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Lasting Impressions 4

Lance's Point of View

I like her but it couldn't be love. Could it? I mean, I just met her for 15 minutes and I knew I felt something. When I think about it, I've never had a relationship that was worth remembering. Sure, there were girls but nobody special. Touring gets lonely and everyone knows that I'm not exactly lucky when it comes to love. Sometimes, I look at couples and envy their happiness wishing that one-day I could be on the receiving end.


He felt like he was meeting the Pope or something. His behavior was not the typical "cool, calm, and collected" attitude people expected from him. Right now, nervous and fidgety seemed to match the feeling in his stomach. Opening and closing the book seemed like to be the only thing he could do to pass the time.

The door swung open and the look on Jayla's face was more than a bit surprised. He couldn't exactly pinpoint that expression but he'd sooner find out. She was definitely a sight for sore eyes after getting lost in New York trying to find this place. His jitters suddenly melted away.

"Um, Lance, what are you doing here?" She noticed his weary behavior and tired green eyes staring back at her. "I'm sorry, where are my manners? Please come in."

"I decided to bring your book back to you except I kind of got lost coming here," He said handing the book back to her. Their fingertips grazed as they felt a sort of electric energy forming between them. "Lost in New York? That's definitely not a good thing. You should have asked for directions. Thank you for bringing this back. I don't think many people would do that." Her aqua blue eyes met his green eyes for the second time that night.

"The problem with that is, I did. It's no problem, I thought you might need it." She turned away from him trying to avoid the smile forming on her lips. "Have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked rummaging in the small kitchen while he took a seat on the couch and noticing the candles and book.

"Water is fine. Did I interrupt something? Cause I can leave-" Jayla handed him a glass of water before sitting on the couch.

"It's okay, I was just vegging; nothing really important going on." He quietly sipped his water not knowing what to say. He put the glass on the table and put his hand behind his head to rest.

"Your place is really nice." He surveyed the apartment; two bedrooms to his right and one to his left that was next to a bathroom and the kitchen and dark room were adjacent to each other. 'Wow, I'm a geek.'

"Yeah, I love it. I guess it kind of helps when you're parents are these huge CEO's of a top company and give you everything that money can buy."

"I sense a bit of hostility. What do they do?"

"Do you know about Mackenzie Industries? It deals with electronics and things of that nature. My parents were never around and they still aren't except for that occasional birthday or family event. My little brother and sister consider their nanny, Bridget, a mom."

"Wow, that must be rough. I couldn't imagine not having my parents around. They are basically my support system in this crazy business. I'd love to meet your brother and sister."

"That could be arranged, Shawn and Kailena love company. Not to fond of the music business, eh?" She propped her head up with her arm letting a few curls to fall on the apple of her cheek.

"That sounds great. In the words of my band mate, JC, 'I love the music but hate the business.' The media, papparazzi, and tabloids, is pretty much what my life entails. The fans are amazing. They support us with love and we thank them for that. This is what the guys and I live for, music and the reaction of the fans. In the end it makes everything worthwhile."

After about three hours of talking about family, music, life, and random things, they were no longer "Lance Bass of *N Sync" or "Jayla Mackenzie, the daughter of CEO's of Mackenzie Industries" but normal people that turned into friends. They had found a common interest in each other, conversation. It was nice to bond with someone despite their different lives and to reflect on what they had.

He checked his watch noticing the time was 10:00 p.m. and stood up from the couch. "Wow, it's really getting late. I had a really great time. Being with you put me at ease somehow, it was definitely something I needed." She got up from her seated position of the couch and stood up on the wooden floor. "The feeling is mutual. We should do this again sometime, it was nice." She started walking and stopped midway towards the door with Lance following her.

"Would you mind if I got your number?" The sound of his deep bass voice sent chills down her spine. She turned around flashing a smile at him.

"Sure," she said while scribbling her number on a piece of paper and handing it to him. "Thanks again for returning my book." She opened the door to let him out before shoving it into his pocket of his jean jacket.

"You're welcome. Goodnight, Jayla."

"Goodnight, Lance." She waved and closed the door behind her. He walked down the hallway of the building and for the first time he was actually giddy. He knew the guys were going to be all over him trying to figure out what happened but he didn't care, he found his dream girl.
