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Lasting Impression
Chapter 1
Written By: J
A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production
Let's do this Venus Crew Style!

Jayla ran across the street dodging a New York taxicab and entered the large brick building.  She climbed a flight of stairs and walked down the long corridor to her drawing class. On the way, her aqua blue eyes fell on a black and white photograph of a six year old girl. She was looking up into the camera revealing a child like innocence in her eyes. A droopy looking Tulip was clasped in her hands that was displayed in front of a flowered Easter dress. Her dark hair was styled into two pigtails making them fall around her oval shaped face. "Kailena's Flower" Photographed by: Jayla Mackenzie was inscribed on the right corner of the frame.

That was her favorite picture of her little sister, Kailena. She loved her sister and brother, Shawn, dearly causing her to smile. After reminiscing for a few moments, she strolled into the spacious classroom. Approximately 20 easels were set up for the art lesson that day. Her teacher, Madame Moreau, mentioned something about drawing a live subject along with a special guest on Monday.

Jayla was one of the first people there and grabbed a seat in the center of the second row. A few feet way, a cream colored couch with a green apple sat on a platform along with a white coffee mug and saucer that lay at the foot of the couch. The set up looked rather strange since the usual live models sat on stools. She dismissed the thought and retrieved three charcoal pencils from her black bag.

A steady stream of people filtered into the room and took their seats at their easels while Madame Moreau stood at the front of the classroom. Her blond hair was styled into a bun and her tortoise-shell-rimmed glasses delicately framed her ivory complexion. "Good afternoon, class. We have a guest here so I will step aside and let him talk but before I do that, you will be drawing for the entire class time and I want you to use the shading techniques we learned last week. Have fun!" Her voice was light and airy with a French accent from living in Paris for several years.

A man stepped out from his corner of the room. He looked in his early twenties and judging by his attire his job paid him well. "Hello, my name is Lance Bass and I'm from the member of the pop group, *N Sync. You're probably wandering what I'm doing here. Well, our management company is replacing our tour photographer and we are also looking for a cd cover designer. We decided to make a contest out of it. My other band mates are doing the same thing that I am and we will be looking at 100 applicants. We are looking for one person to fit the position but we're willing to choose two people if it's necessary. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be viewing your work so try your best. Seeing as how you may be a potential *N Sync crew member, I'll be your model for today."

An excited chatter was forming as he placed himself on the couch. Now, Jayla was beginning to understand about the whole set up. The contest seemed a bit surreal. 'Why would they want a college student doing the job of a professional?' It didn't make sense but she didn't let it phase her and picked up the charcoal pencil.
