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Lasting Impression
Chapter 8
Written By: J

"If my game were a cd it'd be double platinum," Justin said making a fake free throw in the front of the room. Chris watched from his seated position on the carpeted floor and looked up at Justin because he sounded like an idiot. The other guys groaned at the lame comment. "I don't know where you got your game, but I hope you kept the receipt." The guys snickered at Chris's comment. He was always good with coming up with one liners.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet someone," Johnny said trying to get their attention. The guys retreated from their positions on the floor and couch. "This is Melia Scott, she's going to be your new photographer."

"Hi, I'm JC Chasez."

"The guy with no game is Justin Timberlake and I'm Chris Kirkpatrick." Justin smiled sheepishly and turned away.

"I'm Joey Fatone, it's a pleasure meeting you," he said kissing her hand.

"You can ignore the resident flirt. I'm Lance Bass." She stared back at him when he smiled at her before shaking his hand feeling her breath escape her. Her hand dropped from his handshake and looked at the rest of the guys.

"It's nice to meet y'all." Her southern accent came out in perfect pitch. It was a good thing she took acting classes back at NYU.

"Dude, she's hot!" Joey whispered into Lance's ear as he kept looking at her profile.

"Joe, she's not your type." This girl seemed vaguely familiar to him but he couldn't put his finger on it. A thought of Jayla clicked in his head making him realize how much he missed her. He was saddened that she wasn't picked to be their photographer knowing that her talent was better than anyone else's.

"Melia is going to be bunking with you three on the bus," Johnny said gesturing to Chris, JC, and Justin.  They nodded as the buzzer sounded for 3rd quarter to begin. "Wanna watch the Pacers and Sixers game with us?" Lance asked her inquisitively.

"Sure, just as long I don't have to hear about Justin's game." They looked at the blushing 19 year old and laughed.

"I'm never going to live that down, am I?" Justin questioned stretching out on the floor.

"Not as long as I'm around," she smiled and turned her attention to the game as Reggie Miller made a three pointer. They were heading to their first stop in Biloxi, Mississippi and riding on the bus was a bit of challenge. She didn't compensate for the lack of space and privacy that came with it. She was only on the bus for about two hours and managed to squeeze herself into the tiny bathroom to take a breather from being Melia. If it weren't for the closed toilet seat, her blond wig would be a lovely shade of green. Now, she was going to have to keep a close watch on what she was doing. Jayla stepped out just as the bus came to a stop.

Chris's figure popped out of the maroon curtains of his bunk and placed a white Nike visor over his dark spiky hair. He walked briskly towards her with a smile on his face as Justin and JC hopped off. "The concert isn't for two days so we're going to walk around the venue and get the stage set up. Wanna come?" He asked waiting for her response.

"Sure, hold on." She grabbed her camera so that she could a feel for what the scenery was going to be like. "Lead the way." They walked towards the front of the bus and greeted the bus driver, James, before getting off. She flipped the dark shades over her eyes to block the sunlight as they headed over to the coliseum.

"I'll be your Romeo, if you'll be my Juliet." Lance heard Joey say to Jayla. A pick-up line like that will make any girl scream and run away. Except she seemed to be in good nature to Joey's flirty charm and played along.

"I'm pretty sure they die in the end." She told to him slipping the strap of her camera over her shoulder. She stifled a giggle at the puzzled look on his face. "A word to the wise, aim lower. I'm part of the crew now so we couldn't date even if I wanted to. Friends?"

"Deal," he said shaking her hand. "Got any more tips for me?" They walked ahead following the long hallway that would lead to the performance area.

"I think that guy finally found a girl to put up with his flirtatious behavior. God help her," JC said within earshot of Lance. Joey was a ladies-man and he always had a way to get the girl His green eyes were glued onto her while she made conversation with his band mate. For once, being in Joey's shoes wouldn't be half bad about now.

May 9, 2000-6:00 p.m.

The night of the concert had finally arrived. Crew members were seen scurrying off in all directions of the venue with their walkie talkies turned up to the highest decibel. Often times they would be seen talking to themselves when in actuality they had gotten a newly advanced ear piece that that was invisible to others.

As for the guys, they were cooped up in the lounge area of their dressing room for some down time before the festivities began. JC was trying to remain calm but ended up pacing the room to get his blood pumping through his veins for the high intensity of their first concert. In the other corner of the room, Justin and Chris were enthralled in a speedy race to victory with their new video game. Lance was lying on the couch staring at his cell phone hoping that it would be a phone call from a certain someone.  A quick rendition of "That Thing You Do" was played on the white and black drum set by Joey.

Jayla smiled and tucked the manila envelope under her arm as she knocked softly on the door. A round of greetings was directed at her as she walked into the room.  Her camera equipment was placed on the table where a little buffet was set up. She grabbed a strawberry and picked up her equipment before taking a bite. Right before her hand touched the knob of the door, she turned around slowly pretending to remember something. "Okay, which is Lance, again?"

Lance sat up from his leisurely position on the couch and waved at her. "That's me."

"Silly me, I forgot to give you this. Johnny handed it to me on my way in."

"What is it?"

"Beats me. Open it."

He shrugged and opened up the envelope that she handed to him. His once dull green eyes lit up like a bright Christmas tree. A large smile stretched across his face as his friends drew closer to inspect the mystery package."Sorry guys! I gotta run. Have an amazing concert and I'll see you out there!" She ran off towards the stage area.

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