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Writer: Tami
Story: The Kiss
Written for: YONNI!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production

"Are you ready, Yonni?" her sister asked her.
"No, are you kidding me! I don't even know why I'm so nervous. Why am I
so nervous? this is just my best friend. Oh, but he's so cute. No, he's
not. He's just Lance. The Lance that I've known for a long time now. I don't
like him. Oh, God. He's here." Yonni babbled on nervously.
She did that when she got really nervous. Lance was her best friend since
she was in grade school. They had lived next door to each other in
Mississippi. A couple of month after Lance relocated in Orlando Florida to be
with his singing group, Yonni had moved there too with her family. Her dad
had relocated for his job, and Yonni thought she could pursue her dance
career more. She didn't though, she had gotten sick and tired of the petty
competition of it between the girls in her class, and had been turned off
from it since. She still loved to dance though, just not competitively. She
was a beautiful girl with deep green eyes, and light brown hair that fell to
her shoulders, and ended in soft curls. She wore glasses, and soon after she
met Chris from Lance' group they realized they had matching pairs. She had
become close with all the guys, but never as close as she was with Lance.
"Girl! Chill out. Breathe. He's at the door." Her sister yelled at her
Lance walked in the house, as he usually did. The moment he spotted yonni
he opened up his arms and swept her into a big bear hug. He lifted her up off
the ground and spun her around. When he sat her back down again, he leaned
down to kiss her cheek.
"I've missed you so much, yonni." He told her whispering.
"I've missed you too, Spiky." She told him affectionally referring to his
nickname she gave him.
Before she knew it, he had hugged her again.
"I don't want to let go." He told her with love in his voice.
"Lance, stop being a baby, come on. We're gonna miss dinner, and the
movie." She told him nervously.
On the way back from the movie they were laughing and joking around like
they hadn't been separated for 3 months. Lance had put on some chapstick,
because he had a nervous habit of constantly licking his lips, and he had
made them chapped.
He was complaining because the chapstick was the liquid kind, and he
didn't like it. He had turned around to look out the window to get over into
the other lane.
"Lance, why don't you look in your rearview mirror? Wait, where is your
rearview mirror?" she asked him incredulously.
"Chris had my car for a bit, and Justin was with him, and they were
fighting over a radio station. Things got a little out of control, and they
started to wrestle around, and let's just say something was missing when I
got in the car next." He told her.
"Isn't that against the law to drive without one of those?" she asked.
"Little things, you let little things affect your life." He told her with
mock seriousness in his voice.
They had come to a stop sign and he looked at her laughing. he didn't
understand when she continued to laugh hysterically back.
"what is so funny?" he asked her irritably.
"you--you--" she couldn't breathe. after she took a breath, she
continued. "you have that chapstick all around your mouth."
"well, i can't exactly see to get it off, since tweedle Dee and tweedle
dumb broke my damn mirror." He told her with laughter in his voice.
"Come here, you big baby." She told him giggling.
He leaned over the seat, and she placed one side of her hand on his face,
as she began to wipe off the chapstick around his mouth with her thumb. She
made the mistake of looking into his eyes, and she felt weak to her knees.
She had stopped wiping off the chapstick for a moment, and her thumb had
rested on his lips. He tenderly kissed her thumb, and started to move his
head closer to hers. She waited anxiously, she wanted to kiss him so bad. Her
stomach was full of butterflies, and she was lightheaded. All she could feel
was his hand on her face, and all she could smell was his sweet cologne. He
was wearing Armani, her favorite. All of a sudden a car honked behind them,
scaring them and breaking the almost kiss.
"Dammit." Lance said angrily.
As they drove away, it was all Yonni could do to keep from crying. She
knew that was her only chance and she lost it. She stared at some imaginary
object out the window all the way home. Just as Lance started to turn down
her street he jerked the wheel and went the other way.
"Lance-" She started.
"nope...shh..just wait. It's a surprise." He told her secretly.
She loved him, she knew she loved him. She loved him the first moment she
saw him on the playground at her school. she loved him every year at
valentine's day, when he gave her a card with the message "your my valentine
every day of the year. i just choose to show my appreciation and love for you
on this one day." in it. she loved the way he called her sometimes in the
morning, to just say good morning. even it was 6:00. he used to do that when
they were still in high school together in Orlando, and he hadn't broken the
habit, she hoped he never would. she loved the way he left cute messages on
his machine, or called and left a message on the machine just to tell her a
cute joke. or how he sent her a little note every week with a message of the
week on it. she loved the way he called her his best friend, how he called
her "a carbon copy of him, only with boobs." she loved the way he looked,
smelled, laughed, could make her smile in a drop of a hat, how he could make
her cry with happiness in a second. how he felt, when he held her in his
arms. how he comforted her in his arms. she loved when she could never fall
asleep some nights, and she would call him while he was on tour, and he would
sing her to sleep. most of all though, she loved him because of him.
They had pulled up to the park, that they used to walk in, when they had
bad days.
"oh, lance, you remember. I still come here sometimes, when I'm nervous,
or mad, or scared." She told him.
"of course I remember. how could I forget? I remember all the memories we
have together, and I will remember all the memories we still have to make
together." He said to her caringly.
"Yonni, I have something to tell you. Something I've been dying to tell
you for sometime now." He told her, as they sat down on their park bench
"okay." She said studying the message they had carved into the bench
right before Lance left for his first tour. It said 'Y + L = BFF.'
"I care so much about you, and I don't mean as a best friend either. I
love you, with everything I have. I love the way you look, i love the way you
smell, i love the way you giggle, i love the way you tease me, the way your
always warm no matter how cold it is. how when i hug you, i always feel like
everything in the world is okay, just as long as I'm with you. how i feel
like i can protect you from everything just by holding your hand, how soft
your touch is. how i can stare into your eyes and get lost. the way you say
my name when you get scared, or nervous. the way you squeal when you get
excited. how when i sing you to sleep sometimes, i listen to you breathe on
the phone, cuz if i close my eyes and imagine really hard, i can start to
smell you laying right next to me. I love the way on your answering machine
you say something about me, and how you always have the quote of the week on
it. I just love you, I love everything about you. I love your soul, your
heart, your insides, and your outsides." He finished with
tears in his eyes, and nervousness in his voice.
"Lance. I love you too," she sobbed and threw her arms around his neck.
she told him everything she thought about in the car earlier that night.
"what do you say we finish that kiss?" he asked her.
"yes." She replied.
Just as they were leaning in to kiss each other, an older couple walked
up and asked for the time. They both sighed, and obliged.
As the couple walked away, lance turned to yonni and said jokingly,
"Little things we let things get in the way."
They met in a soft sweet kiss.
The Kiss
It happened so quickly
The world must have shook.
I'd always hoped it would happen
Like it does in a book.

He looked at me softly
and then touched my hair.
I felt so special
Like he really did care.

He leaned over slowly
My heart upped its pace.
Right at that moment
We were face to face.

When his lips touched mine
I thought I would melt.
His kiss was the sweetest thing
I had ever felt.