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Lasting Impression
Chapter 11
Written By: Jayla

Jayla nearly fell out of her bunk laughing. An exhale escaped her lips as she tried to gather her thoughts. That had to be the most entertaining conversation she ever had. Her phone began to ring again. 'I really need a new song.' "Hi ho Silver."

"Ha, I think I need a horse."

"My phone plays the theme song to 'Lone Ranger.' Mostly, it's just for kicks."

"I'll bet. I wanted to thank you for my gift. It has to be one of the best presents that anyone ever given me."

"I'm glad you liked it. Believe me, it was no picnic in the park to think of. Anything for my BOYFRIEND."

"So you heard? I have to apologize for Joey. Remind me to kill him later."

"Lance, I heard everything! Your friend is a trip. It was harmless fun."

"What did you two talk about?"

"He pretty much thinks that we're doing the 'Bad Touch' by the Bloodhound Gang. I had to humor him. It's my nature."

"Oh, man. I'm done for. If you knew him like I do, you'd run away. I can't exactly jump off a bus." Muffled voices were heard in the background. "Joe, get away from me! I'm not going to ask her!"

"Poor thing. What does he want?"

"He wants to know if you have a sister or friends to introduce him to."

"Well, there's my little sister, Lena, but she's six."

"Joe, one word: Jailbait." He snickered, "That made him go away. I don't want to give anymore ideas."

"You're so mean. I gotta go though. Call me later, if you can, seeing as how you're this 'big star'."

"Me? Nah. Definitely expect a call from me. Bye, Jay."

"Bye, Lance."

He clicked the phone off and smiled. Joey made a cat call, "Ooh! Scoop has a girlie girl. I think that I should call the other guys and tell them."

"If you do, you're toast!"

"What do you think, Steve?" Joey said looking at his older brother that came on road with them from time to time.

"Joe, I'm thinkin' they should know."

"Then, it's settled." Joey and Steve started tossing the phone back and forth to each other. It suddenly became an arousing game of 'Monkey in the Middle.'

"Give me that phone!"

"Sorry, no can do." He slipped the phone down his pants knowing very well that Lance would never go down that route.

"Dude, that's sick. I wouldn't go down there if my life depended on it."

"Hey, it's April fresh."

Steve got his phone and called Justin's number. "Hey, man. Are the other guys around you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, Joe and I got some news on the albino over here." Steve replayed the entire story to JC, Chris, and Justin and phone conversation with Joey yelling it to him. By that time, Lance gave up and retreated to his bunk.

"Scoop's got a girl? Shut up!" Chris said with puzzled look while Justin waved him off.

"All I have to say is its about time!" JC nodded at his band mates. He knew that Lance deserved someone in his life.

"Joe talked to her? That must have been frightening." He said cradling the phone against his shoulder.

"From what Joe says, she seems like an awesome chick. I mean, he kept bugging Lance about setting him up with one her sisters or friends."

"And?" Justin pressed on.

"Lance said, 'Jailbait.' It was classic. Joe went off sulking." Steve said recalling the situation.

"What's her name?" Chris asked still shocked from the news.

"Did you catch her name?"

"Hey, Joe. Name?" A pause came on the other line of the call.


Jayla was listening from around the corner. She had been exposed now but how long would she be able to keep up the charade? Her plan was beginning to unravel but it might not be so bad if they knew. 'Would it?'

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