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Lance spun around in his chair. "Rachel!" He jumped up, surprised. He felt his heart flitter around at the site of her. 'She looks beautiful.' Lance thought to himself, looking at her. Rachel had an old shirt of his on; it was big and baggy. Her boxer shorts showed off her tan legs nicely. Her hair was wet and slightly curly from the shower.

Rachel walked into the room more and stepped into Lance's arms. "I don't wanna leave!" She sobbed into his shirt. She couldn't stand the thought of leaving him and she couldn't imagine living life without him. Her thoughts from the afternoon hit her full force.

"Who said you had to leave, huh? I don't recall anyone saying you were gonna leave?" Lance pulled back, smoothing away her tears. Her soft skin felt like satin under his fingers. The touch mesmerized him and he let his fingers linger.

Rachel smiled up at him. "I don't either." She pulled him against her and hugged his body tightly towards her. Lance rested his chin on her head. He sighed deeply. 'I can never lose her or this.' He thought to himself.

"Will you comb my hair for me?" Rachel asked, pulling back from Lance. When they were little, Lance would always comb her wet hair out for her. It made Rachel feel better and it relaxed her.

She ran back to her room and grabbed her comb. Lance settled himself on the bed against the headboard. Rachel sat in front of him, indian style. He combed her hair in silence.

"Rachel?" Lance questioned, after he was done.


"I just wanna tell you that I'm happiest when you're near me. You know that right?" Lance looked down at the comb, playing with the teeth. Rachel felt her mouth open in shock; her heart filled with happiness.

Rachel twisted around and looked at Lance. She took the comb out of his hand. "I know that, Lance. I'm happiest when I'm near you, I feel safest when I'm with you too." She smiled and held his hand, rubbing the back of it with her fingers.

Rachel kissed his fingers and leaned back against his chest. "Do you think we'll always be together?"

Lance wrapped his arms around her waist. He played with the hem of Rachel's shirt. "I think so. I don't think we can survive without each other." He leaned his head against hers; his deep voice rumbled in her ears.

"I think so too." Rachel leaned her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes. She felt more relaxed at that moment then she had in weeks.Lance's eyes flittered close. His thoughts drifted back to the night before last. He thought of Rachel in her outfit for the party and his mind saw her stomach again. Unconsciously, Lance slipped his hands under Rachel's baggy T-shirt. He softly rubbed her stomach, feeling the hard, feminine muscles.

Rachel's eyes sprang open, surprised by his actions. It felt good to have him touch her in the way he was. Rachel relaxed against him, her eyes drifting closed. His rubbing motions stopped from the horizontal pattern they working in. They moved up and down the length of her stomach. Rachel wasn't scared; she wasn't nervous. She felt safe and in control.

Lance was gentle in his touch. He didn't violate her in any way, never moving higher than her upper abdomen. She sighed happily, resting her hands on top of his.
Lance turned his head, gently rubbing her neck with his lips. 'I shouldn't be doing this. I don't want to stop, though. I want this more than anything.' He thought to himself. He softly trailed kisses up and down her neck."Lance..." Rachel gasped, trailing off. "We have to stop." She turned towards Lance, her face mere inches from him.

"Do we? Do you really want to?" Lance whispered, moving his lips towards her. He gently kissed her cheek, her nose. "Because I know I don't want to. I want this more than I wanted a gold record."

She succumbed to his wishes. He gently kissed her mouth, his hands moving from her stomach. One hand was on her waist, the other on the side of her face. Rachel kissed him back, hesitantly.

Lance pulled back, looking at her. Rachel's eyes were closed. "Open your eyes Rae." Lance smiled. He stroked the side of her face with his thumb. "Can I keep going, or do you want to stop now?"

"No, keep going. I want it too." Rachel whimpered against his lips. She gripped his shirt with her fingers, clinging to him. Lance gently explored her mouth, wanting to imprint this moment into his mind forever. He felt the ground slide away from him, not wanting the moment to end.Rachel gasped; she couldn't believe this was happening. Her insides turned to jelly, shivers running wild inside her stomach and body. It felt like the kiss went on forever, but it ended too quickly. Lance gently pulled away and kissed her softly one last time.

They leaned their foreheads together, smiling. "What did we just do?" Rachel giggled. The door bursting opened interrupted them.

"Lance!" Justin exclaimed. "You have to see - " He stopped abruptly. Rachel was hiding an embarrassed smile behind her hand. She was flushed and breathing heavily. Lance's ears were red and he had his legs crossed.

"Whoops. Sorry! I didn't know..." Justin trailed and turned to leave the room.

"Justin, it's okay. We weren't doing anything." Rachel smiled at him.

"Oh yeah. Sure you weren't. That's why you're all flushed, smiling and breathing heavily. Lance's ears are red and his legs are crossed. I wonder what you two were doing." Justin laughed. "I can't wait to tell the others!" He ran out of the room.

Lance held his laughter in until he left the room. Rachel had her face covered with her hands. "Oh my gosh!" She giggled. Lance made no noise, he was laughing so hard. They were both doubled over in laughter.
