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Lance groaned and rolled over. He stuffed the pillows of his head to try and
drown out the sound of the knocking. "Go away!" He yelled at the door.

"Lance!" The voice was muffled. He knew who it was but, he didn't want to get
up and open the door. What he wanted to do was sleep. The person wasn't
letting him win though. "Get up and let me in!"

He huffed and trudged out of bed. He threw open the door and scowled at her.
"What the hell do you want?! What time is it?" He growled.

"It's 10:30 in the morning. We're going shopping." They were in New York
City. There was no way that Rachel was leaving this city without shopping. It
was her favorite sport. "Nice pants by the way. What? No shirt!" She gasped

He looked down at his striped cotton pajama bottoms and his shirtless chest.
"Just great." He chuckled to himself. He was glad that he wasn't shy about
his upper body or around Rachel.

"How are we pulling this off again? I don't want to go with Chucky." Lance
said, referring to his body guard. He laid down in the bed again and started
to pull the covers up over his head.

"Oh, no you don't!" Rachel laughed, pulling the covers back down. "I already
talked to Chucky. He's going to stay out in the car while we shop. I told him
that we would be fine, we're in New York! These people see celebrity's
everyday. Then, I told him that if some nine year old girls wanted to attack
you that it would be fine. You'd finally get yourself a date." She laughed at
him. They always teased each other about their dating lives.

He sneered at her. "Oh right. Look who's talking, Miss 'Hi Justin! I'm over
here!' While jumping up and down and giggling." He sauntered over to the

Rachel's mouth flew open and she stormed after him. He never talked to her
that way and what the heck is that supposed to mean? She threw the door open
and he jumped in surprise.

"What the hell is the matter with you Rachel?! I'm taking a leak!" He
shouted, turning his back.

"Oh please! It's too small to even notice. Don't ever talk to me that way,
like I'm a teeny bopper. Get ready, you loser. We are going to shop all day
long! Hurry up!" She yelled and slammed the door shut. She went down to the
main entrance and nodded at the other's.

"Ooh boy! Looks like Lance just felt the wrath of our wonderful Rachel!"
Justin laughed. His eyes followed her out to the entrance and watched as she
climbed in the car and shut the door. A few minutes later, Lance walked by.
He had his sunglasses on and he didn't look too happy.

"Where are they going?" Joey asked, slightly interested.

"Shopping. Duh. Can't you tell by the look on their faces. Rach has one of
determination. Lance has one of pure torture." JC laughed, getting up from
the table. He was going back to his room to call Diana, his girlfriend of
three years.

"Ooh! Lance, look at this!" Rachel held up a cute tank top. It had
rhinestones sprinkled around the top and sunflower's placed along the chest
area. It had spaghetti straps. "I'm going to try it on!" She said excitedly.

"Wonderful." He sighed unenthusiastically. He hated shopping, but he was
having fun. Rachel and he hadn't been shopping in a long time. They hadn't
hung out in a long time. He had to admit all the stuff she bought looked
fantastic on her and he loved spending money on it all.

"Excuse me? Are you Lance?" A little girl asked cautiously tugging on the
bottom of his shirt.

"Hi there. Yes, I'm Lance. What can I do for you, pretty lady?" He asked,
smiling. He adored little kids. He knelt down so he was eye level with her.

She smiled shyly and turned around "YEAH! IT'S HIM!!!!" The little girl
yelled to a pack of girls clustered together at the front of the store.

"Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing." He smiled at her through his
tight lips. "Like the day couldn't get any more fun." He thought to himself
as the pack of girls rushed at him.

He signed their autographs and took pictures with them. After a few minutes
Rachel came out of the dressing room. "I didn't like it." She said
disappointed. "I'll find something better."

"You always do." He answered back in the same singsong voice. "Meet my new
found friends." He gestured at the fans.

"Hello Lance's new found friends." She smiled at them shyly. She was always
cautious around his fans. It threw her off guard. She never thought of Lance
as a famous person, he was her best friend. The one who wiped away her tears
and hugged her when she didn't feel good. He knew her inside and out. These
girls didn't know him like she knew him. Nobody did.

All of a sudden a whole rush of girls came in the store. There wasn't just a
couple, there was about twenty of them. The store wasn't that big either.
Rachel realized this just as the girls reached them. "Lance." She stepped
forward and touched his arm. "I think we should go now."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's go. I'm sorry ladies, but we must continue
shopping. Enjoy your day and we'll see you on tour." He smiled and started to
walk away. He didn't walk fast enough and just as they reached the counter
the girls rushed up to them.

"Oh my gosh! Lance! I love you! Will you go on a date with me! Oh my God!!
It's Lance! Where's Justin!" The girls shouted at them from both sides.

"This is pure hell." Rachel thought miserably to herself. She grabbed Lance's
hand out of her anxiety. She didn't like this, she had a bad feeling.

All of a sudden the shouts of having Lance's baby and dating Justin turned to
new shouts. "Are you his girlfriend? Are you going to get married? I love
him! You can't date him!" These questions were being thrown at her and they
weren't being nice. All of a sudden they were pressing closer until they were
pushed up against the counter. The fans started to touch her, some poking and
pulling on her clothing. It was as if Lance wasn't even there.

"Lance..." Rachel whimpered. She was terrified. Some, of these fans were
getting angry and calling her names. Names that made tears appear in her
eyes. She had never been called these names before. Lance quickly stepped in
front of her. He tried to ignore the names, but he was quickly becoming
angry. Rachel didn't deserve this and he wasn't going to stand for it.

He turned around and picked her up in his arms. He lifted her up over the
counter and placed her behind it. He looked at the saleslady and smiled
uneasily. "I need you to call Chucky on the cell, okay baby?" He directed to
Rachel. "Miss, if you could please call the security or police, I would
appreciate it. This is getting out of control." He asked politely as more
girls poured in opening of the store.