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Don't Fight It chapter two
 A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production
 "How long are you going to be gone?" Rachel whispered into Lance's neck. She
was afraid of the answer. She knew it was going to be a long time. They were
going to be booked solid with dates and appearances until 2001. But they
would be home sometimes.
 "We're going to be gone until the middle of August." Lance said regretfully.
He shut his eyes, praying that she wouldn't be too angry with him.
 He heard her gasp of air. She tightened her arms around him and moved closer
until she was sitting in his lap. "August? Lance, it's only April!"
 "I know. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about it. We're leaving in May.
You're going to come and stay with me for a long time in July. How does that
sound?" Lance tried reasoning with her. He knew he couldn't live that long
without her and he was hoping she felt the same way. They used to be able to
go a long time without seeing each other and they'd be fine. But lately, They
just couldn't do it. They missed each other too much when he was gone for a
 "July?! No way! That's three months away! Can't I come sooner? Please? You
know that we can't go that long without seeing each other." She pleaded with
him. She knew he felt the same way. When *NSYNC was out of the country for a
few weeks at the end of the year, they missed one another too much. He would
call her almost every night and the phone calls would end in tears. It was
hard for her without him there. He was her life, her support. Her best friend.
 "Yeah. You can come sooner than that. How about the entire month of June and
maybe the first part of July too?" He knew that it was still a while away,
but it was the best he could do. "It's the best I can do Rae. You know how it
is. C'mon. Please? Accept this."
 "Yeah. I can do that Lance. It's going to be hard, but we can do it. We'll
only be apart for about a month. It may do us good, we'll get along better
when we're together." She laughed into his neck.
 "Yeah maybe." He laughed along and sighed with relief into her shoulder. He
hated to make her upset. Lately, it was getting harder and harder for him to
not get jealous when the other guys took her out. He didn't know why, but he
was just always jealous of the time Justin spent with her and the time the
others spent with her. She was his best friend, not theirs.
 "Are you ready to go?" Lance asked Rachel. He was at her house early in the
morning. They were leaving for they're new tour and Rachel was going to the
recording studio to say good-bye to everybody. They had spent everyday that
they could together since the scene at Lance's house two weeks ago.
 "No. I'm not, but I guess I have to be. Right?" Rachel complained. Her eyes
were having a hard time opening. She was tired, very tired. She had stayed
over Lance's house until about 3 o'clock in the morning, helping him pack. A
lot of people didn't know that Lance procrastinated about things like
packing. He dragged Rachel into helping him pack everytime.
 The ride to the recording studio was silent. The guys were going to be
leaving by their tour buses. They tried not to fly that much. The fans were
always there and caused a lot of havoc. They wished they could fly more
often; it was much easier.
 Rachel parked the car and got out. Lance didn't move from the passenger
seat. "Are you going to get out of the stupid car?" She asked opening the
door and leaning in.
 He shook his head no. "I don't want to." He wanted to spend a little more
time with her. She sighed and climbed in the car. Slamming the door she
asked, "What is the deal? What? What do you want to say?"
 "I don't know. I know that I don't want to leave you. I know that I don't
want to start all the pressure and all of the sleep deprived days." He paused
before continuing. "I know this is probably harder on you than it is on me.
And, I'm sorry for upsetting you."
 "Lance, I'm not angry. I just want to get this over with, but at the same
time I don't. Because the longer we prolong saying good-bye, the more it
hurts. And, I don't like to feel hurt and pain. But, I want to stay in this
car forever with you. I don't want you to leave me either." She finished in a
whisper, taking his hand.
 They got out of the car and started to walk in the direction of the buses.
Justin ran over with excitement. "Oh jeez. Here we go, it's the 'Hey Lance!
Guess what? We got a new DVD movie for the bus!' While screaming in my face
and jumping up and down." Lance said with sarcasm in his voice.
 "Shhh. Be quiet, he'll hear you." Rachel giggled under her breath. He could
always make her laugh, even when she was at her lowest point.
 Justin ran up to them with a huge smile on his face. "What are you so damn
happy about?" Lance asked sourly.
 "Lance! We got a new DVD movie for the bus!" Justin yelled, jumping up and
down. He always got excited before the tours and the littlest things could
make him happy. He lived for the hype and excitement that surrounded the
 Lance groaned and walked away to the buses to load his stuff. "What's the
matter with him?" Justin asked with a confused look on his face.
 Rachel couldn't help it. The laughter that she had been holding back
exploded. The giggles and gasps of laughter bubbled out of her mouth. Justin
smiled and gave her a big hug. He always loved seeing her laugh, it made him
 Lance looked on from the bus he was about to step onto. Rachel looked so
happy, laughing and smiling. He watched as Justin smiled and took her in his
arms. He face dropped and he started to walk over, he could feel the jealousy
taking over.
 "Lance, relax. She's just saying good-bye to him." JC said, taking ahold of
Lance's arm. He could see the jealousy and disappointment on his face.
 Lance didn't understand why he was feeling this way. He hated seeing her in
somebody else's arms. Maybe it was because he didn't have somebody else to
hug, maybe it was because ... well, he didn't know why he felt that way. All
he knew was that he wanted to be the one to always make her laugh.
 Rachel hugged Justin and swallowed back tears. This was going to be
extremely hard for her; she hated saying good-bye to them. They were her
closest friends. "Justin, I'm going to miss you so much."
 "I know, I'm going to miss you too. Thankyou so much for being there for me
these past couple of weeks. You have no clue what you've done for me." He
told her, kissing her lightly on the cheek.
 "You're welcome. Just don't go picking up any one night stands while you're
on tour. You don't need that kind of love." She said, knowing it would make
him laugh.
 "Of course I won't. Besides, the others would murder me." He laughed. "I
hope Lance knows how lucky he is." He hugged her and gave her another kiss on
the cheek and ran towards the bus.
 She walked up to the other's and gave them all hugs and kisses good-bye.
"You guy's be careful and watch your health. Have fun, but don't do stupid
crap either...Joey!" She instructed.
 "Yes, ma'am!" They saluted and walked on the bus. They all gathered around
the windows to watch the good-bye between Lance and Rachel.
 She watched them get on the bus and turned to look at Lance with tears in
her eyes. "Well, it's time to say good-bye."
 "Don't do this. Please don't cry. It'll make it harder on us." He gathered
her in his arms.
 She wrapped her arms around his neck and wiped the tears off her face. She
glanced up at the windows on the bus and waggled her fingers at the boys.
They ducked down a little farther and she smiled. They always watched her and
Lance say good-bye. "They were always nosy," she smiled at the thought.
 She pulled away from Lance. "Go. Get on the bus; it'll leave." She smiled
through her tears, holding his face between her hands.
 "I love you. Please never forget that." Lance whispered, tears gathering in
his eyes. He couldn't stand it. If he could just hold her in his arms
forever, it would be okay. There was no way he could hold her that long
though, he was leaving. "She's not yours to hold forever." He thought to
 "I know you do. I love you too and I won't ever forget it, if you never
forget it." She said, stroking his cheek with her finger.
 "Can I keep you?" Lance asked. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead
against hers.
 She cried harder, he hadn't quoted that movie in a long time. They saw
Casper together before he was going to go on tour for the first time and he
had whispered those words to her before he got on the bus.
 He kissed her gently on the lips and she trembled under his touch. She loved
the feeling of his lips against hers and she leaned into the kiss. He let his
lips rest on hers for a few seconds longer before pulling away.
 "I have to leave before I do something I'll probably regret." He said,
unwrapping his arms from around her waist.
 "What's that?" She questioned, not moving her position from him. Their faces
were so close together she could see the specks of green and yellow in his
gray eyes. She didn't move from her position and tightened her arms around
 "I'll stay." He whispered, with tears in his eyes. He swallowed, forcing
them back into his heart.
 It was all she could take. She let out a quiet sob and hugged him to her
tighter. He wrapped his arms around her back and picked her up off the
ground. They held each other for a few moments longer before he set her back
down. She kissed him quickly on the lips. When he leaned in for a longer
embrace, she quickly stepped back.
 She kissed her hand and patted his cheek. "Call me when you get there. I
love you." She said, before turning and running away. The months were going
to move so slowly.