her forehead slowly. Lance laid his head down on the pillow next to Rachel and touched his forehead to hers. After a while, Rachel fell asleep. The guys were lined up against the wall. JC and Justin were kneeling and Chris was sitting on the dresser. Joey rested against the wall, his head pressed to it, looking up towards the ceiling. They were all looking everywhere but at Lance and Rachel. It was a private moment and they felt as if they were intruding.

Lance walked over to the connecting door and opened it. He motioned for the others to follow him in. JC left the light on, in case Rachel woke up and got scared. They left the connecting doors open and had Chucky, Lance's bodyguard placed by the hotel room door. Rachel always felt safest when Chucky was nearby.

"Talk, Lance. Tell us what the hell is going on." Joey demanded. He looked up from the floor at Lance.

"It's a long story. Sit down and get comfortable." Lance instructed. He sat on one of the lounge chairs, facing the guys. They all lined up on the side of the bed. He painfully and slowly described that night. Tears dripped off his face, his pain evident.

Rachel woke up slowly, looking around her. She felt safe and comfortable for the first time all night. She climbed out of bed and grabbed her pajamas, changing quickly under the sheets.

Rachel listened to the conversation coming from the room next to hers. She crept towards the connecting door silently and listened. It was Lance's voice. "I couldn't get in. I was going crazy, I could hear her sobbing and screaming. I knew Eric was there, his car was out front. Finally, I remembered the hidden key." She covered her mouth when she heard his sobs and silent tears. "I've never been so scared and angry in my life. I could hear her calling for me. Her voice was so terrified, she was reaching for me. I couldn't get there fast enough. I've never hit somebody before. I've never wanted to kill somebody before."

She looked around the door and saw Lance bent over, tears dripping off his face. Joey was staring out the window, silent tears streaming. JC had his elbows on his knees, his hands covering his face. Justin - the sight broke her heart. He was physically trembling. Justin's anger and pain were written all over his body. Tears were continuously dripping, his nose running. He kept wiping at his face. Chris was staring at the floor, an occasional tear flowed from his eyes. He would impatiently wipe them away. He always hated crying.

These people were her life. They cared about her more than anyone else. This just proved to Rachel how much they loved her and cared for her. She waited until Lance was finished with the story and cautiously stepped into the room.The guys looked up at her. Nobody moving to wipe away their tears, nobody bothering to stop the sobs. Lance got up and stumbled over to her, collapsing in her arms. "I'm so sorry Rae. If I had been there sooner..." Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck. Lance clung to her, burying his head in her shoulder.

After a few minutes of his quiet sobs, they pulled away. "I told you before, don't ever be sorry." Rachel whispered. She leaned forward and wiped away his tears.

The others stood up from their positions on the bed. She pulled away from Lance and walked over to them. Justin stumbled forward and Rachel threw her arms around him. "I'm okay Just. Don't be sad, alright?" She looked into his eyes. He blinked away his tears.

"I'm so angry. How could somebody do that to you?" Justin stared into Rachel's face. It was so brave and confident. How she could be like that amazed him.

Rachel turned towards Lance. "Did you tell them everything? Every single account of it?" She asked, accusingly. She didn't want them to know everything, she felt in someway violated. It was her's and Lance's secret. Now everybody knew every single account from Lance's point of view, not her's.

"Yeah, I did. They deserved to know." Lance hugged himself, looking at the floor.

Rachel took a deep breath. "Sit down guys. We need to talk." The guys sat down on the bed and Rachel started to tell the whole story. This part not even Lance knew about it. He never knew what happened before he arrived Rachel's house that night.
