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Lance thought his words would make Rachel talk; to explain herself. It didn't, it forced her farther away and made her more upset. One side of her heart was telling her to ignore her fear; to go for the love she only knew. The other side was telling her to leave, to get far away from that love. It was too hard.

The sun peeked through the window and Rachel could feel the sunlight poking at her eyeballs. She groaned and rolled over, forcing herself awake. She sighed and sat up. Her eyes hurt and she could feel them becoming puffy. Rachel looked around her and giggled in spite of herself. She had fallen asleep on the floor and the last thing she remembered was Lance leaving the room. At the thought of Lance, her eyes automatically sprung with tears.

The door burst open and Justin with a mysterious girl strode through it. "What the hell are you doing and why are you here in my room so early? Yeah, my room. That is the key word, my room. You just came in here thinking it was yours or something." Rachel flopped on the bed and sighed at the softness of it.

"Rae, come one. Get up, we need to talk and you have some explaining to do." Justin ordered.

Rachel rolled her eyes, he sounded just like her father. She lifted her head off the pillow and glared at him. "Get out!" Rachel closed her eyes again and welcomed the darkness. She felt the bed lift up and rise underneath her and the next thing she felt was the hard welcome of the floor. The blankets and sheets were tangled around her and she couldn't sit up.

Justin laughed at the sight of her flailing arms and legs and the blankets becoming more and more tangled.

"Justin, it's not funny! I'm going to kill you, when I get outta here Froboy, so start running." Rachel grumbled. A few minutes later, the sheets and her had finally come untangled.

Justin gawked at the state she was in. Rachel's hair was all over the place, and her make up had ran all over her face. She knew what the look on his face was for and it made her anger glow even more. "You are a bastard child." Rachel stood up on the floor and stomped her foot on the floor. "GET OUT!" She screamed, ready to throw a childish temper tantrum. The girl that was with Justin stepped forward, holding Justin's hand. "Who the hell are you and what do you want? Did you come as his bodyguard. Well, let me warn you sweetie, there's not much to guard let me tell you. If you can catch my drift." Rachel sneered at Justin. She smiled at the look on Justin's face. The shock and surprise of such a mean comment was evident on his face. "Aww, what's the matter Tennessee? Did I hurt your pride?"

"Okay, that is so enough. Would you just be quiet and listen to me for once." The girl spoke up.

Justin balked at her bravery and Leslie glared at her.

"Maybe. If I know who you are!" Rachel argued.

"I'm Leslie." The girl snapped back at Rachel.

"Oh..." Rachel trailed off. "Then, you know what I'm going through?"

"Yeah, I do. Justin can you excuse us?"

Justin left the room quietly. Leslie grabbed Rachel's hand and led her to the other bed. "I'm really sorry about that. I'm just so... so..." Rachel let out a frustrated growl, not being able to describe her feelings.

"Yeah, I know. There is no need to apologize. Let's have some girl talk, sweetie." Leslie patted her leg.

Rachel hesitated. She felt like she knew Leslie from everything Justin had told her and she'd even spoken to her a few times. But, (hehe Mir) she was a private person and she didn't regularly spill her feelings. Leslie sensed the hesitation. "Rae? I know you don't trust me very much. But can I just offer some advice?"

"Sure. I don't have anything to lose."

"You told Justin to forget about his insecurities, to let go of his heart. You told him that it was better to love and lose than to never have loved at all. Am I right? You showed him how to be brave, please in this moment, do the same." Leslie grabbed her hand. "I know it's hard, believe me I do. I saw Justin's fear and it was so strong, I almost smelled it. But ya know what? Part of the fear that I could smell, was mine too. I know you're scared shitless. I can guarantee you that Lance is too."

"That doesn't solve anything." Rachel mumbled.

"Yeah, it does. It shows that you're not in this alone. You may be shutting out a romantic relationship. But if you keep shutting yourself off from him, then you're going to destroy your best friend and in the process, destroy yourself as well. Don't do something you don't wanna do." Leslie smiled at Rachel.

"Thank you Leslie. I'll think about some things, but for now, I just wanna be left alone. Please make sure nobody disturbs me."

"Sure thing, Sweetie." Leslie was half way to the door, when Rachel called her back.

"I'm really glad you're here and it's awesome finally meeting the girl who stole Justin's heart." Rachel stood from the bed, and Leslie rushed forward to hug her. Both girls knew, there would be a bond between them.
