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Lasting Impression
Chapter 7
Written By: Jayla

Jayla clutched her carry on bag and slipped it over her shoulder as people were lining up to board the plane. The week had been hectic for her, between spending time with her brother and sister and planning for the tour she was worn out and it hadn't even started yet. Johnny Wright had been a huge help trying to make everything comfortable for her. Things were going smoothly for now but who knows what adventures she would have to come across.

She grabbed her aisle seat in her first class and waited for the remaining passengers to board. A medium sized manila folder was pulled out of her bag along with a pad of paper as she started working on the gift. Lance never mentioned anything about his birthday coming up until Johnny mentioned that he was going to the Bass's for his birthday while getting everything planned out for her job.

The flight attendant began going over the traditional safety tips in case of an emergency as Jayla watched absentmindedly out of the window. Thoughts of him entered her mind and she was beginning to see him differently. She missed him. The tour was going to be hard on both of them but it would be worth going to all this trouble or so she hoped.

They made a stop over in Chicago to re-fuel the plane so it was time to make her costume change. She headed to the bathroom and pulled out a blond wig, color contacts, and her outfit. The blond wig was styled to hide her dark hair. The honey colored contacts was placed over her blue green eyes. She changed into a pair of khaki shorts and lavender shirt. Jayla had to take a double take in the mirror; she didn't even recognize herself. The next time she would step off the plane she would be Melia Scott from Raleigh, North Carolina.

As soon as she stepped off the plane, the Mississippi weather hit her. She brushed away the perspiration on her forehead and saw Johnny Wright waiting for her.

"Hi, Johnny," she said trying out her southern accent.

"Jayla, is that you?" he asked inquisitively as she nodded.

"That's quite a transformation."

"You're telling me. I didn't even recognize myself. Remember that I'm not Jayla, I'm Melia."

"Right, let's go get your luggage." They headed down towards the baggage claim and grabbed her two bags before heading out to the car.

"So how are we doing all of this?" Jayla said putting her blond hair into a ponytail.

"Well, the guys got two brand new buses this tour so I thought it would make sense if you stayed with Justin, JC, and Chris just so that it would be easier because of Lance."

"Good plan. Now what about the tour?"

"Basically, it's just chill time for the guys. Then they will have a sound check and some more conditioning before the tour kicks off."

"Alright." She settled back into her seat not believing her luck, a great job and a great friendship with a guy she was actually starting feel something towards. Everything seemed pretty surreal. "Where are we going?"

"Lance's house, it's not to far away from here. Plus all the guys are there."

"Give me a little warning next time." A sigh escaped her mauve colored lips as she shifted her position to stare out at the sights that passed by. Twenty minutes had passed as they stopped in front of a white colored two-story house with a light blue trim. A cobble stoned walkway with various types of multicolored flowers framing it.  A small patch of grass lay to the left of the walkway with an apple blossom tree shielding the sunrays of the late afternoon.

A woman with golden brown hair and warm brown eyes opened the door. She smiled graciously; "It's good to see you, Johnny."

"You too, Diane. Diane Bass meet Melia Scott, she's going to be going on tour with us as the photographer."

"It's nice to meet you," Diane said shaking hands with her.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Well, the guys are watching a basketball game in the den. If you'll excuse me, I have some cooking to get back to." She hurriedly walked away to the kitchen as they heard loud cheers and laughs coming from the same direction Diane told them.

"Are you ready?" Johnny asked watching Jayla fidget with her hands.

"As ready as I will ever be," she replied and took a deep breath.

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