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"It seems like my whole life is full of bus rides, planes, and hotel rooms." Justin sighed, dragging his luggage out of his bunk.

"That's because it is, fro boy! You should be used to this!" Rachel walked by, swatting him on his butt.

"Ouchie! Spankyou the wonderful Miss Rae. I will remember that, the next time you complain about being surrounded by boys!" Justin retorted back.

They had arrived at their hotel in New York. "Come on youngin! It's time to Party!" Joey yelled, jumping off the bus. The guys quickly ran into the hotel, followed by Rachel walking slowly and comfortably behind them. She walked into the hotel lounge area.

"I love being able to take my time getting into places! I don't have to worry about fans grabbing at me or anything!" Rachel smiled smugly at the guys dirty looks.

"Eat shit and die." Chris menacingly said. His facade didn't last long, and he broke out into a smile. "I hate you Rachel. I really really hate you!"

"You love me and you know it!" She squeezed his cheeks and kissed him quickly on the lips.

A few short hours later, the boys were waiting for Rachel outside of her hotel room. They were all going out clubbing together, whenever they were in New York City, they partied.

"Do girls always take forever to primp?" JC banged his head on the wall behind him.

"I'd watch your mouth Chasez. You'll be one happy thrustin, girls love me cuz I can move, I like to act like I'm sleepy, but it's really my 'I'm dead sexy' look, boy band member after you see me." Rachel stepped out into the hallway and smiled at the guys.Lance's mouth dropped open and he took a step forward. "Please! Don't even try Mississippi. I look too good for you tonight! It's all about Thrustin' Justin tonight!" Rachel took Justin by the arm and led him down the hallway.

"Lucky bastard!" Lance mumbled under his breath. Rachel looked amazingly sexy tonight. Her tight black leather pants hugged her curves. Her midnight blue cropped tank top hugged her muscular upper body. The front of the tank top was studded with a star in clear gems. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail and her make up was lightly dusted on. She looked fantastic.

"Remind me never to come with you guys clubbing again!" Rachel groaned, as she sat down at a small table.

"Why's that?" Justin glanced up from his drink to her.

"Ya'll wear me out!" He snorted with laughter and took a swig of his drink.

"Let's dance!" He stood up, and held his hand out to her.

"No way! I'm sitting this one out! Go find a Bambi, or a Barbie or something. There are plenty of girls sitting around here." Rachel waved at the room full of girls.

Justin picked a girl and walked her out towards the floor and started dancing with her. He looked over the girls shoulder and mouthed "Bambi" at Rachel. Rachel exploded into giggles and surveyed the scene in front of her. JC was talking to the DJ, Joey was surrounded by four girls. Justin was dancing with Bambi, Chris was at the bar, ordering another drink. Lance was... well, she couldn't find Lance. As if by magic, the crowd parted and she found him. Rachel gasped in horror and stared bluntly. There was a very provocatively dressed girl that was draped all over him. He looked like he was enjoying it, too. She turned around and rubbed up against him and Rachel gasped again. Not only was she provocatively dressed, she had rather large proportions. The song was over and another started up.

A guy walked over to Rachel and she waved him away. Right after the man walked away, another guy came over. Rachel waved him away also and sighed.

'Okay guys. You can come back anytime now!' Lance started the second dance with the girl and this time it was he who was draped all over her.

'This is lovely.' Rachel thought, sourly.

Justin walked over to her. "You sure you don't wanna dance?"

"No, I don't wanna dance!" Rachel snapped. Justin backed away in surprise, hurt by her outburst. "I'm sorry J. Would you look at that!? How disgusting!" Rachel grunted, pointing over at Lance and the girl he was dancing with. Justin followed her finger and gasped.

"Umm..." He stammered. "He's just having fun Rae..." Justin trailed off when he saw the look of fire in her eyes. That look was directed at him. "I'm sorry?" He questioned, not knowing if he should apologize or not. Rachel nodded and patted the seat next to her. Justin sat down and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Can we just get outta here?" She questioned, softly.

"Yes, of course. I'm about ready to leave too." Justin yawned dramatically.

"Right! Thanks for humoring me though Jus." Rachel patted his shoulder and they stood up together. They found Joey and explained that they were going back to the hotel.

"Do you wanna stay and keep me company?" Rachel asked, when they were in the elevator.

"Sure. I'll stay with ya until Lance gets back. Sound good?" Justin offered, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her.

"Yup! Very good. We can order a movie off of pay per view."

"Movie? Pay Per View? Does content matter?" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

Rachel groaned. "I walked right into that one, didn't I?"

"Uh huh. You know it!" They had arrived at Rachel and Lance's hotel room. Justin unlocked the door and gestured for her to go in. "That really bugged you about Lance at the club, huh?" Justin laid down on the bed. Rachel looked down at him.

"Yes, it did. I hated seeing that floosy all over him. It's not fair. Not once did he ask me to dance. I don't understand why."

"Floosy? Did you pull that out of the roaring twenties?" Justin smirked at her.

Rachel turned away from him. Everytime, she wanted to discuss something serious, she was either blown off or made fun of. She was sick of it. Justin pulled her arm, and turned her around. "I'm sorry. I was just joking around."

Rachel sat on the bed, her back still towards him. "It's okay. Listen, I'm really tired. I'm just going to wash my face and then go to bed. Do you wanna spend the night in here?"

"Sure. I'll go get my stuff and everything and I'll be back here." Justin stood from the bed, grabbing the key on the way out. "Rae?" He asked, timidly.


"I'm... I'm really sorry. I know how you feel and I'm treating you the way I hate to be treated. I was making fun of you when you wanted to be serious, and I'm sorry."

Rachel stood up from the bed and walked straight towards him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. "It's so hard sometimes. I hate it." She whispered.

He tightened his arms around her back and kissed the top of her head. "I know, it's rough all over Rach." Justin pulled back and looked down at her. "Just know, that you're not the only one."

Later, Justin and Rachel were laying in bed watching a movie. "I'm so tired. Can we turn this off yet?" Justin whined to Rachel.

"Yeah, of course. The movie is dumb anyway!" Rachel reached over and snapped the light off. She curled up against Justin and he stroked her hair with his fingers.

The door slammed shut and Rachel jumped up. She looked over at the clock and saw that hours had passed since her and Justin went to sleep.

"What the hell is this?" Lance asked, waving his hand at her and Justin.

"Shhhh! You'll wake him up!" Rachel shushed Lance. "This is nothing. We're sleeping and you woke me up. Either quietly go to sleep in the other bed, or find another hotel room. Justin's room key is sitting on the dining table." She jerked her head over towards the little table that sat by the window.

Lance took a sharp intake of breath. "What is your problem? Why did you leave without telling anybody?"

"It's late and I'm tired. I'm not going to argue with you this late at night. Decide now. Stay or get out."

"Fine!" Lance snapped, grabbing the key off the table and walking out of the room.

The door slammed behind him, waking Justin up. "What was that?" He murmured, incoherently.

"Nothing, sweetie. Go back to bed."

"Is Lance here? Do you want me to leave?"

"No, no. Go back to sleep, all right." Rachel gently kissed his forehead and ran her hand through his curls. Her other hand stroked the back of his hand. Rachel was too tired and too drained to even care about the events that just took place with Lance.
