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 Rachel sniffled and shuffled into the back lounge area of the bus. It was a couple of days after Lance and her had made up. Things were still a bit awkward between them, but she was feeling better about the situation.

Rachel sneezed and coughed as she reached the door. She had gotten a sinus infection the other day. Needless to say, she was miserable. Her throat hurt her, her head hurt her, and her nose was all stuffed up. She felt like her head was detached from her body, and it hurt to think even.

"Hey guys." She sniffled to the boys. They were all sitting around the couch talking. "Whatcha doin'?" She shuffled into the room."Aw, poor Rachy. Come sit down, Baby." JC patted the seat between him and Lance. "We're playing Random, play with us."

She situated herself on the couch and snuggled up against Lance. She leaned her head back against his chest and he wrapped his arm around her waist. He gently kissed the top of her head and she smiled. "What's Random?" She asked.

"It's like 20 questions, but Joey thought of the name Random. One of us asks a question directed to somebody or directed to everybody and they answer it. It's just something to pass the time. We're going to be on this baby for like six hours today." Chris explained. Sometimes, they just got tired of reading, watching television, sleeping and listening to music to pass the time. These were the times the guys cherished most. It helped them stay in touch with each other and stay grounded. It also helped them think about things other than the music business and the hectic schedules they lived with everyday.

"Okay, I'll play." Rachel groaned as her head began to throb. "I wish this would go away." She moaned. Lance gently began to play with her hair, knowing it would make her feel better and make her relax more.

"I'll start!" JC said, sitting forward and rubbing his hands together. "I'll ask Rachel. Who do you think is the sexiest one of us all?" He wiggled his eyebrows around and grinned devilishly.

She burst out laughing. "I cannot answer that question. It's not fair. I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings or anything."

"Nobody is going to be hurt. Just because you think one of us sexier than the other one. There are tons of other girls who think I am sexier than Justin." Joey tried to convince her.

"Riiight." Justin laughed. "I bet there is. Nobody can resist the charms of this fine piece of meat." He said proudly, pointing to his chest.

"That's right. Meat is exactly right. I'm glad you know what you are, Thrusty Justy." Rachel laughed. "Okay, Okay. I think the sexiest member of this group is..." Her voice trailed off as she looked around the room. "Busta!"

"Aww! Come on! Answer the question Rachel!" Chris shouted, stamping his foot. He was throwing a mock tantrum and she knew he wouldn't stop until she answered the question.

"Alright. Umm.." She chewed on her thumbnail, worried about what the other's would feel. Lance looked around, knowing who the answer was going to be. "Well, you've all got that certain sex appeal. But, you didn't ask that. So, the sexiest one of you all is JC. Hands down, JC!" She exclaimed. "There, are you happy now?!" She looked around the room, her face red with embarrassment.

JC grinned wildly. "I knew it. I told you guys that I'm the sexiest one." He pumped his fist in victory.

"Now wait a second, Mr.Thug Appeal. I didn't say that nobody else was sexy." Rachel stopped JC's victory with her hand on his shoulder. "JC, you are sexy because you have this masculinity about you. You can melt a girl with one little wink or a certain dance move. But Justin. Now, if you wanna talk about sexy, take a look at those hands and the pelvic thrusts on that boy. I don't even wanna get started on the beat box."

Justin looked down at his hands and smiled. They were his favorite body parts and he was proud of them.

"Joey is sexy in the way that he'll just bust out with this really sexy move at the most unexpected moment. He's a huge teddy bear, he gives girls tons of attention. That's sexy all by itself. Chris is sexy in his wittiness. Every girl loves humor and it's incredibly sexy the way he gets into his dancing so much." She smiled at everybody.

"What about Lance?" Chris suggested, looking over at her.

"Umm...Lance's voice is sexy all in itself. Y'all never let him sing, so when he does, it's heaven. He can level a girl with those lazy, shy, beautiful eyes. He doesn't think he's sexy at all, which makes him even more sexier. His hair has that beautiful, soft glow about it. He speaks quietly and innocently. He has that homegrown, down home southern drawl. He can level a girl with his smile..." She gazed beyond the others, almost as if she was looking into her heart, as she trailed on and on about Lance's beauty.

"Uhh, Rach?" Justin cleared his throat. "You can stop now..." The others looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect all of that. Lance's eyes grew in shock and he hid his smile with his hand.

Rachel laughed and sighed in embarrassment. "I told you guys I didn't want to answer that question!" She shook her head and hid her face with her hands.

Lance took her hands away from her face. "Don't be embarrassed. I find myself quite sexy too." He chuckled, hoping to make her feel better.

She squeezed one of his hands and he gently rubbed it. "My turn!" She yelled. "Justin, why are you so scared of love?"  She was hoping to make him admit his feelings for Leslie.

"I'm just scared of being hurt. Of losing my best friend to love. Of losing her friendship if we do develop more, and then break up. I know that you want me to talk to Leslie about this, Rae. I will, in time. I promise." He nodded his head towards her.

"Speaking of love, why don't we talk about that?" Chris suggested, looking knowingly at Rachel and Lance.

Rachel swallowed hard. Lance looked at Chris and was telling him to not go there with his eyes. The others were looking at each other, praying that nothing bad would happen with this question.

"How come you guys don't try love again?" Chris asked, staring at them intently.

Rachel felt her breathing pick up and she felt Lance freeze beside her. "That's none of your business Chris!" Rachel snapped at him. "We have our reasons for not getting involved again, and it's our reasons. Ours. Not for you to know, or Justin, Or JC. Nobody. Okay?"

"Why can't you answer the question? Why are you so afraid of love, Rachel?" Justin quietly asked, his eyes shifting from the floor to Rachel.

Rachel snapped her head in his direction and glared at him. "I know what I'm afraid of and I know why I'm not answering the question. Alright? It's my personal, private life. My business." She refused to let her guard down and discuss her true feelings. Talking about what happened, talking about that night, it hurt her too much and it dredged up horrible feelings that she wasn't ready to deal with.

"Rae, you have to face it sometime." Lance quietly told her. He knew she had to deal with it to move on her life and in her heart.

"Shut up Lance! Why are you so scared of a relationship with me? Huh? Why don't you answer that question!" She growled at him, moving away from his chest. She knew his reasons for not wanting to start something again. They both knew each other's reasons and that's why they didn't talk about it. It was already known. There was no reason for repeating things that were already of knowledge.

"You know why." He glared at her, angry that she would bring that up to him.

"Yeah exactly! We both know why we don't start something with each other, you guys. So let's just leave it at that. Alright?" She pleaded with the others. Her head was beginning to pound again. "Look, I'm going to go lay down. My head is really starting to hurt again." She shifted against Lance and got up. Rachel turned and looked one last time at him, daring him to say something else to her.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. He knew he had gone to far with what he said to her about coming to terms with what happened.

She smiled at him. "I know." Rachel answered and left the room.
