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Some Things Never Change - Lance story
by Sarah
*Some Things Never Change*
*March 20, 2000*
*A Venus Fanfiction Crew Production*


Dear James,
I can see you. Now I sound like a stalker.but then you'll never see this
anyway. Through my window, I can see into your bedroom - the same bedroom
that used to be like my second home. Then you became The Big Man on Campus.
Mr. Roosevelt High. Homecoming king. Captain of the basketball team. Star
quarterback. 4.0 GPA. In fact, you're probably doing homework right now.
You've always been brilliant. Gorgeous. And a talented singer on top of it

Senior prom is next weekend. Of course, you know that by now. You're
probably going with Tina Florian, Star Senior. I hate Tina. Will you forgive
me? She's everything I'm not - beautiful, popular, athletic, talented - and
conceited. But I still I wish I were her.
You don't even look at me anymore - you look right through me, like I'm
not even there. You used to look just for me. But that was before you were a
sophomore and I was a lowly freshman, just entering Roosevelt. Goodbye,

I can't stay mad at you though - weakness of mine. I miss you. You were
the one I could tell everything to. Do you miss me? What am I saying? Of
course you don't. You have made more friends today then I will make in ten
years. I always loved how quickly you made friends. If it weren't for you, I
probably never would have made friends when I moved into the neighborhood.

Mom is calling me. Remember when you used to call her "Mom", too?
Remember when we spent the night on your trampoline, trying to sleep under
the stars - but we were too busy talking? Remember when you took me to see
Hanson, even though you hate them? Remember when you bought me a corsage for
Valentine's Day when we were little? You didn't want me to feel left out
because my older sisters got flowers and I didn't.

Oops, I got lost in the Land of Remember When. Dinner calls - Daddy's
home. I'll just sign this off and stick it under my bed with all the other
letters I've written just for you. Even though you'll never see this.I love

Love always,




Did you know that you squint when you concentrate? I know. I know a lot more
about you than you think. Right now, I see you concentrating on something
you're righting. Probably a note to one of your friends.

I'm so mad at myself for leaving you on your own when you started going
to 'Velt. I was obnoxious, I know, and if it counts for anything - I'm sorry.
Not that you'll read this or anything.

Senior prom is next weekend. Of course, you know that - you're always on
top of everything. I'm going with Tina Florian. I wish I were going with you.
You're everything Tina's not - charming, funny, smart, hardworking, sweet,
friendly.and the list goes on. I don't think you've noticed, because I try to
look away if you see me looking at you, but I've been watching you since
December. I love the way you take care of your friends, and how you adore
little kids and pets. Tina hates kids and animals. She's selfish sometimes.
But I have a "commitment" to go to the prom with her.

Your dad just got home from work, so you'll be eating dinner soon. I
remember when I'd hop the fence to eat dinner with your family when we were
having something better than we were - kinda like a Stovetop commercial. I
remember when you got that TV - your dad and I spent three days in your
bedroom, putting the entertainment center for it together. I remember when I
taught you how to play Nintendo 64, and then you turned around and kicked my
butt from then on. I'm in the Land of Remember When. Do you still call it

I'm hungry. I'm going to go eat something in my lonely kitchen, then go
for a run. Working out always makes me feel better. Goodbye, Jayla. I love
you still, even though I know this paper will only end up in the back of my


Jayla walked, balancing her backpack, camera and lunch. Out of the corner
of her eye, she saw James. Whipping her head around, she saw him - sitting
with Tina, laughing. When he looked up, he didn't even make eye contact with
her. He looked around her, at someone coming towards him. She turned around
and made her way to a table across the room.


James watched Jayla's back as she crossed the room. He still couldn't get
up the guts to talk to her, especially with Tina sitting right across from
him. She was probably still mad at him - and she had a right. Still, he
couldn't help wishing he was at her table, with her friends. Jayla had always
been good relationships.

'She always admired how well I made friends. Too bad I'm not better at
keeping them.' James dumped his garbage into the trash can and left, Tina on
his arm. Some things never change - no matter how much you want them to.

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